The Political Graveyard: Panama (original) (raw)
Aguadulce: Henry Dickson (Consular Agent as of 1880-89)
Almirante: Harry R. Lewis (Consular Agent as of 1947)
Aspinwall (Colón): James Thorington (Commercial Agent 1872-82) — Jack Thorington (Vice Commercial Agent as of 1880) — Robert K. Wright, Jr. (Consul as of 1884) — Henry E. Cooke (Vice & Deputy Consul as of 1884) — J. L. Pearcy, Jr. (Vice & Deputy Consul as of 1897) — Josiah L. Pearcy (Consul as of 1897) — William W. Cobbs (Consul as of 1898-99) — T. S. Flournoy (Vice & Deputy Consul as of 1899)
Bocas del Toro: Walter L. Field (Consular Agent as of 1884) — David R. Hand (Consular Agent as of 1897-1905) — Paul Osterhout (Consular Agent 1908-11) — Thomas J. Mitchell (Consular Agent as of 1926-27) — E. W. Fulcher (Consular Agent as of 1932)
Colón: Victor Vifquain (Consul 1887-90) — George H. Murphy (Vice Consul 1898) — Oscar Malmros (Consul as of 1903-05) — Jesse M. Hyatt (Vice & Deputy Consul as of 1905) — James C. Kellogg (Consul 1905-14) — Lindsey L. Jewel (Vice Consul as of 1914) — William H. Gale (Consul 1914-15) — Julius D. Dreher (Consul 1915-24) — Charles M. Haywood (Vice Consul as of 1917) — T. Monroe Fisher (Vice Consul 1918-20) — Odin G. Loren (Vice Consul as of 1922) — William P. Robertson (Vice Consul as of 1926-27) — George M. Hanson (Consul as of 1926-27) — Charles F. Payne (Vice Consul as of 1929) — William W. Early (Consul 1929-32) — Francis C. Jordan (Vice Consul as of 1932-37) — Robert G. Bailey (Vice Consul as of 1947)
Panama: Thomas Adamson (Consul General as of 1884) — Joseph W. Adamson (Vice Consul General as of 1884) — Victor Vifquain (Consul General 1893-97) — Hezekiah A. Gudger (Consul General 1897-1905) — Felix Ehrman (Vice Consul General as of 1902-05) — Julius F. Tideman (Vice & Deputy Consul as of 1902) — Arnold Shanklin (Consul General 1905-09) — Caspar L. Dreier (Deputy Consul General 1907-08) — Alban G. Snyder (Consul General 1909-20) — Caspar L. Dreier (Vice & Deputy Consul General 1911-13) — Daniel J. Waters (Vice & Deputy Consul as of 1914) — Lyman N. Sisley (Vice Consul as of 1917) — George Orr (Consul 1922-25) — Harry D. Myers (Vice Consul as of 1922) — Harry D. Myers (Vice Consul as of 1926-29) — Paul C. Hutton (Vice Consul 1930) — Willard Galbraith (Vice Consul 1930) — C. Burke Elbrick (Vice Consul 1931-32) — Herbert O. Williams (Consul as of 1932) — Arthur F. Tower (Consul as of 1932) — Adrian B. Colquitt (Vice Consul 1938) — Stuart W. Rockwell (Vice Consul as of 1941-43) — Ellis A. Bonnet (Consul 1942) — Heyward G. Hill (Consul as of 1943) — Robert Rossow, Jr. (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Charles E. Hulick, Jr. (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Harold E. Montamat (Consul as of 1943) — Aubrey E. Lippincott (Vice Consul as of 1943) — James E. Parks (Consul 1943-44) — T. Muldrup Forsyth (Consul 1944)
Puerto Armuelles: Lewis B. Tolman (Consular Agent as of 1947)
Austria: Adalbert Fastlich (Honorary Consul in Panama Canal Zone 1924-29) — August Jacobs-Kantstein (Honorary Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935)
Belgium: J. Henriquez (Honorary Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935-44) — Edward J. Henriquez (Honorary Consul in Colon 1948-59)
Bolivia: Jorge Eduardo Boyd (Honorary Consul General in Panama Canal Zone as of 1929-35)
Brazil: Jorge Arias=Feroud (Honorary Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935) — Pedro Ernesto Arias=Icasa (Honorary Vice Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935)
Costa Rica: Luis de San Simón=y=Ortega (Honorary Consul in Balboa as of 1935) — Enrique Pucci=Paoli (Honorary Consul in Cristobal as of 1935)
Czechoslovakia: Guillermo Elias=Quijano (Honorary Vice Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1950)
Denmark: Colman Sasso (Honorary Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935) — Samuel Levy Maduro (Honorary Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935) — Wladimir Ishoy (Honorary Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1950)
Dominican Republic: Joshua Jesurum=Henriquez (Honorary Vice Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1926) — H. J. Henriquez (Honorary Vice Consul in Cristobal as of 1935-50) — M. de J. Quijano (Honorary Consul General in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935-50) — Mauricio Benjamin Fidanque (Honorary Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935)
Ecuador: Ricaurte Zaval (Honorary Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935)
El Salvador: Ernesto A. Boyd (Honorary Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935)
