Kyoryugers (original) (raw)

"(Daigo): You'll be surprised when you hear... The Fanged Brave! Kyoryu Red! (Ian): The Bullet Brave! Kyoryu Black! (Nobu): The Armored Brave! Kyoryu Blue! (Souji): The Slashing Brave! Kyoryu Green! (Amy): The Horned Brave! Kyoryu Pink! (Utsusemimaru): The Thundering Brave! Kyoryu Gold! (Ramirez): The Steel Brave! Kyoryu Cyan! (Tessai): The Crashing Brave! Kyoryu Gray! (Yayoi): The Marine Brave! Kyoryu Violet! (Torin): The Shining Brave! Kyoryu Silver! (All): The strongest braves in history! (Daigo): The ten assembled! Zyuden Sentai! (All): Kyoryuger!"

―Roll call.[src]

"It's going to get wild! Just try and stop us!"

―Pre-battle catchphrase.[src]

"We're brave!"

―Victory catchphrase.[src]

The Kyoryugers were the 37th Super Sentai that protected the Earth. Described as a combination of "dinosaurs plus humans", these warriors, partnered with robotic dinosaurs known as the Zyudenryu, fought the Deboth Army whose aim was to bring forth the extinction of the humans on Earth.


to be added


Kyoryuger (Team)

The Kyoryuger teams as one


The origin of the Kyoryugers lay in Wise God Torin, their humanoid bird-like mentor who existed for billions of years. Originally known as Demon Sword High Priest Torin, he was a member of the Deboth Army who was created to attack Earth as a first wave. However, Torin came to love the planet's beauty and resolved to protect Earth's life forms. He bonded with the dinosaurs and helped them oppose the Deboth Army, several dinosaurs from different species having agreed to be modified to become the Zyudenryu.

Though he was unable to save the dinosaurs from the mass extinction caused by the invasion, watching his partner Bragigas sacrifice himself to damage their enemy's heart, Torin managed to freeze Deboth's body while scarring his older brother Hundred-Faced High Priest Chaos. Mortally wounded from the battle, Torin used what remained of Bragigas to create the Spirit Base under the "Golden Land", the mass of land that would become Japan, and dedicated himself to keep the Deboth Army from fully resurrecting. Having met a race of prehistoric people who lived alongside the dinosaurs and hearing their music, Torin was inspired to form the Kyoryugers to fight the Deboth Army whenever they resurface over the ages.

Past Kyoryugers[]

The first Kyoryuger was Tessai, a focused martial artist from 6th century China. When the Deboth Army, led by Debo Nagareboshi of the Zetsumates, attacked his homeland long ago, Tessai became the partner of the eighth of the Ten Great Zyudenryu, Bunpachy and fought the threat as Kyoryu Gray while hiding his personal fear of losing his loved ones.

In the Sengoku period of Japan, Torin fought the Deboth Army alongside the samurai Utsusemimaru and his lord Iwaizumi Mōshinosuke. Utsusemimaru defeated the sixth Zyudenryu, Pteragordon, becoming its partner, Kyoryu Gold. However, Chaos formulated a scheme with Raging Knight Dogold to slaughter anyone with whom Utsusemimaru had been in contact with to incite him into a rage. Once he had fallen into their trap, Utsusemimaru was sealed within Dogold's body as part of Chaos's plan to control Pteragordon. Utsusemimaru was presumed dead but manifest as a Spirit.

In the early 17th century, a European man named Ramirez would become Kyoryu Cyan, partnered with the seventh Zyudenryu, Ankydon. Together they fought against the Zetsumate Debo Viruson. Though both Ramirez and Tessai eventually passed away, they were able to live on as Spirit Rangers due to the bond with their Zyudenryu, allowing them to aid the present-day Kyoryugers.

Towards the late 20th century, Torin found a man named Dantetsu Kiryu who was bathed in the Light of the Earth while traveling with his infant son, Daigo Kiryu, gaining the ability to hear the planet's melody. Torin referred to Dantetsu as mankind's King. Torin also met the genius scientist Doctor Woorushade, who defeated the ninth Zyudenryu, Plezuon, to forge a pact and become Kyoryu Violet. Woorushade invented and mass-produced the Zyuden Arms weapons with his voice programmed into them, which would be used by the five modern-day Kyoryugers. Woorushade fought the Deboth Army while taking care of his young granddaughter Yayoi, who would become the new Kyoryu Violet when she grew up.

