stivani sinambela | Universitas Potensi Utama Medan (original) (raw)
Papers by stivani sinambela
Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2020
Amal Ilmiah : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) memiliki pola integrasi ekonomi antara negara-negara anggota ASEAN... more Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) memiliki pola integrasi ekonomi antara negara-negara anggota ASEAN dengan cara membentuk sistem perdagangan bebas atau free trade. Bukan hanya terintegrasi di bidang ekonomi, namun juga sosial dan politik. MEA adalah istilah yang hadir di Indonesia yang memiliki dasar yang sama dengan AEC atau ASEAN Economic Community. Dengan digulirkannya MEA pada penghujung 2015 lalu, merupakan titik awal bagi setiap negara anggota ASEAN yang terdiri dari Brunei Darussalam, Filipina, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore, Vietnam, dan Indonesia, dimana kesepuluh negara tersebut meleburkan batas teritori wilayahnya kedalam sebuah pasar bebas. MEA yang merupakan pasar tunggal di kawasan ASEAN adalah wujud baru bagi politik luar negeri Indonesia dalam interaksinya dengan negara-negara anggota ASEAN lain.Pentingnya pemahaman tentang Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) pada generasi muda dikarenakan mereka merupakan orang yang akan terkena dampak langsung. Sec...
Jurnal PIR : Power in International Relations
Since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis and the implementation of the EU sanctions regime agains... more Since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis and the implementation of the EU sanctions regime against Russia, Germany took up a leading role in the coordination of the EU’s Russia policy. This policy shift appeared to be a drastic departure from the traditional German Ostpolitik paradigm. Central to this analysis is the concept of geo-economics, which can be broadly defined as the “geostrategic use of economic power”. This article aims to examine how geo-economics influences Germany’s leadership of the EU’s Russia policy, with a particular focus on the study of German domestic politics and the role of relevant economic actors. On the one hand, Germany needs reliable and cost-effective energy to support its world-class industrial economy from Russia. On the other hand, German and Europe security was at stake. This framework is to understand how German policymakers are doing the work of interpreting their national interest and defining appropriate action in response to the dilemma.
Jurnal PIR : Power in International Relations, 2021
Penulisan penelitian ini berdasarkan konflik permasalahan batas laut Timor Leste dengan Australia... more Penulisan penelitian ini berdasarkan konflik permasalahan batas laut Timor Leste dengan Australia.Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penyelesaian permasalahan batas maritim antara Australia dan Timor Leste dan apa yang menjadi kepentingan kedua Negara. Konflik antar Negara dapat terjadi akibat batas-batas teritorial suatu negara telah dilanggar. Delimitasi batas maritim sebagai implementasi penentuan batas-batas wilayah laut antara negara. Dalam penyelesaian delimitasi batas maritim sengketa antara negara Timor Leste dan Australia adanya campur tangan oleh pihak ketiga yakni Arbitrase atau Mahkamah Internasional, sesuai dengan ketentuan konvensi UNCLOS 1982. Pada tahun 2016 Timor leste Arbitrase atau mahkamah Internasional turut campur tangan dalam penyelesaian antar timor Leste dan Australia. Greater Sunrise merupakan ladang minyak di Laut Timor dari pembagian hasil sumber daya minyak yang tidak merata bagi Timor Leste menjadi salah satu pemicu konflik delimitasi bata...
The International Conference on ASEAN 2019, 2019
Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) is a term that is present in Indonesia, which has the same basis a... more Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) is a term that is present in Indonesia, which has the same basis as the AEC or ASEAN Economic Community. The target of the implementation of the MEA is to maintain ASEAN's regional political and security stability, increase regional"s competition in the global markets, encourage economic growth, reduce poverty and improve the living standards of community ASEAN member states. Indonesia is a maritime country with the largest area in ASEAN. The District of Medan Belawan has one of the busiest ports in Sumatera. The location of Medan Belawan, which is on the international trade route, has the potential to provide opportunities for economic growth. The results of data collection obtained that the number of samples used in the study were 369 respondents. The results of this research showed that 70.2% of fishermen had known the ASEAN economic community, in accordance with BPS index of prosperity. The average age of respondents were over 17 years, which were 85% having experience working as fishers for more than five years at 67.2%.
