frinto tambunan | Universitas Potensi Utama Medan (original) (raw)
Papers by frinto tambunan
Prioritas: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu komponen terpenting dalam proses belajar mengajar. Media ... more Media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu komponen terpenting dalam proses belajar mengajar. Media juga merupakan alat bantu untuk memahami konsep dan/atau materi yang akan diajarkan. Keterbatasan waktu belajar di kelas mengakibatkan kurangnya penyampaian materi hingga pemahaman bagi siswa. Proses belajar mengajar saat ini sudah dapat dilakukan melalui internet, akan tetapi banyak pengajar yang kurang mampu memanfaatkannya. Untuk itu, kegiatan abdimas ini pun dilakukan dalam rangka memanfaatkan internet secara optimal. Dengan memanfaatkan fitur google blog, maka para pengajar diajarkan untuk membuat dan menggunakannya sebagai media pembelajaran. Dengan media blog, pengajar bisa memberikan ilmu lebih banyak, referensi pengetahuan lebih yang juga dapapt diakses oleh mahasiswa, sehingga proses pembeajaran jadi lebih optimal.
Jurnal Mantik, Feb 6, 2020
The expert system is an application designed to help an expert based on their respective fields t... more The expert system is an application designed to help an expert based on their respective fields to provide answers to questions and or in providing solutions for the public in accordance with the particular problems in this regard in the field of health. Expert System is designed to identify the diseases that caused by bacterium Chlamydia Trachomatis. This expert system uses advanced inference engine trace and certainty factor. Expert systems can also be used to speed up the search and access to knowledge by those who need the information. Reasoning is based on the existing symptoms of the patient is physically. And of these symptoms then created rules that will be applied to the inference engine to know the disease experienced by the patient. This application shows that the expert system can be used as a medium that can provide information and consultation and provide solutions on the bacteria Chlamydia Trachomatis and prevention. PENDAHULUAN Penerapan teknologi informasi dalam sistem kesehatan diperlukan dalam rangka memberikan pelayanan yang cepat , efektif dan efisien kepada seseorang. Sistem pakar diterapkan dalam kesehatan yaitu penting dalam memberikan informasi yang benar untuk diagnosis dan memberikan layanan medis dengan segera [1]. Chlamydia adalah penyakit kelamin yang banyak terjadi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Chlamydia Trachomatis. Chlamydia merupakan salah satu penyakit menular seksual yang paling umum dijumpai dan dikenal sebagai penyebab utama penyakit peradangan pada pelvis (panggul), sehingga menyebabkan infertilitas (kemandulan) pada perempuan dan juga dapat merusak alat reproduksi manusia dan penyakit mata.
Kesatria : Jurnal Penerapan Sistem Informasi (Komputer dan Manajemen), Jun 30, 2021
Perkembangan Dunia Game pada ponsel pintar sedang sangat pesat semua golongan serta umur dapat me... more Perkembangan Dunia Game pada ponsel pintar sedang sangat pesat semua golongan serta umur dapat mengakses dan memainkanya tidak terkecuali anak - anak, Namun Game yang beredar sekarang mengandung banyak kekerasan dan memiliki manfaat edukasi hal ini dapat menghambat dan mempengaruhi perkembangan anak. Game yang mengandung banyak kekerasan dapat menyebabkan anak anak menirukan dan membuat anak bersifat agresif, hal ini pastinya sangat membahayakan pertumbuhan anak – anak mereka menjadi pribadi yang senang melakukan kekerasan. Dengan hal itu Game yang memiliki nilai edukasi dan dapat dijadikan Bahan ajar harus dibuat, Game edukasi sendiri adalah Game yang dapat melatih perkembangan pikiran dan juga logika anak dengan demikian anak tidak hanya memainkan game yang mengandung banyak kekerasan namun dapat belajar melalui media Game ponsel.
Proceeding Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi, Sep 13, 2018
Pada teknologi saat ini yang mengalami kemajuan timggi di masa sekarang ini dan dalam dunia perto... more Pada teknologi saat ini yang mengalami kemajuan timggi di masa sekarang ini dan dalam dunia pertokoan. Berkembangnya teknologi di dunia pertokoan, semakin berkembang pula otomatisasi dan efisiensi untuk memudahkan penjaga toko dalam memperoleh informasi. Dalam mewujudkan itu, diperlukan adanya perangkat elektronika untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan memberi kenyamanan pada pengguna. Alat pendeteksi pengunjung dan penghitung pengunjung yang di buat ini merupakan alat yang mempermudah ataupun meringankan penjaga toko secara langsung. Dalam penelitian ini merancang alat pendeteksi pengunjung dan alat penghitung pengunjung secara otomatis. Pada alat pendeteksi pengunjung dan penghitung pengunjung memiliki dua sensor yaitu sensor pir dan sensor photodioda sebagai pendeteksi pengunjung dan penghitung pengunjung yang ingin masuk. Alat pendeteksi dan penghitung pengunjung ini berbasis Arduino dengan bahasa pemrograman c.
