Ida Fröhlich | Pázmány Péter Catholic University (original) (raw)

Papers by Ida Fröhlich

Research paper thumbnail of Spirit (rwḥ) in the Dead Sea Scrolls

Research paper thumbnail of Pesher, Apocalyptical Literature and Qumran

The Madrid Qumran Congress (2 vols.)

Research paper thumbnail of Magical Healing at Qumran (11Q11) and the Question of the Calendar

Studies on Magic and Divination in the Biblical World, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The Changing Faces of David in Biblical Historiography Narrative Patterns in Historiography, Positive and Negative

Research paper thumbnail of Mesopotamian Elements and the Watchers Traditions

Research paper thumbnail of “Narrative Exegesis” in the Dead Sea Scrolls

Biblical Perspectives: Early Use and Interpretation of the Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of 6. The “Horned Demon” and the Watchers

Wisdom Poured Out Like Water, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of The Temple as a Symbol of Power in Inner-biblical and Postbiblical Exegesis

Research paper thumbnail of Az Égi Szentély és őrei

Research paper thumbnail of Qumran Biblical Interpretation in the Light of Ancient Near Eastern Historiography

The Dead Sea Scrolls In Context (2 vols) , 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Origins of Evil in Genesis and the Apocalyptic Traditions

Apocalyptic Thinking in Early Judaism, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Calendar and prayers in Qumran

Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The Female Body in Second Temple Literature

Religion and Female Body in Ancient Judaism and Its Environments, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Healing with Psalms

Prayer and Poetry in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature, 2012

A timely collection of contributions by major scholars in the field of prayer and poetry in the D... more A timely collection of contributions by major scholars in the field of prayer and poetry in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Research paper thumbnail of Stars and Spirits: Heavenly Bodies in Ancient Jewish Aramaic Tradition

Aramaic Studies, 2015

This study treats the theme of divine judgement as mediated by heavenly beings, the ‘Watchers’ an... more This study treats the theme of divine judgement as mediated by heavenly beings, the ‘Watchers’ and the members of the heavenly court in the Aramaic Jewish tradition (Dan. 4, 7.1; En. 14), who are imagined as heavenly bodies and spirits, mediators between the human and heavenly worlds. This tradition is founded upon Mesopotamian scholarly lore. In the Hebrew apocalypse of Dan. 10–12, written in Hellenistic times, a new term, śār, appears, which similarly designates the spirit of a star. These spirits and mediators have a direct role in influencing and determining the fate of territories and kingdoms. The idea of zodiacal spirits is apparent in the physiognomic texts that were found in Qumran.

Research paper thumbnail of Enmeduranki and Gilgamesh: Mesopotamian Figures in Aramaic Enoch Traditions

A Teacher for All Generations (2 vols.), 2012

The Aramaic Enochic tradition cites certain Mesopotamian names like Gilgamesh and Hobabish which ... more The Aramaic Enochic tradition cites certain Mesopotamian names like Gilgamesh and Hobabish which are worthy of discussion. In Mesopotamian texts, it is clear that the figure of Gilgamesh, apart from the Gilgamesh Epic, is pictured as a netherworld ruler. In all likelihood, the Gilgamesh motif comes from Mesopotamia, but how well acquainted were the Jews living in the Babylonian diaspora with Mesopotamian lore? Their familiarity with Mesopotamian tradition is well reflected in the Aramaic texts found at Qumran which contains many Mesopotamian elements. Revelations of the secrets of the cosmos that were given to Enoch during his heavenly journeys which are described in the Aramaic Enoch texts also attest to awareness of Mesopotamian cosmological lore. Mesopotamian lore was incorporated consciously into a Jewish religious system of thought. The Enochic story of the Watchers reflects a monotheistic worldview and presumes a biblical worldview of ritual purity. Keywords:Aramaic Enoch Traditions; Gilgamesh; Mesopotamian; Qumran

Research paper thumbnail of Women as Strangers in Ancient Judaism: The Harlot in 4Q184

Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies, 2010

... An Anti-Pharisee Pamphlet, 133-140 took for the model of the woman the rival group of the Pha... more ... An Anti-Pharisee Pamphlet, 133-140 took for the model of the woman the rival group of the Pharisees while BURGMANN, The Wicked Woman, 323-359 identified it with the MaccabeanSimon. ... 40 JEFFERS, Magic and Divination; BLAU, Magic; BOHAK, Ancient Jewish Magic. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Themes, Structure and Genre of Pesher Genesis: A Response to George J. Brooke

The Jewish Quarterly Review, 1994

Professor Brooke said in his paper, that "it is not possible to present a systematically... more Professor Brooke said in his paper, that "it is not possible to present a systematically argued structural analysis of 4Q252. Its eight surviving pericopae are in almost as many genres."' Indeed, Pesher Genesis seems to be a collection of narratives on different themes in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evil and the Devil