Jurnal PIR : Power in International Relations
This paper aims to explain migrant crisis that happen in Germany because Open Door Policy impleme... more This paper aims to explain migrant crisis that happen in Germany because Open Door Policy implemented by Germany under governmental Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2015. Since, Germany has issued various policies that serve as protection regime in dealing with migrant. In its application, it is ineffective until cause in significant and different impacts in every aspect since. Implementation of Open Door Policy to deal with the migrant crisis that occurred at Europe, a new hope in Germany to boost Germany's positive image. The conclusions obtained in the analysis of this study that some Germans hope this positive image will help remove some stains in the past against Germany reputation. Germany has become home to migrants where Germany once made hundreds of thousands of people migrants. Germany appears to have drastically curtailed its open-door policy for migrants. therefore Open-door policy has resulted in the disintegration of countries in the EU region. There are four risks that...
Jurnal PIR : Power in International Relations
Penulisan dalam penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi terjadinya sengketa maritim antara Somalia dengan... more Penulisan dalam penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi terjadinya sengketa maritim antara Somalia dengan Kenya dan masih banyak potensi yang memungkinkan timbulnya sengketa batas laut antara Somalia dengan Kenya. Kedua Negara di Afrika timur itu memperdebatkan 160.000 kilometer persegi wilayah di Samudra Hindia dengan prospek cadangan minyak dan gas yang besar. Sebuah negara pantai menurut hukum internasional, berhak mengklaim wilayah maritim yang diukur dari garis pangkalnya, meliputi zona maritim yang telah diatur dalam UNCLOS 1982. Pada 2014 Somalia mengajukan sengketa delimitasi maritim ini ke ICJ (International Court of Justice). Somalia beralasan bahwa garis ukur untuk daerah laut harusnya sesuai dengan arah garis perbatasan dua negara. Sedangkan Kenya menyatakan bahwa garis ukur perbatasan laut harusnya ditarik secara horizontal, dan tidak menyesuaikan dengan arah perbatasan darat kedua negara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka. ...
Detikcom is a popular online media in Indonesia. As an online media that is trusted by Indonesian... more Detikcom is a popular online media in Indonesia. As an online media that is trusted by Indonesian people, this media always presents domestic and foreign news. This media also uses Twitter as a social media that contains the latest news so that people know the media quickly and accurately. After passing the data collection technique in the form of reading and identifying news on the online media, it can be analyzed that the media also uses the style of euphemism and disfemism in loading the news in 2019. Judging from the form of grammatical units, the euphemisms used in detikcoms consist of grammatical units of words, phrases, and sentences. Keywords: Eufemism, Disfemism, Semantic, Taboo Language
Jurnal PIR : Power in International Relations
Kerjasama Sister City antara Pemerintah Kota Medan dengan Penang (Georgetown) di Malaysia terbent... more Kerjasama Sister City antara Pemerintah Kota Medan dengan Penang (Georgetown) di Malaysia terbentuk dari adanya kesamaan kultur dan etnisitas penduduknya yang ditandatangani sejak Oktober 1984 dengan harapan berkembangnya kerjasama di segala bidang. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Kerjasama Internasional yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Medan dalam menjalankan kerjasama Sister City dengan Penang pada tahun 2010-2014. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis adalah metode deskriptif analitis, dengan tujuan untuk menggambarkan fakta yang berhubungan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Sebagian besar data yang dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan, penelusuran data online, dokumentasi, wawancara dan observasi yang kemudian dianalisis dengan pendekatan: 1) Decisions Making Process yang merupakan proses awal yang dilakukan oleh Kepala Daerah sebelum memutuskan suatu tindakan. 2) Paradiplomacy yaitu diplomasi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah sub-nasional di suatu negara ...
Cohesion of a discourse is divided into two aspects, namely grammatical cohesion and lexical cohe... more Cohesion of a discourse is divided into two aspects, namely grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion. In this study what will be examined is grammatical cohesion, especially the conjunction of grammatical cohesion. This study aims to identify the forms of the conjunction of grammatical cohesion in the text of the speech of German Prime Minister Angela Merkel. This research is a qualitative research. The design in this study is content analysis with descriptive characteristics, namely the presentation of data based on the object of research. The results showed that the language elements in the form of words, phrases, clauses and sentences as part of the reference of two sentences in pairs to find out the cohesive relationship was evenly distributed. The percentage of the use of grammatical cohesion in the aspect of conjunction includes (1) additive conjunction (combined) is 153 findings or 45%; (2) causal conjunctions (cause) is 89 findings or 26%; (3) adversative conjunctions (cont...