METHOMIKA: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi, 2020
Pertukaran informasi menjadi hal yang sangat penting di era kemajuan saat ini. Hal ini didukung d... more Pertukaran informasi menjadi hal yang sangat penting di era kemajuan saat ini. Hal ini didukung dengan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang terus berkembang pesat. Akan tetapi kemudahan mendapatkan informasi juga memberikan ancaman. Masalah keamanan dan kerahasiaan data merupakan salah satu aspek penting dari suatu informasi. Dengan berkembangnya teknik pengambilan informasi secara ilegal, banyak orang yang mencoba untuk mengakses informasi yang bukan haknya. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu sistem pengamanan data yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keamanan dan melindungi data sehingga tidak dimengerti oleh pihak yang tidak berwenang, Dengan menggabungkan metode kriptografi dan metode steganogrfi diharapkan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan akan keamanan dan melindungi data. Setelah dilakukan penelitian ini baik secara matematis dan implementasi kedalam aplikasi didapatkan sebuah hasil yang dapat di pertanggung jawabkan dimana hasil dari data asli yang di ubah ke bentuk lain melalui metode...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The research objective is to recommend the sale of the best ornamental plant species to lovers of... more The research objective is to recommend the sale of the best ornamental plant species to lovers of ornamental plants by using decision support system techniques. Ornamental plants are a type of ornamental plants that can survive in various conditions. In this case ornamental plants are also very vulnerable to disease such as root rot, shoot rot and others. Many types of ornamental plant sellers do not know how to handle ornamental plants that have diseases or symptoms when they occur. The study was conducted in Simalungun District with a sample of thirteen traders selling ornamental plants using observation and questionnaire distribution techniques. Selection of ornamental plants based on the types in this study include: Orchid Plants (A1), Tulips (A2), Bougenvil (A3) and Jasmine (A4). The assessment criteria used include: Plant height (C1), Plant quality (C2), Plant type (C3) and Plant age (C4). The method used in this research is Simple Additive Weighting. The results showed that O...
IJISTECH (International Journal Of Information System & Technology), 2019
Theft is a behavior that causes harm to victims who are targeted and cause casualties. This study... more Theft is a behavior that causes harm to victims who are targeted and cause casualties. This study aims to classify areas of theft crimes based on provision by using data mining techniques. Data was obtained from the Indonesian statistical center (Badan Pusat Statistik) consisting of 34 provinces. The grouping technique used is K-Means. Clusters are divided into 3 namely: C1: areas with high crime rates of theft, C2: areas with crime rates of ordinary theft and C3: areas with low theft crime rates. Data processing is done using the help of RapidMiner software. The results of the k-means analysis obtained 17 provinces in Indonesia have the highest theft crime rate (C1), namely: Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, Lampung, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Banten, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi and Papua. The results of the study concluded that more than 50% of regions in Indonesia still had high rates ...
2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM)
Computers are often used as a tool that can give conclusions to a disease so that they can help t... more Computers are often used as a tool that can give conclusions to a disease so that they can help the community or health practitioners. The expert system is a field of science that can process the knowledge of an expert into a computer-based system that can be used by many people. Expert systems use multiple search models to diagnose a disease. Forward Chaining is a search model that can be used to perform a symptom search of a disease. One of the diseases that can be diagnosed by using computer media is Herpes Zoster. Herpes Zoster is a disease that attacks the skin and mucosa. To provide a degree of certainty to the diagnosis can be used several methods, one of which Bayes Theorem. Bayes' Theorem is a method of calculating certainty that can be used to provide a degree of certainty of diagnosis of a disease by calculating each probability of each of its symptoms. The result of this study is a system that has the knowledge, such as a doctor to be able to diagnose herpes zoster disease. The diagnostic results obtained from the system will be reinforced by the level of certainty calculated using the Bayes theorem.