Around a decade after he first heard the Earth's melody, sensing the Deboth Army gathering strength, Dantetsu left the young Daigo with his amber pendant and a handful of money as he embarked on a dangerous journey of finding the Lost Stones.

King Arrives[]

In 2013, the Deboth Army thaws out from their Antarctic prison as Chaos sends the Zorima to attack all corners of the world and finish what they started with the human race as their new target. However, a group of Zorima at an island in the southern sea are hindered from terrorizing the islanders by the now grown-up Daigo Kiryu who refers to himself "King". Torin arrives to give the young man a petrified Gaburivolver before summoning the first Zyudenryu, Gabutyra, to wipe out the remaining Zorima. Introducing himself, Torin reveals to Daigo that the Zorima groups sent to other parts of the world have been quickly thwarted by a new generation of warriors called the Kyoryugers. Torin adds that Daigo must tame Gabutyra in combat to become the fifth Kyoryuger. After a month of punishment, Daigo manages to tame Gabutyra though his Gaburivolver is still petrified. But sensing the Deboth Army gathering their strength, Torin teleported Daigo to the Tiger Boy restaurant in Japan where the youth meets a flirt called Ian Yorkland, a worker called Nobuharu "Nobu" Undo, a strong girl called Amy Yuuzuki, and a youth called Souji Rippukan. Whilst the others end up in an argument, Daigo finds himself in Torin's Spirit Base and informs him of the amber pendant he got from his father. By then, Torin senses Gabutyra attempting to kill the Debo Monster Debo Hyogakki; the one responsible for the dinosaurs' extinction. Despite knowing the Zyudenryu's reasons to keep him from harm, Daigo confronts the Zorima whuch wins him the thawed Gabutyra's respect to allow him to transform into Kyoryu Red. Giving Gabutyra his Zyudenchi, Kyoryu Red and his Zyudenryu battle the Zorima and Giant Zorima at all fronts before the other four Kyoryugers arrive. Whilst the other Kyoryugers deal with the Zorima, Daigo and Gabutyra join forces to destroy Debo Hyogakki. Though they prefer to remain anonymous, Daigo cancels his transformation as he introduces himself to the other Kyoryugers. With their respective bonds with the first five of the Ten Great Zyudenryu, the five Kyoryugers become the first line of defense against the Deboth Army. Tvicon TV STORY-Brave 1: He's Here! The Bright Red King

Daigo builds a T-Rex statue for an upcoming museum exhibit at the request of a girl named Rika Fukui and her friends, before meeting two of the people he met earlier at the Tiger Boy: Rika's uncle Nobuharu Udo and a rich girl named Amy Yuuzuki. However, a group of Zorima under Debo Peshango appear with Daigo transforming into Kyoryu Red to fight them before going after Debo Peshango. However, the tearful Sorrowful Knight Aigallon arrives and reluctantly fights Daigo until Ian and Souji arrive and teech the newbie how to use his personal weapon, forcing Debo Peshango to fall back whilst taking his frustration on the T-Rex statue. Whilst placing his Zyudenchi away to be recharged, Daigo meets Kyoryu Blue and Pink who reveal themselves to be Amy and Nobu. The next day, Nobuharu finds Daigo restoring the wooden sculpture and learns that he went to his Zyudenryu Stegotchi to learn how Rika got attacked by the Zorima before Nobuharu saved his niece. The Deboth Army then resume their attack with Amy finally revealing her fighting skills while instructing her shocked butler Gentle to take the children to safety. Seeing Rika attempt to protect the statue from Debo Peshango, Nobuharu uses the statue to knock the Debo Monster back whilst realizing it is his need to protect his family that makes him strong. With Gentle taking Rika to safety, the three Kyoryugers transform to fight the Zorima before going after Debo Peshango. However, as Aigallon cries over his defeated minion, Canderrilla arrives with Luckyuro who uses his Sukusuku Joylo to enlarge Debo Peshango. In response, Kyoryu Red summons Gabutyra to fight Debo Peshango while Torin tells Nobu and Ami to summon Stegotchi and Dricera to combine their Zyudenryu into Kyoryuzin who destroys the Debo Monster. The next day, the dinosaur exhibit ends with Gabutyra posing as Amy and Nobuharu understand Daigo well now. Tvicon TV STORY-Brave 2: Gaburincho! Biting Combination

