postcard_share - Profile (original) (raw)

The Postcard Sharing Community! Maintained by supertrink

Hey, thanks for checking out this little group! I was inspired to create it by an entry in patsie999's journal. I thought, wouldn't it be nice if there was a place where people could come and exchange addresses to send each other postcards! So here's how this will work:

1. Sign up to be a member of the community.
2. Make an introductory post. Tell us where you're from, and if you want to recieve postcards, send them to others, or both. And of course feel free to tell us a little about yourself and if there are any places in particular you'd like to recieve a postcard from!
3. People can post comments in which they will give you their email address, at which point you can send them your mailing address.
4. Once you've recieved a postcard, post an entry to let the sender know it arrived safely!

There are going to have to be a few rules of course.
1. If you are under 18, please don't give out your mailing address with out at least asking your parents or guardians.
2. Only community members will be able to post comments on entries. Hopefully this will keep out the weirdos.
3. Do not put your mailing address into posts, as they can be seen by anyone. Keep it to email only.
4. Please try to keep posts on topic.

I want this to be a friendly and safe community. Please be cautious. If you're not comfortable giving out your mailing address, then please don't! You may want to consider getting a post office box if you don't have one already. If there are any concerns, comments, or questions, don't hesitate to contact me! :-D

p.s. Any suggestions for places/things to add to the interests are welcome! I'll add each member's country when they join if it's not already listed!