Finland: Ramon Arias-Feraud, Jr. (Honorary Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935)
Germany: Ernst Neumann (Honorary Consul in Balboa as of 1935) — Walter Scharpp (Honorary Consul in Cristobal as of 1935)
Guatemala: Luis Hernandez (Honorary Consul in Cristobal as of 1931) — Gabriel Barrios (Honorary Consul General in Panama Canal Zone as of 1931) — Tomas Arias (Honorary Consul in Balboa as of 1935) — Tomas Arias, Jr. (Honorary Vice Consul in Balboa as of 1935) — Manuel F. Castillo (Honorary Vice Consul in Cristobal as of 1935-44) — Tomas Arias, Jr. (Honorary Consul in Balboa as of 1944) — Humberto Leignadier (Honorary Consul in Cristobal as of 1944)
Haiti: Max R. Stempel (Consul in Balboa as of 1935-44) — Alfred Joseph (Consul in Cristobal as of 1935) — Manuel José Castillo=Galvez (Honorary Vice Consul in Cristobal as of 1944)
Honduras: Juan Francisco Arias (Honorary Consul in Balboa as of 1931-35) — Ramón Garcia=de=Paredes, Jr. (Honorary Vice Consul in Cristobal as of 1931-35)
Mexico: Silvio Salazar (Honorary Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935) — Juan Manuel Salazar (Honorary Vice Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935) — Nabor Sáenz=Rubio (Honorary Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935) — Ricardo Sainz=Rubio (Honorary Vice Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935)
Netherlands: Julio A. Salas (Honorary Consul in Cristobal as of 1935) — D. M. Sasso (Honorary Consul General in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935)
Nicaragua: Roberto Feuillebois (Honorary Consul in Cristobal as of 1935)
Norway: Thomas Jacome (Honorary Vice Consul in Ancon as of 1935) — Alan Neave Dodd (Honorary Consul in Cristobal as of 1950)
Peru: Enrique Garcia=Bedoya (Honorary Consul General in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935)
Spain: Francisco Andrade=Polanco (Honorary Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935)
Sweden: Julio A. Salas (Honorary Vice Consul in Colon as of 1935) — Rudolf Bierman=de=St. Malo (Honorary Consul in Panama Canal Zone as of 1935)
Honorary consuls in U.S. territories representing Panama
Aguadilla, P.R.: Matias Vidal (Honorary Consul as of 1921)Jorge Silva=y=Sapia (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Anniston, Ala.: James A. Glass, Jr. (Honorary Consul as of 1950)
Arecibo, P.R.: Vicente Barletta (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Atlanta, Ga.: John Ashley Jones (Consul 1920-35)
Baltimore, Md.: James F. Ferguson (Vice Consul 1905-07)Abdiel Arias (Vice Consul as of 1921)H. T. Maxwell (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1921)Ricardo Martinelli (Honorary Consul as of 1935)William F. Volmerhaus (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)
Berkeley, Calif.: Gonzalo Sosa=Dutari (Honorary Consul as of 1935)José A. Barrelier (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)Asa Brunk (Honorary Consul as of 1950)
Birmingham, Ala.: Clyde E. Posey (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Boston, Mass.: Melvin Maynard Johnson (Consul 1917-22)Alfred R. Shrigley (Honorary Vice Consul 1920-35)Antonio José Sucre (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Charlotte, N.C.: Edwin L. Jones (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Chicago, Ill.: Antonio Navarro (Vice Consul 1920-22)Bert W. Caldwell (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Cincinnati, Ohio: Pablo Arosemena=Pinilla (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Cleveland, Ohio: Thomas J. Owens (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Dallas, Tex.: John A. Prather (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)Robert Burgher (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Denver, Colo.: Edwin L. Apperson (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Detroit, Mich.: Louis James Rosenberg (Honorary Consul 1923-49)Louis James Rosenberg (Honorary Consul General 1949-51)
Dubuque, Iowa: John Rider Wallis (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Fort Worth, Tex.: L. T. Rogers (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Galveston, Tex.: A. A. Van Alstyne (Consul as of 1921)Robert L. O'Brien (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Glendale, Calif.: Alfredo O. Boyd (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Gulfport, Miss.: Burwell Richards (Honorary Consul as of 1914)Max Rowland (Honorary Consul 1914-35)
Hampton Roads, Va.: Paul Richman (Honorary Vice Consul 1934-36)
Hilo, Hawaii: Reginaldo F. Guard (Honorary Consul 1906-22)
