.:Potter Pedophiles:. (original) (raw)

R.I.P Pervyness [12 Jun 2007|09:45pm]
[ **mood** | content ] Well gals, Mr. Daniel Radcliffe himself will be turning the big 1-8 next month, making him ever so legal now in both the US and the UK. We are now officially allowed to feel good about our longings ;)But I will still keep this community up in rememberence of the days when we were all Dirty Old Ladies....The Mod.
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[14 Oct 2005|06:20pm]
[ **mood** | ecstatic ] Okay so Fandango.com is selling midnight showing tix for Goblet of Fireon Nov. 17th. I got my ticket. It's not in IMAX, but as I plan on going more than once I'm not really caring. Anybody in the San Antonio area want to join me?
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[18 Aug 2005|12:59am]
[ **mood** | creative ] Thought you all would be interested. I've just finished a(n) Hot Guys icon batch that includes some Daniel Radcliffe...and several others.Teasers: Click for the rest
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[12 Aug 2005|12:23pm]
[ **mood** | accomplished ] I'm still alive, and I'm glad to see so is this community....Thanks for keeping up with posting pics and more!!!-The Mod
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Howdy [01 Mar 2005|07:48pm]
Hi there...The formerly bodhran_babe just saying I switched my name. ...it's been a touch quiet here lately, hasn't it?Ah well...movie and book will be out (not) soon enough!Luffs!
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newbie: [24 Dec 2004|10:30pm]
Hi! ::waves::First, I just want to say, hurray that I found this community. It's *really* nice to know I'm not the only one who, well, you know -- yum.I've always been a Harry Potter fan, way before the movies, but in Prisoner of Azkaban... holy bejeebus... never did I ever imagine.. they are so *sex*.cough.Okay, I just wanted to introduce myself, and I think I've done that. So, Goodnight!And I hope you all have/had a very happy holiday!
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[09 Dec 2004|04:53am]
[ **mood** | chipper ] hey all, this is priestessoyaI'm no longer at that journal, this is my new one!just wanted to let you all know:):)
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[04 Dec 2004|02:28pm]
Anyone who even remotely kinda likes Harry Potter will LOVE thisPotter Potter PotterX-posted to every Harry Potter related comm I belong to, sorry if you get this twice
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[18 Nov 2004|05:44pm]
How bad is it that I squeed when I found out they've shot the half naked Harry bathroom scene for GOF? Damn these kids for making me feel old and dirty when I'm only 20!I'm new. Hi everyone! I think Dan, Tom, and Rupert are all sexy. The Phelps twins too. Damn, I love this fandom.
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Ugh [16 Nov 2004|10:33pm]
[ **mood** | awake ] Okay, I know I may be the only one to have this opinion but WHY do teenage boys have to grow their hair out so they end up looking like eyeless rag-a-muffins? ClickUgh! Honestly, I prefer people where I can see their eyes when I look at them. Thankfully he's not able to grow a beard yet otherwise we wouldn't be able to see his face at all.
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Woah!!! [15 Nov 2004|04:03pm]
You don't expect me to believe this kid don't know what he's doing!OMFG, just looking at him, sticking his tounge out like that, just makes me wanna, rrraaahhh!!! I tell ya, this kid is a tease!
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[05 Oct 2004|02:16pm]
[ **mood** | creative ] my daughter (who is 4 now) has really gotten into Harry Potter lately (I have loved him for years), and we are planning a HP party in just over a week. I am wondering if anyone has ideas for games, or knows where I can get Chocolate frogs, bertie botts beans, or any other candies. I will also post pics after the party, if you would like!
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