Introduction 1. The Devil in the Old Testament 2. Evil in Second Temple Texts 3. Demonic Beings a... more Introduction 1. The Devil in the Old Testament 2. Evil in Second Temple Texts 3. Demonic Beings and the Dead Sea Scrolls 4. The Devil in Rabbinic Literature 5. Miracles of the Devil and His Assistants in Early Judaism and Their Influence on the Gospel of Matthew 6. Mark and the Devil 7. Binding the Strong Man: Demon-Possession and Liberation in the Gospel of Luke 8. The Believing Jews as the Children of the Devil in John 8.44: Similarity as a Threat to Social Identity 9. Paul and the Devil 10. 1 Peter and the Lion 11. The Dangerous Loser: The Narrative and Rhetorical Function of the Devil as Character in the Book of Revelation 12. "Evil is not a Nature". Origen on Evil and the Devil 13. Augustine and Evil

Research paper thumbnail of Theology and Demonology in Qumran Texts

Research paper thumbnail of Spirit (rwḥ) in the Dead Sea Scrolls

Research paper thumbnail of Pesher, Apocalyptical Literature and Qumran

The Madrid Qumran Congress (2 vols.)

Research paper thumbnail of Magical Healing at Qumran (11Q11) and the Question of the Calendar

Studies on Magic and Divination in the Biblical World, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The Changing Faces of David in Biblical Historiography Narrative Patterns in Historiography, Positive and Negative

Research paper thumbnail of Mesopotamian Elements and the Watchers Traditions

Research paper thumbnail of “Narrative Exegesis” in the Dead Sea Scrolls

Biblical Perspectives: Early Use and Interpretation of the Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of 6. The “Horned Demon” and the Watchers

Wisdom Poured Out Like Water, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of The Temple as a Symbol of Power in Inner-biblical and Postbiblical Exegesis

Research paper thumbnail of Az Égi Szentély és őrei

Research paper thumbnail of Qumran Biblical Interpretation in the Light of Ancient Near Eastern Historiography

The Dead Sea Scrolls In Context (2 vols) , 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Origins of Evil in Genesis and the Apocalyptic Traditions

Apocalyptic Thinking in Early Judaism, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Calendar and prayers in Qumran

Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The Female Body in Second Temple Literature

Religion and Female Body in Ancient Judaism and Its Environments, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Healing with Psalms

Prayer and Poetry in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature, 2012

A timely collection of contributions by major scholars in the field of prayer and poetry in the D... more A timely collection of contributions by major scholars in the field of prayer and poetry in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Research paper thumbnail of Stars and Spirits: Heavenly Bodies in Ancient Jewish Aramaic Tradition

Aramaic Studies, 2015

This study treats the theme of divine judgement as mediated by heavenly beings, the ‘Watchers’ an... more This study treats the theme of divine judgement as mediated by heavenly beings, the ‘Watchers’ and the members of the heavenly court in the Aramaic Jewish tradition (Dan. 4, 7.1; En. 14), who are imagined as heavenly bodies and spirits, mediators between the human and heavenly worlds. This tradition is founded upon Mesopotamian scholarly lore. In the Hebrew apocalypse of Dan. 10–12, written in Hellenistic times, a new term, śār, appears, which similarly designates the spirit of a star. These spirits and mediators have a direct role in influencing and determining the fate of territories and kingdoms. The idea of zodiacal spirits is apparent in the physiognomic texts that were found in Qumran.

Research paper thumbnail of Enmeduranki and Gilgamesh: Mesopotamian Figures in Aramaic Enoch Traditions

A Teacher for All Generations (2 vols.), 2012

The Aramaic Enochic tradition cites certain Mesopotamian names like Gilgamesh and Hobabish which ... more The Aramaic Enochic tradition cites certain Mesopotamian names like Gilgamesh and Hobabish which are worthy of discussion. In Mesopotamian texts, it is clear that the figure of Gilgamesh, apart from the Gilgamesh Epic, is pictured as a netherworld ruler. In all likelihood, the Gilgamesh motif comes from Mesopotamia, but how well acquainted were the Jews living in the Babylonian diaspora with Mesopotamian lore? Their familiarity with Mesopotamian tradition is well reflected in the Aramaic texts found at Qumran which contains many Mesopotamian elements. Revelations of the secrets of the cosmos that were given to Enoch during his heavenly journeys which are described in the Aramaic Enoch texts also attest to awareness of Mesopotamian cosmological lore. Mesopotamian lore was incorporated consciously into a Jewish religious system of thought. The Enochic story of the Watchers reflects a monotheistic worldview and presumes a biblical worldview of ritual purity. Keywords:Aramaic Enoch Traditions; Gilgamesh; Mesopotamian; Qumran

