PORN PEEVES (original) (raw)

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Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded inPorn Peeves: What You Hate About Porn's LiveJournal:

Wednesday, July 26th, 2006
_8:06 am_[amazingsven] I am annoyed by the Suicide Girls (5 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, April 19th, 2005
_8:59 pm_[dcayn] Knock knock.._Who's there?_Boo?Boo who?Bukkake!*Obviously NSFW :D Current Mood: amused (Comment on this)
_6:57 am_[popecrunch] hello SCROTAL CAMI don't know about the rest of you doorknobs, but when I watch porno I watch porno to enjoy myself. Why is it, then, that so many porno editors decide that the greatest thing in the world is switching from a so, so hot chick to a hairy, nasty ass and balls? Seriously that looks like someone shaved the ass end of a fucking goat. The absolute WORST is when it happens right at the moment of orgasm - I'm staring at the chick's cooter or whatever, kleenex at the ready, then BAM, the screen is filled with the devil's tetherball set and I'm feeling strange about my orgasm for the rest of the day.One of these days I'm going to meet the person who thought that was a good idea, and I'm going to shit in his heart. (Comment on this)
_8:28 am_[dcayn] Vaginal or anal queefing... No one wants to hear air expell from either hole. There is no worse way to kill the mood than to hear a toot and a giggle as your organ is shaken like the San Andreas fault. If I were a guy, I would have to walk away in shame if my girl farted on me with her twat. Who the hell wants to see that in a porno? (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Monday, April 18th, 2005
_9:43 pm_[zorachus] Wipes!: Look, I'm glad that video editing software has become something of which any small production house can take full advantage. However, there's a reason we don't see a whole lot of "star wipes" in major motion pictures these days. If I'm getting into a specific scene, and you bust out a "heart wipe" to transition to a swinging ballsac, it all falls apart for me. The O-Face: I basically never want to see a cam shot of the guy's face as he's busting his nut. Part of the magic of porn is being able to try to visualize yourself in a situation, and switching from a shot of the woman's body to that changes the emphasis from YUM to RUN. YMMV. (Comment on this)
_6:21 pm_[bunster] A Peeve Outdoor scenes with fliesNothing is more digusting that seeing flies looking for a place in, on, or around someone's vaginal to deposit thier maggots.Spray them with off or light some Tiki lamps for god's sake. (Comment on this)
Thursday, April 7th, 2005
_3:20 pm_[r0ndy] Oh I have a list!!!! Guys finishing themselves off:Listen. Anything I can do, I don't need to see in a porn. I want to see what I cannot do by myself balancing the laptop on the sink while I aim my tool at the toilet. I want to see the girl treat the cock like it's got money in it. GET THAT SHIT OUT!! Do whatever it takes and love it! What comes out, is life-nectar. You need it to live. ACT LIKE IT. Don't pull away and let the dude jerk himself off while you look uncomfortable and scared like battery acid is landing on you. Fuck you.Close up of the guy's face:Do I need to explain? Just when I'm about to pop the camera pans off the action on to some poorly acted arousal look. The movie should be 100% masturbation fodder. 100%!!!!!FootwearWomen should always wear stripper heels. Not tennis shoes, not dirty white socks. 6" spikes. Done. Get 'em up in the air bitches. NOW!.Close Ups of BallsUgh.Eye Contact During OralDon't look at the camera, look at your JOB. WORK! WORK HARD! GODDAMN YOU!!! (2 Comments |Comment on this)