Marek Salamak | Silesian University of Technology (original) (raw)
Papers by Marek Salamak
IABMAS Conference, Melbourne, 2018
This paper describes two new technologies, Bridge Information Modelling (BrIM) and Augmented Real... more This paper describes two new technologies, Bridge Information Modelling (BrIM) and Augmented Reality (AR), which fit into the cyber-physical devices and cloud computing ideology of Industry 4.0. The rapid de-velopment of such technologies will have a significant impact on the design, construction, use, and manage-ment of transportation infrastructure, including bridges. This paper highlights difficulties in implementing BrIM technology for infrastructure projects and modelling of bridges. It also shows details of a new concept for inspection of bridges based on BrIM and AR.
The paper describes two new technologies: Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Augmented Real... more The paper describes two new technologies: Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Augmented Reality (AR) which will be the basis of the revolution in the processes of designing, construction and management of transport infrastructure, including bridges. The paper points the conditions and difficulties in implementing BIM technology in infrastructure projects and modeling of concrete bridges. It also shows selected details of a new system designed for inspection of concrete bridges based on AR.
Historical steel beam bridge over Gliwice Canal located in a small city close to the eclectic pal... more Historical steel beam bridge over Gliwice Canal located in a small city close to the eclectic palace from 19th century has been strengthened by suspension to new steel arches. The old structure was insufficient for fulfilling current demands of road traffic and clearance. Another issue was its localization in the vicinity of the palace and the lake, which are attractive recreational areas. Therefore, the new structure should be also ready for safe pedestrian and bicycle traffic. To fulfil those conditions and also to create a landmark bridge in this interesting spot, an arch structure was chosen. Designer decided to use the old bridge and its abutments as a part of the new structure. The deck was renovated and suspended to two inclined hingeless steel arches. To accommodate pedestrian and bicycle traffic, two external footbridges were also suspended to the same arches on both sides. Static and dynamic load tests of the bridge were conducted. An Operational Modal Analysis method was used to identify the dynamic model of the bridge. Due to a limited number of transducers and the simple procedure of the test, the compromise between effort and quality was established. Good correlation between assumptions from the design stage and the response of the erected bridge was confirmed.
Bridges serve several functions but the main is of course to cross an obstacle and get to the oth... more Bridges serve several functions but the main is of course to cross an obstacle and get to the other side. Bridges are often treated as an indicator of progress and engineering skills as well as a symbol of the economic potential of a city, region or country. This is why many urban bridges have become the most important structures in the cities. The paper discusses several examples of bridges that have a significant impact on the perception of the city or even the change of terrain configuration.
Streszczenie: Referat omawia dwie nowe technologie: Building Information Modelling (BIM) oraz pos... more Streszczenie: Referat omawia dwie nowe technologie: Building Information Modelling (BIM) oraz poszerzoną rzeczywistość (AR), które w najbliższych latach mają szansę stać się podstawą rewolucji procesów projektowania, budowy i zarządzania obiektami infrastruktury, również kolejowej. W referacie przybliżono specyfikę modeli BIM na tle ewolucji technik komputerowego wspomagania projektowania CAD. Wskazano na uwarunkowania i trudności związane z wdrażaniem technologii BIM w projektach infrastrukturalnych. Omówione zostały również podstawowe techniki AR i jej potencjalne możliwości wykorzystania w zarządzaniu infrastrukturą kolejową. Pokazano również najważniejsze założenia systemu do wspomagania inspektora mostowego przy wykorzystaniu narzędzi BIM+AR. Streszczenie: BIM, rzeczywistość poszerzona, zarządzanie infrastrukturą 1. Wprowadzenie W lutym 2014 roku ogłoszona została europejska Dyrektywa 2014/24/EU w sprawie zamówień publicznychBłąd! Nie można odnaleźć źródła odwołania.. Jej wdrożenie diametralnie zmieni cały e uropejski rynek w obszarze inwestycji infrastrukturalnych. Chodzi między innymi o stosowanie elektronicznych narzędzi modelowania danych budowlanych. Narzędziami tymi są, coraz częściej stosowane w projektowaniu, technologie BIM, czyli Building Information Modelling. Niestety w Polsce są one bardzo mało znane, a w przypadku infrastruktury kolejowej, właściwie zupełnie nie używane. Choć dyrektywa ta nie zmusza krajów członkowskich do obligatoryjnego stosowania tych narzędzi, to niewątpliwie zmiany w procesie projektowania i realizacji tego rodzaju inwestycji, które przecież stanowią największy udział rynku zamówień publicznych w budownictwie, spowodują niemal rewolucyjne procesy, do których wiele polskich przedsiębiorców, ale i jednostek administracji, zupełnie nie jest przygotowanych. Zgodnie z intencją Ustawodawcy, zastosowanie BIM może przyczynić się między innymi do optymalizacji planowania i realizacji budowlanych inwestycji publicznych, poprzez zintegrowanie procesu projektowania i budowy oraz usprawnienie zarządzania gotowymi obiektami. Według szacunków, zastosowanie BIM będzie prowadzić do oszczędności na poziomie nawet do 20%, co w skali całej Unii Europejskiej nie może pozostawać bez znaczenia. Niektóre państwa Zachodnie,