While working at the Tiger Boy with Daigo helping as a part-time chef, Amy greets Souji Rippukan as he orders a cream soda. However, Souji is dragged out of the restaurant by his father Genryu Rippukan as he sees the youth to be straying from their family tradition of being great swordsmen as Debo Royaroya captures martial artists. Souji's father fends off the monster as Daigo, Nobu and Ami arrive to take over. As Souji arrives with Ian following to even the odds, the Debo Monster is hit from behind by the temperamental Raging Knight Dogold as he single-handedly overpowers the Kyoryugers whilst Debo Royaroya retreats. Souji loses his cool during the fight with a dismayed Dogold taking his leave. Whilst at the Spirit Base, Daigo confront Souji about his temper as the two engage in a duel. Regardless of his opponent using the Gaburivolver, Souji accepts defeat and reveals himself before he takes his leave. Later, Souji finds Daigo and Amy at his home as the former tries to understand Souji's plight from his father. Having heard enough, Souji ran off into the bamboo forest where Zakutor was before Amy gives him a DeinoChaser Zyudenchi at Daigo's suggestion. By that time, Debo Royaroya captures Daigo and Souji's father. As Amy fights off the Zorima, Souji uses the DeinoChaser to catch up to Debo Royaroya at his lair. Destroying Debo Royaroya's cage, Souji frees both his father and Daigo with his variation of his house's Slashing Peerless Sword. Using the DeinoChasers, Souji and Daigo defeat Debo Royaroya. However, threatened by Dogold, Luckyulo enlarges Debo Royaroya with Kyoryuzin formed to keep the Debo Monster from taking back his captives as Souji joins in with his Zyudenryu Zakutor. With Dricera separating to free the captives, Kyoryuzin Stegotchi-Zakutor is formed to finish off Debo Royaroya. Later, with his father's blessing as he intends to continue the Rippukan School, Souji joins the Kyoryugers whilst thanking Daigo for helping him. At the Spirit Base, taking the Kentrospiker Zyudenchi with him, Ian stats that he won't be joining them anytime soon due to being a loner. Tvicon TV STORY-Brave 3: Get Mad! The Slashing Brave

Whilst helping the others out, Daigo is formally introduced to the gun-slinging Casanova Ian butm when Daigo asks if he ever missed a shot, Ian takes offense and leaves. However, seeing a jewellery store being robbed, Ian turns into Kyoryu Black to face Debo Doronbosu. The others arrive and fight Debo Doronbosu but the Debo Monster grabs Daigo as Ian is about to fire. With Kyoryu Black unable to fire his Gaburivolver, the others free Kyoryu Red with Debo Doronboss forced to fall back with Ian leaving in a huff. Reaching the Spirit Base, Torin tells the Kyoryugers that they may need the Kentrospiker Zyudenchi but it is missing before alerting the group to Debo Doronboss as he is about to rob a painter's scenery. Whilst they face Debo Doronboss, Ian arrives and uses the missing Kentrospiker Zyudenchi with the Gaburivolver but the recoil proves too much for him to handle as it sent him and Daigo crashing into a car as Debo Doronboss runs off. Later, whilst telling the others they may need to work together, Daigo confirms Kyoryu Black's identity as he condecends Daigo's naive nature, before taking his leave. However, Daigo follows and gets Ian to open up and reveals how he was a treasure hunter until the day his best friend Shiro Mifune was murdered by a cloaked figure resembling Debo Doronboss when they were looking for a rare stone. Knocked off the cliff, Ian was saved by Zyudenryu Parasagun and has since vowed to avenge his friend. Telling Ian that unless he shoots he would still regret the event, Daigo joins the others as they face Debo Doronbosu to give their Zyudenchi time to recharge. However, Aigallon and Luckyulo join the fray with the Deboth Army overpowering the Kyoryugers until Ian arrives and manages to save Daigo from Debo Doronboss's hold by taking the shot. After being thanked in Ian's way, Daigo declares their team finally complete as they assume their Kyoryuger forms and combine their personal weapons with Kentrospiker Zyudenchi to destroy Debo Doronboss's cloak. After Debo Doronboss is enlarged, Ian summons Parasagun before it combines with Gabutyra and Zakutor to form Kyoryuzin Western and destroy the Debo Monster. Though the stone he and Shiro were looking for is nowhere to be seen, Ian considers the other Kyoryugers his friends and vows to protect them. Tvicon TV STORY-Brave 4: Fire! The Gaburivolver of Courage

Go-Busters vs. Gokaiger[]

Sometime after Ian joins the team, Daigo Kiryu appears before Hiromu and Captain Marvelous but, once they ask where the rest of Daigo's team was, Daigo starts to look for them. He puts that off and goes to the warehouse, where the rest of the Zangyack and Vaglass are. Finally Ian Yorkland, Nobu, Souji, and Amy arrive and defeat Waredonaiyer. Tvicon TV STORY-Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters vs. Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: The Movie

Super Hero Taisen Z[]

Super Hero Taisen Z 2013 Zyuden Sentai Kyouryuger

Kyoryugers as seen in Super Hero Taisen Z.