Jurnal PIR : Power in International Relations, 2018
This paper aims to explain migrant crisis that happen in Germany because Open Door Policy impleme... more This paper aims to explain migrant crisis that happen in Germany because Open Door Policy implemented by Germany under governmental Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2015. Since, Germany has issued various policies that serve as protection regime in dealing with migrant. In its application, it is ineffective until cause in significant and different impacts in every aspect since. Implementation of Open Door Policy to deal with the migrant crisis that occurred at Europe, a new hope in Germany to boost Germany's positive image. The conclusions obtained in the analysis of this study that some Germans hope this positive image will help remove some stains in the past against Germany reputation. Germany has become home to migrants where Germany once made hundreds of thousands of people migrants. Germany appears to have drastically curtailed its open-door policy for migrants. therefore Open-door policy has resulted in the disintegration of countries in the EU region. There are four risks that...
Jurnal PIR : Power in International Relations
Indonesia merupakan Negara maritim yang luas wilayahnya terbesar di kawasan ASEAN. Kecamatan Meda... more Indonesia merupakan Negara maritim yang luas wilayahnya terbesar di kawasan ASEAN. Kecamatan Medan Belawan memiliki salah satu pelabuhan tersibuk di Pulau Sumatera, dengan posisi yang berada pada jalur lintas perdagangan internasional berpotensi memberikan peluang bagi kemajuan perekonomian khususnya dari penerapan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN di Indonesia. Untuk melihat pengaruhnya maka dilakukan penelitian ini. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil dari pengumpulan data diperoleh bahwa jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 369 responden. Dari jumlah tersebut, sebanyak 85,1% berjenis kelamin laki-laki, sedangkan 14,9% adalah perempuan dan 100% beragama islam. Usia rata-rata responden di atas 17 tahun, yakni sebesar 85% dengan pengalaman bekerja sebagai nelayan selama lebih dari lima tahun sebesar 67,2%. Sebagian besar responden sudah mengetahui penerapan MEA (58%) dan mendapatkan pemberitahuan resmi oleh lembaga/pemerintah. Tingkat kepercayaan respo...
Asian Social Science and Humanities Research Journal (ASHREJ)
The Cohesion of discourse is divided into two aspects, namely grammatical Cohesion, and lexical C... more The Cohesion of discourse is divided into two aspects, namely grammatical Cohesion, and lexical Cohesion. In this study, what will be examined is lexical Cohesion. This study aims to identify forms of lexical Cohesion in the text of the speech of German Prime Minister Angela Merkel. Text analysis of this speech uses Halliday and Hasan's cohesion theory. This research is qualitative. The design in this study is content analysis with descriptive characteristics, namely the presentation of data based on the object of research. The data observed were all lexical elements in cohesive words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The results showed the percentage of use of lexical Cohesion included (1) 37% repetition; (2) synonymy 8%; (3) hyponymy 7%; (4) receives 2%; (5) antonymy 46%. The data shows that the lexical antonym is the most dominant lexical type found in Angela Merkel's speech text.
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
This analysis focuses on the paradiplomatic policies in Indonesia and Korea. The two countries ha... more This analysis focuses on the paradiplomatic policies in Indonesia and Korea. The two countries have similar characteristics, namely as unitary state systems, and enacted regional autonomy in the same era, 1998s. This qualitative research aims to examine paradiplomatic types in both countries and why the policies are rationalized. The findings revealed that although both countries are unitary states, paradiplomatic activism runs in different types. Provinces and cities in Indonesia face many restrictions and limitations by national regulations, while regional governments in Korea have more discretions and authorities to practice paradiplomacy around the world. The research finding also portrayed several provinces in Indonesia instrumentalizing paradiplomacy as instruments to provide international recognitions related to self-determination, and this similar fact is not met in Korea. This paper argues that the different types of paradiplomatic policies in both countries are influenced ...
Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2020
Amal Ilmiah : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) memiliki pola integrasi ekonomi antara negara-negara anggota ASEAN... more Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) memiliki pola integrasi ekonomi antara negara-negara anggota ASEAN dengan cara membentuk sistem perdagangan bebas atau free trade. Bukan hanya terintegrasi di bidang ekonomi, namun juga sosial dan politik. MEA adalah istilah yang hadir di Indonesia yang memiliki dasar yang sama dengan AEC atau ASEAN Economic Community. Dengan digulirkannya MEA pada penghujung 2015 lalu, merupakan titik awal bagi setiap negara anggota ASEAN yang terdiri dari Brunei Darussalam, Filipina, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore, Vietnam, dan Indonesia, dimana kesepuluh negara tersebut meleburkan batas teritori wilayahnya kedalam sebuah pasar bebas. MEA yang merupakan pasar tunggal di kawasan ASEAN adalah wujud baru bagi politik luar negeri Indonesia dalam interaksinya dengan negara-negara anggota ASEAN lain.Pentingnya pemahaman tentang Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) pada generasi muda dikarenakan mereka merupakan orang yang akan terkena dampak langsung. Sec...
Jurnal PIR : Power in International Relations
Since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis and the implementation of the EU sanctions regime agains... more Since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis and the implementation of the EU sanctions regime against Russia, Germany took up a leading role in the coordination of the EU’s Russia policy. This policy shift appeared to be a drastic departure from the traditional German Ostpolitik paradigm. Central to this analysis is the concept of geo-economics, which can be broadly defined as the “geostrategic use of economic power”. This article aims to examine how geo-economics influences Germany’s leadership of the EU’s Russia policy, with a particular focus on the study of German domestic politics and the role of relevant economic actors. On the one hand, Germany needs reliable and cost-effective energy to support its world-class industrial economy from Russia. On the other hand, German and Europe security was at stake. This framework is to understand how German policymakers are doing the work of interpreting their national interest and defining appropriate action in response to the dilemma.
Jurnal PIR : Power in International Relations, 2021
Penulisan penelitian ini berdasarkan konflik permasalahan batas laut Timor Leste dengan Australia... more Penulisan penelitian ini berdasarkan konflik permasalahan batas laut Timor Leste dengan Australia.Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penyelesaian permasalahan batas maritim antara Australia dan Timor Leste dan apa yang menjadi kepentingan kedua Negara. Konflik antar Negara dapat terjadi akibat batas-batas teritorial suatu negara telah dilanggar. Delimitasi batas maritim sebagai implementasi penentuan batas-batas wilayah laut antara negara. Dalam penyelesaian delimitasi batas maritim sengketa antara negara Timor Leste dan Australia adanya campur tangan oleh pihak ketiga yakni Arbitrase atau Mahkamah Internasional, sesuai dengan ketentuan konvensi UNCLOS 1982. Pada tahun 2016 Timor leste Arbitrase atau mahkamah Internasional turut campur tangan dalam penyelesaian antar timor Leste dan Australia. Greater Sunrise merupakan ladang minyak di Laut Timor dari pembagian hasil sumber daya minyak yang tidak merata bagi Timor Leste menjadi salah satu pemicu konflik delimitasi bata...
The International Conference on ASEAN 2019, 2019
Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) is a term that is present in Indonesia, which has the same basis a... more Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) is a term that is present in Indonesia, which has the same basis as the AEC or ASEAN Economic Community. The target of the implementation of the MEA is to maintain ASEAN's regional political and security stability, increase regional"s competition in the global markets, encourage economic growth, reduce poverty and improve the living standards of community ASEAN member states. Indonesia is a maritime country with the largest area in ASEAN. The District of Medan Belawan has one of the busiest ports in Sumatera. The location of Medan Belawan, which is on the international trade route, has the potential to provide opportunities for economic growth. The results of data collection obtained that the number of samples used in the study were 369 respondents. The results of this research showed that 70.2% of fishermen had known the ASEAN economic community, in accordance with BPS index of prosperity. The average age of respondents were over 17 years, which were 85% having experience working as fishers for more than five years at 67.2%.