TIN: Terapan Informatika Nusantara, Aug 31, 2021
Berbagai masalah muncul ketika bantuan langsung tunai dari pemerintah yang dijalankan pada setiap... more Berbagai masalah muncul ketika bantuan langsung tunai dari pemerintah yang dijalankan pada setiap daerah mulai dicairkan kepada masyarakat yang berhak. Salah satunya adalah kesalahan pemilihan target penerima bantuan, sesuai peraturan warga yang menerima bantuan harus sesuai dengan syarat yang berlaku seperti wni, masyarakat miskin, lansia dan terdampak covid-19, akan tetapi masih ada masyarakat tergolong mampu bisa mendapatkan blt tersebut dikarenakan penumpukan data yang yang berjumlah ribuan dan dikemas dalam sebuah system manual mengakibatkan bantuan tidak tersalurkan pada orang yang tepat, dengan permasalahan ini penulis berinsiatif untuk membuat suatu system yang dimplementasikan dengan metode profile matching dengan kriteria yang diambil dari data syarat penerimaan blt dari pemerintah untuk memberikan solusi permasalahan dengan menentukan warga yang cocok dan pantas dalam penerimaan bantuan langsung tunai tersebut. Riset data dilakukan menggunakan konsep prototyping untuk peningkatan akurasi penerimaan bantuan langsung tunai yang diolah dengan system pendukung keputusan untuk kemudahan proses penerimaan agar lebih cepat tepat dan akurat dan tidak merugikan pihak terkait. System ini dirancang dengan sedemikian rupa agar dapat diakses masyarakat awam dan dengan perangkat android untuk memudahkan proses pemilihan penerimaan.
2018 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2018
Security of data or documents is a very important thing. Given that nowadays many exchange data e... more Security of data or documents is a very important thing. Given that nowadays many exchange data electronically. It will result in a lot of processes that can compromise the security of data. Therefore, we need a way to be able to secure the important data that are not easily obtained by others who are not interested. One of the main that we can secure is the data in the form of text. The knowledge that can keep a message or data Cryptography is the science. In the event that the merger will be carried out or a combination of WAKE and Caesar Cipher methods. Mechanisms to improve security is to use encryption technology. Encryption is the conversion of an original text or plain text into the hidden text (cipher text) that usually berbetuk codes. And vice versa if the data is hidden the wish to be returned must decrypt it first. The step is to encrypt text data with the method and the result is encrypted WAKE back to Caesar Cipher method, so that the data to be kept secret remains safe.
2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2019
Hill Cipher is one of the symmetric key cryptographic algorithms that have several advantages in ... more Hill Cipher is one of the symmetric key cryptographic algorithms that have several advantages in data encryption. To avoid key invertible matrices, key matrices are generated using Newton's binomial coefficients. Hill Cipher is one of the symmetric key cryptographic algorithms. The Hill Cipher algorithm uses a matrix measuring m x m as a key for encryption and decryption. The basic matrix theory used in Hill Cipher includes multiplication between matrices and inverses the matrix. Hill Cipher uses mathematical calculations called Linear Algebra and specifically requires users to understand the basis of the matrix. During this time the matrix multiplication used to encrypt and decrypt this method is only done by Divide and Conquer. This is less effective in minimizing the processing time. A good algorithm must not only be correct but also efficient in its use. In addition, an algorithm must also have low complexity. Algorithms like this must be able to optimize its performance, especially in data processing which is getting more and more in number. An algorithm with low complexity is an algorithm that is able to minimize the use of time and memory space even though more and more data is used. Therefore the author applies the Strassen method in optimizing the matrix multiplication process to encrypt and decrypt it. However, this algorithm will only apply to use of keys and plaintexts of the same order size, which is nxn where n = 2a(a> 0). Then the encryption and decryption process will be done by matrix multiplication using the Strassen method. The final results show that by using the Strassen algorithm the encryption and decryption process in the Hill Cipher method can be optimized. Where every time the data to be processed increases the complexity of the time required will not be too high an increase. And this shown that Strassen more effective than the Divide and Conquer method.
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System & Technology), 2019
Image or pattern recognition system is one of the branches in computer science, this system can h... more Image or pattern recognition system is one of the branches in computer science, this system can help the processing of fingerprint patterns, especially in the banking, police and users of other institutions who really feel the importance of using fingerprints. Several stages in fingerprint pattern image recognition are through the process of scanning, then the resulting digital fingerprint image is converted to a certain value, among others, the threshold process, the division of images, and representation of input values. The training process is carried out using two treatments: the first with a different level of understanding and the second training with different unit numbers, the best training is obtained with a level of understanding of 0.3 and the number of hidden units 10 by producing a short training time and relatively small errors. Fingerprint pattern recognition is done by two trials, based on 1 number of training patterns and 5 number of training patterns. From the rese...