The Kyoryuger find Kamen Rider WizardIcon-crosswiki and mistake him for a Debo Monster, but Wizard tells them that he's a Kamen Rider. Daigo then challenges Haruto to see how brave he is until Gai Ikari interrupts. They later appear to fight Space ShockerIcon-crosswiki with the other heroes. Tvicon TV STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z.

Super Hero Taisen Otsu[]

When Amy wakes up, she finds a Rider sleeping next to her which shocks Gentle. The male members of the Kyoryugers try to figure out how did she end up sleeping beside the Rider. Tvicon TV STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Otsu: Heroo! Answers

Kyoryuger vs. Go-Busters[]


The Kyoryuger as the "Dinosaur Hunters".

As Torin senses an evil presence, the Kyoryugers notice the sky has a strange aura. They are then approached by a tyrannosaurus that warns the team of the Dino Hope and the loss of Daigo's best friend. After getting the message from the dinosaur, they are ambushed by a group of Zorima, Golem Soldiers, and Barmia Soldiers before an armored figure named Neo-Geilton arrives with a figure. The figure reveals itself to be Ryoga Hakua as he transforms and attacks the team. Luckily, the Go-Busters arrive and hold off AbaRed before Geki of the Zyurangers team turns the tide alongside his captor Neo-Grifforzer. After they and their teams retreat, Hiromu thanks Daigo for helping him and Gokai Red before they are ambushed by Enter. The Go-Busters hold the enemies off as the Kyoryugers leave to rescue their seniors. Arriving at the satellite, Geki and Ryoga warn them not to come as the team is overpowered by Neo-Grifforzar. As Neo-Grifforzar enlarges himself, the Kyoryugers summon their Zyudenryu but a barrier blocks the area as Minitrya becomes Gabutyra to fight Neo-Grifforzar. As Neo-Grifforzar prepares to attack the Kyoryuger, Gabutrya protects the team as Daigo hears a familiar voice. It is then revealed that the voice came from Gabutyra as the Zyudenryu loses the Dino Hope. Hopeless, the Kyoryugers get themselves losing their Dino Hope and being brainwashed as they call themselves the Dino Hunters to exterminate the dinosaurs in the past. They arrive in the past as they attack the dinosaurs until they are badly wounded. Before they can finish the creatures off, the volcano erupts as the tyrannosaurus protects the team. As Daigo hears the voice again, he finally realizes the tyrannosaurus is actually Gabutyra and the dinosaurs that the Kyoryugerswere attacking are their Zyudenryu. Feeling bad that they attacked their partner, Gabutyra explains to them the warning he told Daigo relates to his future self who is dying from Voldos's influence and that only Daigo can save him with the power of Dino Hope. After the explanation, a portal appears as Yayoi calls Daigo that they can return to the present time. Returning to the present, the Kyoryugers tries to transform, but without their Dino Hope, they were powerless. Despite that they couldn't transform, they continue to fight, however, they were badly beaten as Daigo found a dying Gabutyra. Encouraged by his teams' words, Daigo gains hope of reviving Gabutyra. As the satellite is destroyed by the Go-Busters and Torin, they regain their Dino Hope as Daigo manages to revive Gabutyra. Geki and Ryoga use the Zyuranger and Abaranger Super Sentai Zyudenchi to summon replicas of Guardian Beast Tyrannosaurus and Bakuryuu Tyranno as they transform into Daizyuzin and AbarenOh. After Neo-Grifforzar is defeated, he uses their powers to awake Voldos. As the Dinosaur Sentai are having difficulty dealing with Voldos, the Go-Busters appear to aid the teams as they manage to defeat the creature. Tvicon TV STORY-Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger vs. Go-Busters: Dinosaur Great Battle! Farewell, Eternal Friends

Kamen Rider Taisen[]

Daigo appears to aid the ToQgers and Kamen Rider Den-OIcon-crosswiki in fighting the Generalissimo of Badan. Tvicon TV STORY-Heisei Rider vs. Showa Rider: Kamen Rider Taisen feat. Super Sentai

ToQger vs. Kyoryuger[]

Img 7 m

The Kyoryugers return to fight alongside the ToQgers in Ressha Sentai ToQger vs. Kyoryuger: The Movie.