Honolulu, Hawaii: Augusto Márquez (Honorary Consul 1910-22)
Houston, Tex.: S. W. Heald (Consul as of 1935)
Jacksonville, Fla.: Emilio Carles (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Kansas City, Mo.-Kan.: Loren O. Booram (Consul 1910-29)
Lexington, Ky.: George Hamilton (Honorary Consul 1917-35)
Long Beach, Calif.: Enrique Halphen (Honorary Consul as of 1935)Esperanza Iris Cooper (Honorary Consul as of 1950)
Los Angeles, Calif.: James Moorkens (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1914)Tomás L. Duqué (Honorary Consul as of 1914)Antonio Orfila (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1921)Adolfo de la Guardia (Honorary Consul as of 1935)Eduardo de la Guardia (Honorary Consul as of 1935)Roberto Van Hoorde (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)Amira M. de Lano (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)Sara Morales=de=Davidson (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)Juan Francisco Arias (Honorary Consul as of 1950)
Manila, Philippine Islands: E. C. Ross (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Mayagüez, P.R.: Enrique Gomez (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)
Miami, Fla.: B. Howard Brown (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Mobile, Ala.: Miguel Alvarez (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1914)Julio Zambeta (Consular Agent as of 1921)A. H. Diaz (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)
Monrovia, Calif.: Olivia de Conway (Honorary Consul as of 1950)Eglantina de Peña (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)
National City, Calif.: Guillermo Patterson (Honorary Consul as of 1950)
New Orleans, La.: Nathan Eisenmann (Honorary Vice Consul 1912-22)Dario Felix Ballina (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)
New York, N.Y.: Carlos Carbone, Jr. (Vice Consul 1919-22)Manuel de Obaldia (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)
Newport News, Va.: W. E. Barrett (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1921-35)
Norfolk, Va.: John D. Leitch (Honorary Consul as of 1914-21)Armando Carles (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Oakland, Calif.: Agustin Alberto de la Guardia (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)Manuel Jácome (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)
Pasadena, Calif.: Salvador C. Navarro (Honorary Consul as of 1935)Rogelio Preiado (Honorary Consul as of 1950)
Pensacola, Fla.: Leopoldo J. Castellanos (Honorary Consul as of 1921-22)
Philadelphia, Pa.: Wilfred H. Schoff (Vice Consul 1904-22)Carlos Berguido, Jr. (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Pittsburgh, Pa.: Jorge E. Amador (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Ponce, P.R.: Matias Vidal (Honorary Consul as of 1914)Manuel de J. Vidal (Honorary Consul 1920-22)Edelmiro Huertas=Zayas (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Port Arthur, Tex.: W. H. Gilliland (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Portland, Ore.: Lawrence Walter Hartman (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Providence, R.I.: José López=García (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
SAINT Louis, Mo.: Joseph S. Ergas (Honorary Consul as of 1928-35)
SAINT Thomas, V.I.: Isaac Paiewonsky (Honorary Consul as of 1921-35)Mauricio S. Sasso (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)
San Bernardino, Calif.: Manuel M. Diaz (Honorary Consul as of 1950)
San Diego, Calif.: Alexander Morrice (Honorary Consul as of 1914-21)Eric George Barham (Honorary Consul as of 1935)Gerald Harcourt Morrice (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)Parhelia Ballén=de=Garay (Honorary Consul as of 1950)
San Fernando, Calif.: Ernesto Valencia (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
San Francisco, Calif.: Francisco Jimenez (Consul as of 1921)José E. de Ycaza (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1921)Ovidio Sosa (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935-50)Jose Fidanque (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)
San Jose, Calif.: Julio de Diego (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)
San Juan, P.R.: Charles Vére (Consul as of 1921)Luis Brau (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Santa Barbara, Calif.: José Agustin Arango (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Seattle, Wash.: Adolfo Bracons (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Tampa, Fla.: F. M. Traynor (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
Washington, D.C.: Luis R. Alfaro (Honorary Consul as of 1935)