Saat ini gas lpg sangat berperan dikalangan masyarakat baik di rumah tangga maupun industri. gas ... more Saat ini gas lpg sangat berperan dikalangan masyarakat baik di rumah tangga maupun industri. gas juga mempunyai dampak negatif, terutama jika tidak diketahui adanya kebocoran tabung gas tersebut. kebocoran gas dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya insiden ledakan yang menimbulkan kebakaran. namun, dengan banyaknya masalah ini, diperlukan sebuah alat pendeteksi gas. Sebuah Pendeteksi gas dapat membunyikan alarm atau led yang berkedip sebagai pendeteksi kebocoran serta mengukur konsentrasi gas, sensor akan merespon gas yang terdeteksi yang memiliki fungsi sebagai titik acuan pada pendeteksian. Alat ini dapat digunakan sebagai pendeteksi kebocoran gas yang memungkinkan terjadinya kebakaran serta menginformasikan melalui SMS ke pengguna. Detektor gas ini menggunakan sensor gas sebagai pendeteksinya dan mengirimkan SMS serta alarm akan berbunyi jika sensor mendeteksi gas dalam suatu ruangan. Pada penelitian ini dibuat sebuah alat untuk mendeteksi atau mengamankan jika terjadi adanya kebocoran t...
The website is a digital information medium, a website created in the form of a graphical user in... more The website is a digital information medium, a website created in the form of a graphical user interface with several programming languages that are summarized for the concentration of the web design stage, in this case a problem arises about the difficulty of learning programming languages, it takes quite a lot of time, therefore the author introducing a wizard as a website design that even ordinary people can also make by this servant is carried in SMK Penerbangan Medan by several people in 1 team which is divided into each. To make website design easier, faster, more efficient and a more structured system, where websites are created in a wizard and the system is provided by vendors in website design applications such as Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver itself is a system that supports several scripts for web design. either manually or manually. systemically, Dreamweaver also helps in connecting the MySQL database for data input and logging in to a website. The results are expected to add...
2020 8th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2020
The introduction of patterns is an analytical work, which is to process raw data (not loading exp... more The introduction of patterns is an analytical work, which is to process raw data (not loading explicit structures) to find the various elements of the attributes/information associated with it. This analytical work is commonplace for human beings. By using the five senses, human beings can see, hear, and feel the condition of its environment to then identify the things that are in it, digest and understand it, so that he can do the activities or interactions that suit his wishes. Facial recognition, voice, signposts and writings, the computer performs pattern recognition by following several stages: sensing, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification/inference. One of the methods used to recognize the pattern is with the help of neural networks. In recognizing the Batak alphabet pattern, it uses one of the methods that exist in the neural network, using the Habb method. So, it is hoped that the Habb method can recognize pattern patterns or features of the Batak script.
2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2019
Leptospirosis is the most serious zoonotic disease caused by Leptospira spp. Leptospirosis has sp... more Leptospirosis is the most serious zoonotic disease caused by Leptospira spp. Leptospirosis has spread throughout the world and spread more in the tropics than in temperate countries. Organisms are contained in the urine of infected animals, including rodents and pets. Humans can get this disease after contact with infected urine, or through contact with contaminated water, soil or food. This disease has several symptoms similar to other diseases such as influenza, dengue fever, typhoid fever, rickettsiosis, aseptic meningitides, hepatitis, and malaria. Similar to these symptoms make this disease a little difficult to diagnose quickly. the similarity of the symptoms of this disease to other diseases can also cause errors in diagnosing the disease, this can result in the wrong medication to be given to the patient. Slow handling can cause death to patients. Expert systems can be the solution to dealing with these problems. Expert systems can be computer software systems that use science, facts, and thinking techniques in the process of making decisions to solve problems that are usually only resolved by experts. Expert systems must be equipped with tracking techniques and mathematical calculation methods to improve the quality of diagnosis. The results of this study are combining forward chaining with Bayes theorem so that the diagnosis of leptospirosis is better.
2021 9th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2021
In face of the current spread of Covid-19, the government has made a decision to carry out activi... more In face of the current spread of Covid-19, the government has made a decision to carry out activities from home. One of the lecture activities which are usually carried out face-to-face are required to conduct lectures online. Online lectures cause several problems faced by students, one of which is the ineffectiveness of online learning so that many students can't get and do not understand about the material presented by the lecturer, which is motivated by several things, namely in the delivery of material, the language used, material that is not updated and There are many things that make students' understanding less understand the way the lecturer teaches. This condition makes students give unsatisfactory assessments to lecturers. To overcome this problem, the campus evaluates the performance of lecturers to correct deficiencies in the teaching process that are less effective. The first step is to evaluate the factors that influence the improvement of the ability of students and lecturers in the teaching and learning process. The next step is for each student to give an assessment of all lecturers according to the courses they are taking through a questionnaire given by the campus. Furthermore, processing the data using the MOORA method aims to determine the accuracy with the value obtained by the system. The trial used was given to the highest criterion weight value and the modification trial aimed to find out how many criteria could affect the improvement of lecturer performance. By using this method the results obtained are faster and more accurate as well as knowing what lecturers' statements need to be improved. By using the MOORA method, each lecturer knows the lowest and highest order against the specified criteria so that each teaching lecturer understands what students expect according to predetermined criteria and the campus management can evaluate teaching staff to improve the quality of lecturers in the teaching and learning process which can affect student quality.