The Space Pirates Return[]

Zyuohger Treanger Keys

The Gokaigers made use of the Ranger Keys in their fight with the Zyuohgers and Bangray.

Evidently, the Kyoryugers loan their Ranger Keys - at the request of Gai Ikari - to the Gokaigers who temporarily return to Earth to find and bestow the Great King's Credential to the Zyuohgers. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 28: The Space Pirates Return

Their powers are returned when the Gokaigers leave for space once more having achieved their quest. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 29: The Monarch of the Monarchs

Zyuohger vs. Ninninger[]

Red 38 Zyuohger vs Ninninger

The 38 Reds appear before the Ninningers and Zyuohgers.

Daigo appears as part of a conference of the first 38 Reds who address the Ninningers and Zyuohgers. Tvicon TV STORY-Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai

Kyoryuger Brave[]

Kyoryuger (Dino Force Brave)

Kyoryuger Brave

Main article: Kyoryugers Brave

When the Neo Deboth Army attack Earth, Wise God Torin, with the assistance of Candelilla and Luckyuro, form a new team of Kyoryugers in South Korea with new Zyudenryu and Zyudenchi to face them. Tvicon TV STORY-King 1: He's Here! King the Child of the Dragon

After the Neo Deboth Army is vanquished, the Kyoryuger Brave is acknowledged as a Super Sentai by the Zyuohgers. Tvicon TV STORY-King 12: Eternal! Power Rangers Dino Force Brave

Chou Super Hero Taisen[]

Iterations of the Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger exist within the Game WorldIcon-crosswiki among a countless complement of recreated Sentai and Rider characters; Nobu participates in the Chou Super Hero TaisenIcon-crosswiki tournament as part of Team DandyIcon-crosswiki, Daigo Red Carnival is later summoned as part of a team of the strongest Red heroes by Kamen Rider BraveIcon-crosswiki to assist in the Chou Shocker TaisenIcon-crosswiki. Tvicon TV STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen


King-Ohgers and Kyoryugers

Kyoryuger Mural

It is later revealed that future appearances of the Kyoryuger team was prophecied and recorded in an ancient mural left behind by Jeramie Brasieri's father, who was one of the first humans to migrate to Chikyu. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 32: Encounter! Kyoryu! Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 33: Shugo! King and Kyoryu!!


Main article: :Category:Kyoryugers (future team)


Dai-kun goes back in time following Remorseful Knight Arslevan and meets the original Kyoryugers who show him what it means to be a Kyoryuger. They send Dai-Kun back and later appear with the use of the Special Zyudenchi and help the Future Kyoryugers defeat Arslevan. Tvicon TV STORY-Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger Returns: 100 YEARS AFTER


10 Kyoryugers

Present Day Kyoryugers

Kyoryu Red Daigo Kiryu
Kyoryu Black Ian Yorkland
Kyoryu Blue Nobuharu Udo
Kyoryu Green Souji Rippukan
Kyoryu Pink Amy Yuuzuki
Kyoryu Gold Utsusemimaru
Kyoryu Cyan RamirezYuko Fukui
Kyoryu Gray TessaiShinya Tsukouchi
Kyoryu Violet Doctor WoorushadeYayoi Woorushade
Kyoryu Silver Wise God TorinDantetsu Kiryu
King Kyoryu Red Daigoro Kiryu



Main article: Arsenal (Kyoryuger)

Transformation Devices/Sidearms[]

Multi-Use Devices[]

Individual Weapons and Team Weapon[]

Communication Devices[]



Main article: Mecha (Kyoryuger)

Eleven Zyudenryu

The Ten Great Zyudenryu & Zyudenryu Tobaspino

During the Deboth Army's centuries-long attack, twenty four prehistoric animals obtained the power to fight the invaders. Ten of them were the dinosaurs that were modified to become the Ten Great Zyudenryu (十大獣電竜, Jūdai Jūdenryū) while thirteen were modified to become the Guardians. However, in the aftermath of the Army's defeat, the Guardians were killed and half of the Ten Great Zyudenryu (Pteragordon, Ankydon, Bunpachy, Plezuon, and Bragigas) were lost, while the remaining members stood watch, should the Deboth Army return.

