post_its - Profile (original) (raw)
on 21 March 2004 (#2578378)
What's it about? Say it with me everybody: "POST IT NOTES!" Got it? =) Any small pieces of paper with writing, scribbles, drawings, paintings, saliva - whatever - will suffice.. Found ones or ones you 'artified' meet the requirements. So long as a post-it note is somewhere in the piece you submit, I'm happy.
Aside from that, the only thing I ask is that you (be nice to your fellow post-it note lovers and...) don't use this place as a way to get hits to your journal or community. Leave comments open (if you want comments) and don't use the community to link to an entry in your journal. That annoys me to no end!
Ooh and artified is a word!
The moderator of this community is gottasneeze.
art, art notes, artistic notes, artistic photography, coloring, drawings, found art, found letters, found notes, friendly reminders, funny letters, funny notes, hate letters, hate notes, love letters, love notes, making up words, mini envelopes, note to self, notes, notes to self, painting, passing notes, personal letters, personal notes, personal reminders, petite envelopes, petite letters, petite notes, photography, polaroid transfers, polaroids, post it, post it notes, post its, post-it, post-it notes, post-its, reminders, secret notes, sharing, sketching, small envelopes, sorry letters, sorry notes, special notes, stickers, sticky notes, thoughtful letters, thoughtful notes, tiny envelopes, tiny notes, tiny pieces of paper
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