Prioritas: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu komponen terpenting dalam proses belajar mengajar. Media ... more Media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu komponen terpenting dalam proses belajar mengajar. Media juga merupakan alat bantu untuk memahami konsep dan/atau materi yang akan diajarkan. Keterbatasan waktu belajar di kelas mengakibatkan kurangnya penyampaian materi hingga pemahaman bagi siswa. Proses belajar mengajar saat ini sudah dapat dilakukan melalui internet, akan tetapi banyak pengajar yang kurang mampu memanfaatkannya. Untuk itu, kegiatan abdimas ini pun dilakukan dalam rangka memanfaatkan internet secara optimal. Dengan memanfaatkan fitur google blog, maka para pengajar diajarkan untuk membuat dan menggunakannya sebagai media pembelajaran. Dengan media blog, pengajar bisa memberikan ilmu lebih banyak, referensi pengetahuan lebih yang juga dapapt diakses oleh mahasiswa, sehingga proses pembeajaran jadi lebih optimal.
Jurnal Mantik, Feb 6, 2020
The expert system is an application designed to help an expert based on their respective fields t... more The expert system is an application designed to help an expert based on their respective fields to provide answers to questions and or in providing solutions for the public in accordance with the particular problems in this regard in the field of health. Expert System is designed to identify the diseases that caused by bacterium Chlamydia Trachomatis. This expert system uses advanced inference engine trace and certainty factor. Expert systems can also be used to speed up the search and access to knowledge by those who need the information. Reasoning is based on the existing symptoms of the patient is physically. And of these symptoms then created rules that will be applied to the inference engine to know the disease experienced by the patient. This application shows that the expert system can be used as a medium that can provide information and consultation and provide solutions on the bacteria Chlamydia Trachomatis and prevention. PENDAHULUAN Penerapan teknologi informasi dalam sistem kesehatan diperlukan dalam rangka memberikan pelayanan yang cepat , efektif dan efisien kepada seseorang. Sistem pakar diterapkan dalam kesehatan yaitu penting dalam memberikan informasi yang benar untuk diagnosis dan memberikan layanan medis dengan segera [1]. Chlamydia adalah penyakit kelamin yang banyak terjadi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Chlamydia Trachomatis. Chlamydia merupakan salah satu penyakit menular seksual yang paling umum dijumpai dan dikenal sebagai penyebab utama penyakit peradangan pada pelvis (panggul), sehingga menyebabkan infertilitas (kemandulan) pada perempuan dan juga dapat merusak alat reproduksi manusia dan penyakit mata.
Kesatria : Jurnal Penerapan Sistem Informasi (Komputer dan Manajemen), Jun 30, 2021
Perkembangan Dunia Game pada ponsel pintar sedang sangat pesat semua golongan serta umur dapat me... more Perkembangan Dunia Game pada ponsel pintar sedang sangat pesat semua golongan serta umur dapat mengakses dan memainkanya tidak terkecuali anak - anak, Namun Game yang beredar sekarang mengandung banyak kekerasan dan memiliki manfaat edukasi hal ini dapat menghambat dan mempengaruhi perkembangan anak. Game yang mengandung banyak kekerasan dapat menyebabkan anak anak menirukan dan membuat anak bersifat agresif, hal ini pastinya sangat membahayakan pertumbuhan anak – anak mereka menjadi pribadi yang senang melakukan kekerasan. Dengan hal itu Game yang memiliki nilai edukasi dan dapat dijadikan Bahan ajar harus dibuat, Game edukasi sendiri adalah Game yang dapat melatih perkembangan pikiran dan juga logika anak dengan demikian anak tidak hanya memainkan game yang mengandung banyak kekerasan namun dapat belajar melalui media Game ponsel.
Proceeding Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi, Sep 13, 2018
Pada teknologi saat ini yang mengalami kemajuan timggi di masa sekarang ini dan dalam dunia perto... more Pada teknologi saat ini yang mengalami kemajuan timggi di masa sekarang ini dan dalam dunia pertokoan. Berkembangnya teknologi di dunia pertokoan, semakin berkembang pula otomatisasi dan efisiensi untuk memudahkan penjaga toko dalam memperoleh informasi. Dalam mewujudkan itu, diperlukan adanya perangkat elektronika untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan memberi kenyamanan pada pengguna. Alat pendeteksi pengunjung dan penghitung pengunjung yang di buat ini merupakan alat yang mempermudah ataupun meringankan penjaga toko secara langsung. Dalam penelitian ini merancang alat pendeteksi pengunjung dan alat penghitung pengunjung secara otomatis. Pada alat pendeteksi pengunjung dan penghitung pengunjung memiliki dua sensor yaitu sensor pir dan sensor photodioda sebagai pendeteksi pengunjung dan penghitung pengunjung yang ingin masuk. Alat pendeteksi dan penghitung pengunjung ini berbasis Arduino dengan bahasa pemrograman c.