Zyudenryu System[]

Legend:◆ piloted mecha, ● other mecha; see Style Guide for rules on icon colors

Addtional Formations[]





The Guardians[]

ZSK-Zyudenryu Guardians

Stymero, Allomerus, and Deinochaser before they were killed.

The Guardians (ガーディアンズ, Gādianzu) are lesser Zyudenryu who supported the Ten Great Zyudenryu during their fight against the Deboth Army. In a flashback from Torin, several forms of the Guardians were shown before they were killed by Gadoma and their spiritual forms was saved by Bragigas' tears. With their spiritual forms turned into small amber stones, their spirits continue to aid the Kyoryugers as part of their arsenal.

The fossilized remains of the thirteen Guardians, the Secret Stones, were revealed to be the key to obtain Bragigas.

  1. Zyudenryu Deinochaser (Deinochaser) ●
  2. Zyudenryu Deinosgrander (Deinosgrander) ●
  3. Zyudenryu Kentrospiker (Kentrospiker) ●
  4. Zyudenryu Stymero (Stymero) ●
  5. Zyudenryu Allomerus (Allomerus) ●
  6. Zyudenryu Beyonsmo (Beyonsmo) ●
  7. Zyudenryu Ovirappoo (Ovirappoo) ●
  8. Zyudenryu Igeranodon (Igeranodon) ●
  9. Zyudenryu Tuperanda (Tuperanda) ●
  10. Zyudenryu Gurumonite (Gurumonite) ●
  11. Zyudenryu Archenolon (Archenolon) ●
  12. Zyudenryu Pukuptor (Pukuptor) ●
  13. Zyudenryu Futabain (Futabain) ●
  14. Zyudenryu Quetzalcross (Quetzalcross) ●
  15. Zyudenryu Mosasols (Mosasols) ●

Behind the Scenes[]


to be added


to be added


Legend Sentai Devices[]

Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger Ranger Keys (獣電戦隊キョウリュウジャーレンジャーキー, Jūden Sentai Kyōryūjā Renjā Kī): These keys, along with the Kyoryu Red Carnival Key, were released in Premium Bandai. They don't make any sounds when used with the Mobilates.

Kyoryu Red Key

Kyoryu Red Key

Kyoryu Black Key

Kyoryu Black Key

Kyoryu Blue Key

Kyoryu Blue Key

Kyoryu Green Key

Kyoryu Green Key

Kyoryu Pink Key

Kyoryu Pink Key

Kyoryu Gold Key

Kyoryu Gold Key

Kyoryu Cyan Key

Kyoryu Cyan Key

Kyoryu Cyan (Yuko) Key

Kyoryu Cyan (Yuko) Key

Kyoryu Gray Key

Kyoryu Gray Key

Kyoryu Gray (Shinya) Key

Kyoryu Gray (Shinya) Key

Kyoryu Violet Key

Kyoryu Violet Key

Kyoryu Violet (Doctor Woorushade) Key

Kyoryu Violet (Doctor Woorushade) Key

Kyoryu Silver Key

Kyoryu Silver Key

Kyoryu Red Carnival Key

Kyoryu Red Carnival Key

KRWi-Super Sentai Wizard Ring

Super Sentai Wizard Ring

Kyoryugers Ressha

Kyoryuger Ressha
(Gabutyra Ressha)

SG Kyoryuger Ressha

Kyoryuger Ressha
(SG Ressha)

The Legend Sentai Ressha (レジェンド戦隊レッシャー, Rejendo Sentai Ressha) are Ressha based on the mecha, specifically those belonging to the Red heroes, of the ToQgers' preceding Super Sentai teams. They can form a unique combination of ToQ-Oh reminiscent of past Sentai Robos by switching with Red Ressha. The ToQ Changer toy is shown to have sounds for Legend Ressha of all 37 previous Sentai.

Kyoryuger Ressha (キョウリュウジャーレッシャー, Kyōryūjā Ressha) - The Ressha associated with the Kyoryugers, which transforms from Kyoryu Red's partner Zyudenryu Gabutyra; when replacing Red Ressha in ToQ-Oh, it forms ToQ-Oh Kyoryuzin, arming the combination with the Goren Zyudenken. When ToQ-Oh Kyoryuzin is combined with DenLinerIcon-crosswiki, it forms ToQ-Oh Kyoryuzin feat. DenLiner. Tvicon TV STORY-Heisei Rider vs. Showa Rider: Kamen Rider Taisen feat. Super Sentai Additionally, the Ressha was transformed from the Gabutyra's Zyudenchi. Also appears as an SG Ressha in the toyline.



