Dam Permitting (original) (raw)

Dam Permitting

Information regarding Individual Permit Applications received by The DEEP Dam Safety Regulatory Program can be found on the following table:


Table Updated: September 4, 2024

Permit Application Submittal Procedure: The DEEP Dam Safety Regulatory Program is now able to offer the option of submitting all Dam Safety Permit Applications electronically. Please follow these steps to submit Dam Safety Permit Applications to DEEP:

1. Submit the appropriate form via email to DEEP.CentralPermits@ct.gov, and copy DEEP.DamSafety@ct.gov **. The Primary Contact listed in the application will receive a Confirmation of Application Receipt email that includes the Permit Application # the next business day after it is processed.**• If there is a fee please indicate in the email if you would like to pay by e-check or credit card.


• If you are sending the Individual Permit Application via email, please do not send us a duplicate paper copy. In your email, you may ask us to verify that we received your Individual Permit Application successfully. The email subject heading should say “Electronic Individual Permit Application: Dam Safety Program”. You will receive a Permit Application # from DEEP.CentralPermits@ct.gov

2. Send another email to DEEP.DamSafety@ct.gov **to submit the rest of the permit application (with appropriate attachments), and reference the Permit Application # in the email subject heading.**• The rest of the application and attachments must be received by the DEEP Dam Safety Program within 30 days of submitting the Permit Transmittal Form in Step #1. If the attachments are too large to email, please use our FTP site (Instructions for how to use FTP Site).
• If the rest of the permit application and attachments are not received within 30 days, the application will be deemed insufficient.

Individual Permit
A Dam Safety Individual Permit is required prior to initiating substantial repairs, alterations, or removals of dams. This permit process is used to authorize large scale projects. For smaller scale projects, a general permit may provide authorization through a faster process. Be sure to read the Permit Application Guidance below when preparing an individual permit application. Download all the Dam Safety Individual Permit Materials (application forms, instructions, and supporting attachment information) for an individual dam safety permit application.

General Permits Three Dam Safety General Permits were signed on October 16, 2015 and are currently available. These permits provide quick process authorization for many dam-related minor activities which have only minimal environmental impacts.

This table provides a quick view of the three general permits.

Fishway Determination

A determination of the need for a fishway is necessary for any work that requires a DEEP Dam Safety individual or general permit: Request for Determination of Need for Fishway - Word Form, PDF

Permit applicants must submit the completed form to the DEEP Inland Fisheries Division and submit the determination response with the final Dam Safety permit application.

Stream Flow Release Determination Certain dams, primarily large impoundments with consumptive withdrawals such as drinking water supply reservoirs, will be required to make releases in accordance with Connecticut Stream Flow Standards and Regulations. All water supply reservoir companies must request a determination of the need to perform stream flow releases whenever applying for a DEEP Dam Safety individual permit, and submit the determination with the final Dam Safety permit application. Request for Determination of Stream Flow Release Requirement - Word, PDF.

Further information about stream flow releases may be found by contacting the DEEP Water Quantity section in the Water Planning & Management Division at deep.streamflowclass@ct.gov.

Fish Screening Triploid (sterile) grass carp are one option for the control of nuisance aquatic vegetation. Applicants considering the installation of a screening device on any dam or spillway must contact the DEEP Dam Safety Regulatory Program at DEEP.DamSafety@ct.gov so that we may determine if the screen will require a Dam Safety Individual Permit.

Dam Removal

Links to websites with dam removal information: (leave DEEP website)

Links to videos on dam removal projects: (leave DEEP website)

For further information contact the DEEP Dam Safety Regulatory Program at (860) 424-3706 or by email at DEEP.DamSafety@ct.gov

Content last edited September 6, 2024