METHOMIKA: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi, 2020
Pertukaran informasi menjadi hal yang sangat penting di era kemajuan saat ini. Hal ini didukung d... more Pertukaran informasi menjadi hal yang sangat penting di era kemajuan saat ini. Hal ini didukung dengan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang terus berkembang pesat. Akan tetapi kemudahan mendapatkan informasi juga memberikan ancaman. Masalah keamanan dan kerahasiaan data merupakan salah satu aspek penting dari suatu informasi. Dengan berkembangnya teknik pengambilan informasi secara ilegal, banyak orang yang mencoba untuk mengakses informasi yang bukan haknya. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu sistem pengamanan data yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keamanan dan melindungi data sehingga tidak dimengerti oleh pihak yang tidak berwenang, Dengan menggabungkan metode kriptografi dan metode steganogrfi diharapkan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan akan keamanan dan melindungi data. Setelah dilakukan penelitian ini baik secara matematis dan implementasi kedalam aplikasi didapatkan sebuah hasil yang dapat di pertanggung jawabkan dimana hasil dari data asli yang di ubah ke bentuk lain melalui metode...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The research objective is to recommend the sale of the best ornamental plant species to lovers of... more The research objective is to recommend the sale of the best ornamental plant species to lovers of ornamental plants by using decision support system techniques. Ornamental plants are a type of ornamental plants that can survive in various conditions. In this case ornamental plants are also very vulnerable to disease such as root rot, shoot rot and others. Many types of ornamental plant sellers do not know how to handle ornamental plants that have diseases or symptoms when they occur. The study was conducted in Simalungun District with a sample of thirteen traders selling ornamental plants using observation and questionnaire distribution techniques. Selection of ornamental plants based on the types in this study include: Orchid Plants (A1), Tulips (A2), Bougenvil (A3) and Jasmine (A4). The assessment criteria used include: Plant height (C1), Plant quality (C2), Plant type (C3) and Plant age (C4). The method used in this research is Simple Additive Weighting. The results showed that O...
IJISTECH (International Journal Of Information System & Technology), 2019
Theft is a behavior that causes harm to victims who are targeted and cause casualties. This study... more Theft is a behavior that causes harm to victims who are targeted and cause casualties. This study aims to classify areas of theft crimes based on provision by using data mining techniques. Data was obtained from the Indonesian statistical center (Badan Pusat Statistik) consisting of 34 provinces. The grouping technique used is K-Means. Clusters are divided into 3 namely: C1: areas with high crime rates of theft, C2: areas with crime rates of ordinary theft and C3: areas with low theft crime rates. Data processing is done using the help of RapidMiner software. The results of the k-means analysis obtained 17 provinces in Indonesia have the highest theft crime rate (C1), namely: Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, Lampung, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Banten, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi and Papua. The results of the study concluded that more than 50% of regions in Indonesia still had high rates ...
2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM)
Computers are often used as a tool that can give conclusions to a disease so that they can help t... more Computers are often used as a tool that can give conclusions to a disease so that they can help the community or health practitioners. The expert system is a field of science that can process the knowledge of an expert into a computer-based system that can be used by many people. Expert systems use multiple search models to diagnose a disease. Forward Chaining is a search model that can be used to perform a symptom search of a disease. One of the diseases that can be diagnosed by using computer media is Herpes Zoster. Herpes Zoster is a disease that attacks the skin and mucosa. To provide a degree of certainty to the diagnosis can be used several methods, one of which Bayes Theorem. Bayes' Theorem is a method of calculating certainty that can be used to provide a degree of certainty of diagnosis of a disease by calculating each probability of each of its symptoms. The result of this study is a system that has the knowledge, such as a doctor to be able to diagnose herpes zoster disease. The diagnostic results obtained from the system will be reinforced by the level of certainty calculated using the Bayes theorem.