KSR-KyoryugerSoul (Knight Mode)

KyoryugerSoul (Knight Mode)

KyoryugerSoul (キョウリュウジャーソウル, KyōryūjāSōru) - The RyuSoul associated with the Kyoryugers, based off of Kyoryu Red's Zyudenryu Gabutyra.[2]

KSZe-Kyoryuger Gear

Kyoryuger Gear

KSZe-Kyoryuger Gear (Kikai Side)

Kyoryuger Gear (Kikai Side)

"37 Ban!"

―Sentai Gear equipping announcement after turning the handle

"Baban! Baban! Baban! Baban! Ba-Ba-Ba-Ban! Kyoryuger!"

―Past Sentai ability announcement

The Kyoryuger Gear (キョウリュウジャーギア, Kyōryūjā Gia) is one of many Sentai Gears used by the Zenkaigers to battle the Kikaitopia Dynasty Tojitendo.



Kyoryuger Manifestation

Kyoryuger Manifestation

KSZe-Kyoryuger Gear (Dark)

Kyoryuger Gear

KSZe-Kyoryuger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

Kyoryuger Gear (Kikai Side)

"37 Ban!"

―Sentai Gear equipping announcement after turning the handle


―Past Sentai summoning announcement

The Dark Kyoryuger Gear (キョウリュウジャーギア, Kyōryūjā Gia) is one of many Dark Sentai Gears used by Stacaesar.



Kyoryu Red Carnival Copy

Kyoryu Red Carnival Copy

Kyoryuzin Copy

Kyoryuzin Copy

"Yo~! Don! Don! Don! Donburako! Kyoryuger!"

―Equipping announcement while spinning the gear in the Donblaster[src]

"Gaburincho! (samba sounds, then firing sfx) Hey yo! Zyuden Sentai! (ガブリンチョ! へいよっ! 獣電戦隊!, Gaburincho! Hei Yo! Jūden Sentai!)"

―Activation announcement in the Donblaster[src]

"Parry Time! (air horns) Kyoryuger!"

―Finisher activation announcement in the Donblaster[src]

"Dora Dora Dora Do-Do-Do-Do-Dora! Kyoryu Gold!"

―Equipping announcement while spinning the gear in the Tiguardora[src]

"Netsuretsu Kangei! Zyuden Sentai! Sheishei! (熱烈歓迎! 獣電戦隊! 謝謝!, Netsuretsu Kangei! Jūden Sentai! Sheishei!)"

―Activation announcement in the Tiguardora[src]

"Parry Time! (Chinese music) Kyoryu Gold!"

―Finisher activation announcement in the Tiguardora[src]

"Yo~! Don! Don! Don! Donburako! Kyoryuger! Festival Time!"

Omikoshi Phoenix-equipped Avataro Gear equipping announcement while spinning the gear[src]

"(traditional music remix) Kiwami! Zyuden Sentai! (極(きわみ)! 獣電戦隊(せんたい)!, Kiwami! Jūden Sentai!)"

―Activation announcement in the Donblaster with the Omikoshi Phoenix[src]

ASDB-Kyoryuger Avataro Gear

Kyoryuger Avataro Gear

Don Momotaro transformed into Kyoryu Red as seen in Donbrothers

Don Momotaro transformed into Kyoryu Red as seen in Donbrothers

Inu Brother transformed into Kyoryu Black

Inu Brother transformed into Kyoryu Black

Kiji Brother transformed into Kyoryu Pink

ASDB-Kyoryu Gold Avataro Gear

Kyoryu Gold Avataro Gear

Don Doragoku transformed into Kyoryu Gold as seen in Donbrothers

Don Doragoku transformed into Kyoryu Gold as seen in Donbrothers

ASDB-Kyoryuger Avataro Gear Alter

Kyoryuger Avataro Gear Alter

"Yo~! Don! Don! Don! Donburako! Kyoryuger!"

―Equipping announcement while spinning the gear in the Donblaster[src]

"(techno music) Don Kyoryu Momotaro!"

―Activation announcement in the Donblaster[src]

"Dora Dora Dora Do-Do-Do-Do-Dora! Legend Alter!"

―Equipping announcement while spinning the gear in the Tiguardora[src]

"(techno music) Ifudōdō! Zyuden Sentai!"

―Activation announcement in the Tiguardora[src]




Super Sentai Legend Wars[]

Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger in Super Sentai Legend Wars

Kyoryuger as seen in Super Sentai Legend Wars.