The paper describes two new technologies: Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Augmented Real... more The paper describes two new technologies: Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Augmented Reality (AR) which will be the basis of the revolution in the processes of designing, construction and management of transport infrastructure, including bridges. The paper points the conditions and difficulties in implementing BIM technology in infrastructure projects and modeling of concrete bridges. It also shows selected details of a new system designed for inspection of concrete bridges based on AR.
Proceedings of the two day international conference organised by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in Beijing on 17–18 September 2007, 2007
The construction of a highway in the Silesian urban agglomeration, in the operation area of a num... more The construction of a highway in the Silesian urban agglomeration, in the operation area of a number of coal mines, is a specific task. This is mainly because of the need to take into account in the design of the highway, bridges and all of accompanying facilities the necessity of protection against strong ground surface deformation. The safe use of highway bridges necessitates constant monitoring of their condition. Although monitoring is usually performed during the use of the bridge, it sometimes has to be implemented at an earlier stage. The situation that occurred during the construction of the Silesian segment of the A4 motorway may be defined as "interaction of highway construction with mining operations". Monitoring was performed in accordance with a programme developed earlier. That programme included indication of the type of measurements to be taken at each individual structure with the marking and arrangement of control points. The scope of observation was gradually expanded as construction operations proceeded.
IABMAS Conference, Melbourne, 2018
This paper describes two new technologies, Bridge Information Modelling (BrIM) and Augmented Real... more This paper describes two new technologies, Bridge Information Modelling (BrIM) and Augmented Reality (AR), which fit into the cyber-physical devices and cloud computing ideology of Industry 4.0. The rapid de-velopment of such technologies will have a significant impact on the design, construction, use, and manage-ment of transportation infrastructure, including bridges. This paper highlights difficulties in implementing BrIM technology for infrastructure projects and modelling of bridges. It also shows details of a new concept for inspection of bridges based on BrIM and AR.
The paper describes two new technologies: Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Augmented Real... more The paper describes two new technologies: Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Augmented Reality (AR) which will be the basis of the revolution in the processes of designing, construction and management of transport infrastructure, including bridges. The paper points the conditions and difficulties in implementing BIM technology in infrastructure projects and modeling of concrete bridges. It also shows selected details of a new system designed for inspection of concrete bridges based on AR.
Historical steel beam bridge over Gliwice Canal located in a small city close to the eclectic pal... more Historical steel beam bridge over Gliwice Canal located in a small city close to the eclectic palace from 19th century has been strengthened by suspension to new steel arches. The old structure was insufficient for fulfilling current demands of road traffic and clearance. Another issue was its localization in the vicinity of the palace and the lake, which are attractive recreational areas. Therefore, the new structure should be also ready for safe pedestrian and bicycle traffic. To fulfil those conditions and also to create a landmark bridge in this interesting spot, an arch structure was chosen. Designer decided to use the old bridge and its abutments as a part of the new structure. The deck was renovated and suspended to two inclined hingeless steel arches. To accommodate pedestrian and bicycle traffic, two external footbridges were also suspended to the same arches on both sides. Static and dynamic load tests of the bridge were conducted. An Operational Modal Analysis method was used to identify the dynamic model of the bridge. Due to a limited number of transducers and the simple procedure of the test, the compromise between effort and quality was established. Good correlation between assumptions from the design stage and the response of the erected bridge was confirmed.