TIN: Terapan Informatika Nusantara, Aug 31, 2021
Berbagai masalah muncul ketika bantuan langsung tunai dari pemerintah yang dijalankan pada setiap... more Berbagai masalah muncul ketika bantuan langsung tunai dari pemerintah yang dijalankan pada setiap daerah mulai dicairkan kepada masyarakat yang berhak. Salah satunya adalah kesalahan pemilihan target penerima bantuan, sesuai peraturan warga yang menerima bantuan harus sesuai dengan syarat yang berlaku seperti wni, masyarakat miskin, lansia dan terdampak covid-19, akan tetapi masih ada masyarakat tergolong mampu bisa mendapatkan blt tersebut dikarenakan penumpukan data yang yang berjumlah ribuan dan dikemas dalam sebuah system manual mengakibatkan bantuan tidak tersalurkan pada orang yang tepat, dengan permasalahan ini penulis berinsiatif untuk membuat suatu system yang dimplementasikan dengan metode profile matching dengan kriteria yang diambil dari data syarat penerimaan blt dari pemerintah untuk memberikan solusi permasalahan dengan menentukan warga yang cocok dan pantas dalam penerimaan bantuan langsung tunai tersebut. Riset data dilakukan menggunakan konsep prototyping untuk peningkatan akurasi penerimaan bantuan langsung tunai yang diolah dengan system pendukung keputusan untuk kemudahan proses penerimaan agar lebih cepat tepat dan akurat dan tidak merugikan pihak terkait. System ini dirancang dengan sedemikian rupa agar dapat diakses masyarakat awam dan dengan perangkat android untuk memudahkan proses pemilihan penerimaan.
2018 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2018
Security of data or documents is a very important thing. Given that nowadays many exchange data e... more Security of data or documents is a very important thing. Given that nowadays many exchange data electronically. It will result in a lot of processes that can compromise the security of data. Therefore, we need a way to be able to secure the important data that are not easily obtained by others who are not interested. One of the main that we can secure is the data in the form of text. The knowledge that can keep a message or data Cryptography is the science. In the event that the merger will be carried out or a combination of WAKE and Caesar Cipher methods. Mechanisms to improve security is to use encryption technology. Encryption is the conversion of an original text or plain text into the hidden text (cipher text) that usually berbetuk codes. And vice versa if the data is hidden the wish to be returned must decrypt it first. The step is to encrypt text data with the method and the result is encrypted WAKE back to Caesar Cipher method, so that the data to be kept secret remains safe.
2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2019
Hill Cipher is one of the symmetric key cryptographic algorithms that have several advantages in ... more Hill Cipher is one of the symmetric key cryptographic algorithms that have several advantages in data encryption. To avoid key invertible matrices, key matrices are generated using Newton's binomial coefficients. Hill Cipher is one of the symmetric key cryptographic algorithms. The Hill Cipher algorithm uses a matrix measuring m x m as a key for encryption and decryption. The basic matrix theory used in Hill Cipher includes multiplication between matrices and inverses the matrix. Hill Cipher uses mathematical calculations called Linear Algebra and specifically requires users to understand the basis of the matrix. During this time the matrix multiplication used to encrypt and decrypt this method is only done by Divide and Conquer. This is less effective in minimizing the processing time. A good algorithm must not only be correct but also efficient in its use. In addition, an algorithm must also have low complexity. Algorithms like this must be able to optimize its performance, especially in data processing which is getting more and more in number. An algorithm with low complexity is an algorithm that is able to minimize the use of time and memory space even though more and more data is used. Therefore the author applies the Strassen method in optimizing the matrix multiplication process to encrypt and decrypt it. However, this algorithm will only apply to use of keys and plaintexts of the same order size, which is nxn where n = 2a(a> 0). Then the encryption and decryption process will be done by matrix multiplication using the Strassen method. The final results show that by using the Strassen algorithm the encryption and decryption process in the Hill Cipher method can be optimized. Where every time the data to be processed increases the complexity of the time required will not be too high an increase. And this shown that Strassen more effective than the Divide and Conquer method.
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System & Technology), 2019
Image or pattern recognition system is one of the branches in computer science, this system can h... more Image or pattern recognition system is one of the branches in computer science, this system can help the processing of fingerprint patterns, especially in the banking, police and users of other institutions who really feel the importance of using fingerprints. Several stages in fingerprint pattern image recognition are through the process of scanning, then the resulting digital fingerprint image is converted to a certain value, among others, the threshold process, the division of images, and representation of input values. The training process is carried out using two treatments: the first with a different level of understanding and the second training with different unit numbers, the best training is obtained with a level of understanding of 0.3 and the number of hidden units 10 by producing a short training time and relatively small errors. Fingerprint pattern recognition is done by two trials, based on 1 number of training patterns and 5 number of training patterns. From the rese...
Saat ini gas lpg sangat berperan dikalangan masyarakat baik di rumah tangga maupun industri. gas ... more Saat ini gas lpg sangat berperan dikalangan masyarakat baik di rumah tangga maupun industri. gas juga mempunyai dampak negatif, terutama jika tidak diketahui adanya kebocoran tabung gas tersebut. kebocoran gas dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya insiden ledakan yang menimbulkan kebakaran. namun, dengan banyaknya masalah ini, diperlukan sebuah alat pendeteksi gas. Sebuah Pendeteksi gas dapat membunyikan alarm atau led yang berkedip sebagai pendeteksi kebocoran serta mengukur konsentrasi gas, sensor akan merespon gas yang terdeteksi yang memiliki fungsi sebagai titik acuan pada pendeteksian. Alat ini dapat digunakan sebagai pendeteksi kebocoran gas yang memungkinkan terjadinya kebakaran serta menginformasikan melalui SMS ke pengguna. Detektor gas ini menggunakan sensor gas sebagai pendeteksinya dan mengirimkan SMS serta alarm akan berbunyi jika sensor mendeteksi gas dalam suatu ruangan. Pada penelitian ini dibuat sebuah alat untuk mendeteksi atau mengamankan jika terjadi adanya kebocoran t...