Kyoryuger is among all the Sentai teams which appear in the mobile game Super Sentai Legend Wars.

See Also[]




Icon-kyoryuger Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger
Kyoryugers: Daigo Kiryu - Ian Yorkland - Nobuharu Udo - Souji Rippukan - Amy Yuuzuki - Utsusemimaru - Ramirez - Tessai - Yayoi Woorushade - Wise God Torin
Other Kyoryugers: Yuko Fukui - Shinya Tsukouchi - Doctor Woorushade - Dantetsu Kiryu - Daigoro Kiryu
Kyoryugers of 2114: Dai-kun - Icchan - Nobuta-san - Soujiro - Ami-neesan - Uppy
Evil Rangers: Ferocious Knight D
Gentle - Rika Fukui - Rin Katsuyama - Genryu Rippukan - Reiko Tanba - Mikoto Amano - Gokaigers - Go-Busters - Zyurangers - Abarangers - ToQgers
Super Heroes:
Kamen Rider 1Icon-crosswiki - Kamen Rider Den-OIcon-crosswiki - Kamen Rider WizardIcon-crosswiki - Kamen Rider BeastIcon-crosswiki - Gavan Type-GIcon-crosswiki - SharivanIcon-crosswiki - ShaiderIcon-crosswiki
Transformation Devices
Gaburivolver - Gaburichanger - Gabutyra De Carnival - GigaGaburevolver - King Gaburicalibur
Gaburicalibur - Kentrospiker (Gabutyra Fang - Parasa Shot - Stego Shield - Zakutor Slasher - DriceLance) - Serial Zyuden Sword Zandar Thunder - Spirit Hammer - Deinosgrander - Feather Edge - Flute Buster
Zyudenchi - Zyuden MoBuckle
DeinoChaser - D-Racer
Mecha and Robos
Gabutyra - Parasagun - Stegotchi - Zakutor - Dricera - Pteragordon - Ankydon - Bunpachy - Plezuon - Bragigas - Tobaspino
Deinochaser - Deinosgrander - Kentrospiker - Stymero - Allomerus - Beyonsmo - Ovirappoo - Igeranodon - Tuperanda - Gurumonite - Archenolon - Pukuptor - Futabain
Giant Robos:
Kamitsuki Gattai Kyoryuzin - Kaminari Henkei Pteraiden-Oh - Rocket Henkei Plezu-Oh - Cho Kamitsuki Henkei Gigant Bragi-Oh - Kyosei Kamitsuki Gattai SpinoDai-Oh
Deboth Army
Creator Devius - Chozetsushin Deboth - Kabutobushin Deboth
Hundred-Faced High Priest Chaos - Sorrowful Knight Aigaron - Funfilled Spy Luckyuro - Raging Knight Dogold - Joyful Knight Candelilla - Resentful Knight Endolf - New Joyful Knight Killborero - New Sorrowful Knight Icerondo - Ferocious Knight D - Crimson High Priest Salamaz - Thousand-Faced High Priest Gaos - Remorseful Knight Arslevan - Submission Knight Sneldo - Jealousy Knight Hoshigaron - Zorima - Giant Zorima - Cambrima
Debo Monsters
The Zetsumates: Debo Hyogakki - Debo Viruson - Debo Nagareboshi
Aigaron's Debo Monsters: Debo Peshango - Debo Doronbosu - Debo Kokodoko - Debo Jakireen - Debo Kyawaeen - Debo Akidamonne - Beautiful Zorima
Dogold's Debo Monsters: Debo Royaroya - Debo Yakigonte - Debo Tangosekku - G-BO - Debo Spokorn
Candelilla's Debo Monsters: Debo Batissier - Debo Honenukky - Debo Zaihon - Debo Tanabanta - Debo Vaacance - Debo Kantokku - Debo Bravesky
Endolf's Debo Monsters: Debo Shinobinba - Debo Karyudosu - Debo Yanasanta
Chaos' Debo Monsters: Debo Kibishydesu - Debo Tairyon
Luckyuro's Debo Monsters: Debo Akkumoon - Debo Zaihodoron
Deboth's Debo Monsters: Great Land Devil Gadoma - Demon Sword Priest Mad Torin - Debo Senking
Other: Space ShockerIcon-crosswiki - Army of Resurrected Monsters - Space Crime Syndicate MadouIcon-crosswiki - Ashy - Lamunea - Space War God Voldos - Neo-Grifforzer - Neo-Geilton - Badan EmpireIcon-crosswiki