Research paper thumbnail of Women as Strangers in Ancient Judaism: The Harlot in 4Q184

Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies, 2010

... An Anti-Pharisee Pamphlet, 133-140 took for the model of the woman the rival group of the Pha... more ... An Anti-Pharisee Pamphlet, 133-140 took for the model of the woman the rival group of the Pharisees while BURGMANN, The Wicked Woman, 323-359 identified it with the MaccabeanSimon. ... 40 JEFFERS, Magic and Divination; BLAU, Magic; BOHAK, Ancient Jewish Magic. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Themes, Structure and Genre of Pesher Genesis: A Response to George J. Brooke

The Jewish Quarterly Review, 1994

Professor Brooke said in his paper, that "it is not possible to present a systematically... more Professor Brooke said in his paper, that "it is not possible to present a systematically argued structural analysis of 4Q252. Its eight surviving pericopae are in almost as many genres."' Indeed, Pesher Genesis seems to be a collection of narratives on different themes in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evil and the Devil

Introduction 1. The Devil in the Old Testament 2. Evil in Second Temple Texts 3. Demonic Beings a... more Introduction 1. The Devil in the Old Testament 2. Evil in Second Temple Texts 3. Demonic Beings and the Dead Sea Scrolls 4. The Devil in Rabbinic Literature 5. Miracles of the Devil and His Assistants in Early Judaism and Their Influence on the Gospel of Matthew 6. Mark and the Devil 7. Binding the Strong Man: Demon-Possession and Liberation in the Gospel of Luke 8. The Believing Jews as the Children of the Devil in John 8.44: Similarity as a Threat to Social Identity 9. Paul and the Devil 10. 1 Peter and the Lion 11. The Dangerous Loser: The Narrative and Rhetorical Function of the Devil as Character in the Book of Revelation 12. "Evil is not a Nature". Origen on Evil and the Devil 13. Augustine and Evil

Research paper thumbnail of Theology and Demonology in Qumran Texts

Research paper thumbnail of Rec Kőszeghy AntTan

Megáll az idő rec Kőszeghy, Föld alatti Izrael, 2016

Kőszeghy Miklós (a továbbiakban: K. M.) könyvének címe az Ószövetség világa anyagi kultúrájának b... more Kőszeghy Miklós (a továbbiakban: K. M.) könyvének címe az Ószövetség világa anyagi kultúrájának bemutatását ígéri. A bevezető szövege már oktatási célokra is használható történeti összefoglalót ígér ugyanerről a területről, egy hiányzó tankönyv szerepének betöltését (7. o.). Az Ószövetség világát jelentő területre két meghatározás is létezik. A szokásos megjelölés az ókori Kanaán/Izrael/Palesztina tágabb földrajzi környezetét-Egyiptom, Szíria, Kis-Ázsia, Mezopotámia-civilizációit jelenti, azokat a kultúrákat, amelyek között az előbbi elhelyezkedett, és amelyekkel folyamatosan kapcsolatban volt. Hagyománya van a fenti területek ókori írásos és tárgyi kultúráit bemutató forrásgyűjteményeknek: a közismerten ANET és ANEP néven ismert ikerkötetek közül az első a szövegeket, a második a régészeti leletekből származó tárgyakat, ábrázolásokat mutatja be. A két kötet több mint hat évtizede-több, terjedelemben egyre növekvő, és újabb tételekkel bővülő kiadásban-jelent meg. 1 A németül olvasók a TUAT (Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments) 1982 óta folyamatosan megjelenő sorozatának tematikus kötetei alapján nyerhetnek betekintést az ókori Kelet írásos hagyományába. A másik értelmezés annak a területnek az anyagi kultúráját jelenti, amely az Ószövetség történeteinek színhelye, és amelyet az ókor különböző időszakaiban különféle elnevezésekkel-Kanaán, Izrael, Palesztina-jelöltek. A könyv erre a szűkebb területre, a bibliai hagyományban "ígéret földje"-ként számon tartott térségre koncentrál, amely az ugyancsak bibliai meghatározás szerint "Dántól Beérsebáig", vagyis nagyjából a Jordán forrásvidékétől a Negeb-sivatag északi részéig terjed, nyugat-keleti határait pedig elméletben a Földközi-tenger és a Jordán jelentik. Ezen a területen jött létre az Izrael (kettészakadása után pedig Izrael és Júda) néven ismert ókori királyság. Az ókori királyságok története azonban különböző módon többször is összekapcsolódott a Jordántól keletre fekvő területekkel. Ennek megfelelően a könyv kiterjed a transzjordániai terüle