Bridges serve several functions but the main is of course to cross an obstacle and get to the oth... more Bridges serve several functions but the main is of course to cross an obstacle and get to the other side. Bridges are often treated as an indicator of progress and engineering skills as well as a symbol of the economic potential of a city, region or country. This is why many urban bridges have become the most important structures in the cities. The paper discusses several examples of bridges that have a significant impact on the perception of the city or even the change of terrain configuration.
Streszczenie: Referat omawia dwie nowe technologie: Building Information Modelling (BIM) oraz pos... more Streszczenie: Referat omawia dwie nowe technologie: Building Information Modelling (BIM) oraz poszerzoną rzeczywistość (AR), które w najbliższych latach mają szansę stać się podstawą rewolucji procesów projektowania, budowy i zarządzania obiektami infrastruktury, również kolejowej. W referacie przybliżono specyfikę modeli BIM na tle ewolucji technik komputerowego wspomagania projektowania CAD. Wskazano na uwarunkowania i trudności związane z wdrażaniem technologii BIM w projektach infrastrukturalnych. Omówione zostały również podstawowe techniki AR i jej potencjalne możliwości wykorzystania w zarządzaniu infrastrukturą kolejową. Pokazano również najważniejsze założenia systemu do wspomagania inspektora mostowego przy wykorzystaniu narzędzi BIM+AR. Streszczenie: BIM, rzeczywistość poszerzona, zarządzanie infrastrukturą 1. Wprowadzenie W lutym 2014 roku ogłoszona została europejska Dyrektywa 2014/24/EU w sprawie zamówień publicznychBłąd! Nie można odnaleźć źródła odwołania.. Jej wdrożenie diametralnie zmieni cały e uropejski rynek w obszarze inwestycji infrastrukturalnych. Chodzi między innymi o stosowanie elektronicznych narzędzi modelowania danych budowlanych. Narzędziami tymi są, coraz częściej stosowane w projektowaniu, technologie BIM, czyli Building Information Modelling. Niestety w Polsce są one bardzo mało znane, a w przypadku infrastruktury kolejowej, właściwie zupełnie nie używane. Choć dyrektywa ta nie zmusza krajów członkowskich do obligatoryjnego stosowania tych narzędzi, to niewątpliwie zmiany w procesie projektowania i realizacji tego rodzaju inwestycji, które przecież stanowią największy udział rynku zamówień publicznych w budownictwie, spowodują niemal rewolucyjne procesy, do których wiele polskich przedsiębiorców, ale i jednostek administracji, zupełnie nie jest przygotowanych. Zgodnie z intencją Ustawodawcy, zastosowanie BIM może przyczynić się między innymi do optymalizacji planowania i realizacji budowlanych inwestycji publicznych, poprzez zintegrowanie procesu projektowania i budowy oraz usprawnienie zarządzania gotowymi obiektami. Według szacunków, zastosowanie BIM będzie prowadzić do oszczędności na poziomie nawet do 20%, co w skali całej Unii Europejskiej nie może pozostawać bez znaczenia. Niektóre państwa Zachodnie,
The paper describes two new technologies: Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Augmented Real... more The paper describes two new technologies: Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Augmented Reality (AR) which will be the basis of the revolution in the processes of designing, construction and management of transport infrastructure, including bridges. The paper points the conditions and difficulties in implementing BIM technology in infrastructure projects and modeling of concrete bridges. It also shows selected details of a new system designed for inspection of concrete bridges based on AR.
Proceedings of the two day international conference organised by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in Beijing on 17–18 September 2007, 2007
The construction of a highway in the Silesian urban agglomeration, in the operation area of a num... more The construction of a highway in the Silesian urban agglomeration, in the operation area of a number of coal mines, is a specific task. This is mainly because of the need to take into account in the design of the highway, bridges and all of accompanying facilities the necessity of protection against strong ground surface deformation. The safe use of highway bridges necessitates constant monitoring of their condition. Although monitoring is usually performed during the use of the bridge, it sometimes has to be implemented at an earlier stage. The situation that occurred during the construction of the Silesian segment of the A4 motorway may be defined as "interaction of highway construction with mining operations". Monitoring was performed in accordance with a programme developed earlier. That programme included indication of the type of measurements to be taken at each individual structure with the marking and arrangement of control points. The scope of observation was gradually expanded as construction operations proceeded.