Jurnal PIR : Power in International Relations
This paper aims to explain migrant crisis that happen in Germany because Open Door Policy impleme... more This paper aims to explain migrant crisis that happen in Germany because Open Door Policy implemented by Germany under governmental Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2015. Since, Germany has issued various policies that serve as protection regime in dealing with migrant. In its application, it is ineffective until cause in significant and different impacts in every aspect since. Implementation of Open Door Policy to deal with the migrant crisis that occurred at Europe, a new hope in Germany to boost Germany's positive image. The conclusions obtained in the analysis of this study that some Germans hope this positive image will help remove some stains in the past against Germany reputation. Germany has become home to migrants where Germany once made hundreds of thousands of people migrants. Germany appears to have drastically curtailed its open-door policy for migrants. therefore Open-door policy has resulted in the disintegration of countries in the EU region. There are four risks that...
Jurnal PIR : Power in International Relations
Penulisan dalam penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi terjadinya sengketa maritim antara Somalia dengan... more Penulisan dalam penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi terjadinya sengketa maritim antara Somalia dengan Kenya dan masih banyak potensi yang memungkinkan timbulnya sengketa batas laut antara Somalia dengan Kenya. Kedua Negara di Afrika timur itu memperdebatkan 160.000 kilometer persegi wilayah di Samudra Hindia dengan prospek cadangan minyak dan gas yang besar. Sebuah negara pantai menurut hukum internasional, berhak mengklaim wilayah maritim yang diukur dari garis pangkalnya, meliputi zona maritim yang telah diatur dalam UNCLOS 1982. Pada 2014 Somalia mengajukan sengketa delimitasi maritim ini ke ICJ (International Court of Justice). Somalia beralasan bahwa garis ukur untuk daerah laut harusnya sesuai dengan arah garis perbatasan dua negara. Sedangkan Kenya menyatakan bahwa garis ukur perbatasan laut harusnya ditarik secara horizontal, dan tidak menyesuaikan dengan arah perbatasan darat kedua negara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka. ...
Detikcom is a popular online media in Indonesia. As an online media that is trusted by Indonesian... more Detikcom is a popular online media in Indonesia. As an online media that is trusted by Indonesian people, this media always presents domestic and foreign news. This media also uses Twitter as a social media that contains the latest news so that people know the media quickly and accurately. After passing the data collection technique in the form of reading and identifying news on the online media, it can be analyzed that the media also uses the style of euphemism and disfemism in loading the news in 2019. Judging from the form of grammatical units, the euphemisms used in detikcoms consist of grammatical units of words, phrases, and sentences. Keywords: Eufemism, Disfemism, Semantic, Taboo Language
Jurnal PIR : Power in International Relations
Kerjasama Sister City antara Pemerintah Kota Medan dengan Penang (Georgetown) di Malaysia terbent... more Kerjasama Sister City antara Pemerintah Kota Medan dengan Penang (Georgetown) di Malaysia terbentuk dari adanya kesamaan kultur dan etnisitas penduduknya yang ditandatangani sejak Oktober 1984 dengan harapan berkembangnya kerjasama di segala bidang. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Kerjasama Internasional yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Medan dalam menjalankan kerjasama Sister City dengan Penang pada tahun 2010-2014. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis adalah metode deskriptif analitis, dengan tujuan untuk menggambarkan fakta yang berhubungan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Sebagian besar data yang dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan, penelusuran data online, dokumentasi, wawancara dan observasi yang kemudian dianalisis dengan pendekatan: 1) Decisions Making Process yang merupakan proses awal yang dilakukan oleh Kepala Daerah sebelum memutuskan suatu tindakan. 2) Paradiplomacy yaitu diplomasi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah sub-nasional di suatu negara ...
Cohesion of a discourse is divided into two aspects, namely grammatical cohesion and lexical cohe... more Cohesion of a discourse is divided into two aspects, namely grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion. In this study what will be examined is grammatical cohesion, especially the conjunction of grammatical cohesion. This study aims to identify the forms of the conjunction of grammatical cohesion in the text of the speech of German Prime Minister Angela Merkel. This research is a qualitative research. The design in this study is content analysis with descriptive characteristics, namely the presentation of data based on the object of research. The results showed that the language elements in the form of words, phrases, clauses and sentences as part of the reference of two sentences in pairs to find out the cohesive relationship was evenly distributed. The percentage of the use of grammatical cohesion in the aspect of conjunction includes (1) additive conjunction (combined) is 153 findings or 45%; (2) causal conjunctions (cause) is 89 findings or 26%; (3) adversative conjunctions (cont...