The website is a digital information medium, a website created in the form of a graphical user in... more The website is a digital information medium, a website created in the form of a graphical user interface with several programming languages that are summarized for the concentration of the web design stage, in this case a problem arises about the difficulty of learning programming languages, it takes quite a lot of time, therefore the author introducing a wizard as a website design that even ordinary people can also make by this servant is carried in SMK Penerbangan Medan by several people in 1 team which is divided into each. To make website design easier, faster, more efficient and a more structured system, where websites are created in a wizard and the system is provided by vendors in website design applications such as Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver itself is a system that supports several scripts for web design. either manually or manually. systemically, Dreamweaver also helps in connecting the MySQL database for data input and logging in to a website. The results are expected to add...
2020 8th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2020
The introduction of patterns is an analytical work, which is to process raw data (not loading exp... more The introduction of patterns is an analytical work, which is to process raw data (not loading explicit structures) to find the various elements of the attributes/information associated with it. This analytical work is commonplace for human beings. By using the five senses, human beings can see, hear, and feel the condition of its environment to then identify the things that are in it, digest and understand it, so that he can do the activities or interactions that suit his wishes. Facial recognition, voice, signposts and writings, the computer performs pattern recognition by following several stages: sensing, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification/inference. One of the methods used to recognize the pattern is with the help of neural networks. In recognizing the Batak alphabet pattern, it uses one of the methods that exist in the neural network, using the Habb method. So, it is hoped that the Habb method can recognize pattern patterns or features of the Batak script.
2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2019
Leptospirosis is the most serious zoonotic disease caused by Leptospira spp. Leptospirosis has sp... more Leptospirosis is the most serious zoonotic disease caused by Leptospira spp. Leptospirosis has spread throughout the world and spread more in the tropics than in temperate countries. Organisms are contained in the urine of infected animals, including rodents and pets. Humans can get this disease after contact with infected urine, or through contact with contaminated water, soil or food. This disease has several symptoms similar to other diseases such as influenza, dengue fever, typhoid fever, rickettsiosis, aseptic meningitides, hepatitis, and malaria. Similar to these symptoms make this disease a little difficult to diagnose quickly. the similarity of the symptoms of this disease to other diseases can also cause errors in diagnosing the disease, this can result in the wrong medication to be given to the patient. Slow handling can cause death to patients. Expert systems can be the solution to dealing with these problems. Expert systems can be computer software systems that use science, facts, and thinking techniques in the process of making decisions to solve problems that are usually only resolved by experts. Expert systems must be equipped with tracking techniques and mathematical calculation methods to improve the quality of diagnosis. The results of this study are combining forward chaining with Bayes theorem so that the diagnosis of leptospirosis is better.
2021 9th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2021
In face of the current spread of Covid-19, the government has made a decision to carry out activi... more In face of the current spread of Covid-19, the government has made a decision to carry out activities from home. One of the lecture activities which are usually carried out face-to-face are required to conduct lectures online. Online lectures cause several problems faced by students, one of which is the ineffectiveness of online learning so that many students can't get and do not understand about the material presented by the lecturer, which is motivated by several things, namely in the delivery of material, the language used, material that is not updated and There are many things that make students' understanding less understand the way the lecturer teaches. This condition makes students give unsatisfactory assessments to lecturers. To overcome this problem, the campus evaluates the performance of lecturers to correct deficiencies in the teaching process that are less effective. The first step is to evaluate the factors that influence the improvement of the ability of students and lecturers in the teaching and learning process. The next step is for each student to give an assessment of all lecturers according to the courses they are taking through a questionnaire given by the campus. Furthermore, processing the data using the MOORA method aims to determine the accuracy with the value obtained by the system. The trial used was given to the highest criterion weight value and the modification trial aimed to find out how many criteria could affect the improvement of lecturer performance. By using this method the results obtained are faster and more accurate as well as knowing what lecturers' statements need to be improved. By using the MOORA method, each lecturer knows the lowest and highest order against the specified criteria so that each teaching lecturer understands what students expect according to predetermined criteria and the campus management can evaluate teaching staff to improve the quality of lecturers in the teaching and learning process which can affect student quality.