Jurnal PIR : Power in International Relations, 2018
This paper aims to explain migrant crisis that happen in Germany because Open Door Policy impleme... more This paper aims to explain migrant crisis that happen in Germany because Open Door Policy implemented by Germany under governmental Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2015. Since, Germany has issued various policies that serve as protection regime in dealing with migrant. In its application, it is ineffective until cause in significant and different impacts in every aspect since. Implementation of Open Door Policy to deal with the migrant crisis that occurred at Europe, a new hope in Germany to boost Germany's positive image. The conclusions obtained in the analysis of this study that some Germans hope this positive image will help remove some stains in the past against Germany reputation. Germany has become home to migrants where Germany once made hundreds of thousands of people migrants. Germany appears to have drastically curtailed its open-door policy for migrants. therefore Open-door policy has resulted in the disintegration of countries in the EU region. There are four risks that...
Jurnal PIR : Power in International Relations
Indonesia merupakan Negara maritim yang luas wilayahnya terbesar di kawasan ASEAN. Kecamatan Meda... more Indonesia merupakan Negara maritim yang luas wilayahnya terbesar di kawasan ASEAN. Kecamatan Medan Belawan memiliki salah satu pelabuhan tersibuk di Pulau Sumatera, dengan posisi yang berada pada jalur lintas perdagangan internasional berpotensi memberikan peluang bagi kemajuan perekonomian khususnya dari penerapan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN di Indonesia. Untuk melihat pengaruhnya maka dilakukan penelitian ini. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil dari pengumpulan data diperoleh bahwa jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 369 responden. Dari jumlah tersebut, sebanyak 85,1% berjenis kelamin laki-laki, sedangkan 14,9% adalah perempuan dan 100% beragama islam. Usia rata-rata responden di atas 17 tahun, yakni sebesar 85% dengan pengalaman bekerja sebagai nelayan selama lebih dari lima tahun sebesar 67,2%. Sebagian besar responden sudah mengetahui penerapan MEA (58%) dan mendapatkan pemberitahuan resmi oleh lembaga/pemerintah. Tingkat kepercayaan respo...
Asian Social Science and Humanities Research Journal (ASHREJ)
The Cohesion of discourse is divided into two aspects, namely grammatical Cohesion, and lexical C... more The Cohesion of discourse is divided into two aspects, namely grammatical Cohesion, and lexical Cohesion. In this study, what will be examined is lexical Cohesion. This study aims to identify forms of lexical Cohesion in the text of the speech of German Prime Minister Angela Merkel. Text analysis of this speech uses Halliday and Hasan's cohesion theory. This research is qualitative. The design in this study is content analysis with descriptive characteristics, namely the presentation of data based on the object of research. The data observed were all lexical elements in cohesive words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The results showed the percentage of use of lexical Cohesion included (1) 37% repetition; (2) synonymy 8%; (3) hyponymy 7%; (4) receives 2%; (5) antonymy 46%. The data shows that the lexical antonym is the most dominant lexical type found in Angela Merkel's speech text.
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
This analysis focuses on the paradiplomatic policies in Indonesia and Korea. The two countries ha... more This analysis focuses on the paradiplomatic policies in Indonesia and Korea. The two countries have similar characteristics, namely as unitary state systems, and enacted regional autonomy in the same era, 1998s. This qualitative research aims to examine paradiplomatic types in both countries and why the policies are rationalized. The findings revealed that although both countries are unitary states, paradiplomatic activism runs in different types. Provinces and cities in Indonesia face many restrictions and limitations by national regulations, while regional governments in Korea have more discretions and authorities to practice paradiplomacy around the world. The research finding also portrayed several provinces in Indonesia instrumentalizing paradiplomacy as instruments to provide international recognitions related to self-determination, and this similar fact is not met in Korea. This paper argues that the different types of paradiplomatic policies in both countries are influenced ...