Strahinja Miljković | University of Prištini (original) (raw)

Papers by Strahinja Miljković

Research paper thumbnail of Significance and Tax Treatment of Reverse Factoring as an Instrument for Financing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Republic of Serbia

SCIENCE International Journal, Dec 12, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Significance of Legal Norming of Pre-Contractual Disclosure of Information for Franchise Contracting

Balkan Social Science Review, Jan 20, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The Issue of Whether the Provision of Non-Competition Clause in the Agreement Infringes the Franchisee’s Right of Competition

Proceedings of the IX International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", Oct 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Can the liberal concept of personal bankruptcy serve as a guide in regulating this institute in the Republic of Serbia and Republika Srpska?

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta Nis

Unemployment, weak consumer power, inability to regularly service credit obligations (problem loa... more Unemployment, weak consumer power, inability to regularly service credit obligations (problem loans), and inability to settle other financial obligations may be the factors that lead a natural person (consumer) to insolvency. The institute of personal bankruptcy is an institute which provides an opportunity for a natural person (consumer) to be relieved from debts without falling into insolvency, at the cost of having his/her property subject to enforcement. The liberal model of personal bankruptcy is one of the modalities of personal bankruptcy that should be taken into consideration during future regulation. The liberal model of personal bankruptcy is characterized by an open approach, which ultimately leads to a complete discharge of debt. Debt relief is an essential feature of this model, which is based on the idea of providing a chance for a new financial start (fresh start), which puts the interest of the debtor-consumer in the foreground, and the risk is transferred to the cr...

Research paper thumbnail of Razrešenje nedoumica o tome šta je goodwill i da li primalac franšize ima prava povodom goodwill-a

Pravo i privreda, 2022

Franchising as a specific method of contractual investment business has become increasingly impor... more Franchising as a specific method of contractual investment business has become increasingly important. The legal system of the Republic of Serbia does not directly regulate franchising agreement. Until the publication of the Draft Civil Code, legislation didn’t mention the franchising agreement, and therefore does not know the institute of goodwill as one of the essential elements of the franchising agreement. Goodwill represents a boon and a benefit from a good name and reputation, it is an attractive force that brings customers. Goodwill is important for successful operation of franchisor and the franchising network. By providing answers to the questions: what goodwill is; whether goodwill and reputation are synonymous; what are the types of goodwill and what are the rights of the franchisee regarding goodwill, we believe that we will be able to clarify potential ambiguities regarding this institute that will be relevant to future judicial and business practice in Serbia.

Research paper thumbnail of 構造計算支援システム cass のダウンサイジングとエンドユーザコンピューティング

日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Liability of Members for Company Obligations in Case Abuses of the Privilege of Limited Liability

Archibald Reiss Days, Nov 26, 2021

The principle of limited liability-limited liability for the company's obligations represents the... more The principle of limited liability-limited liability for the company's obligations represents the fundamentals of the operations of modern capital companies. Nevertheless, in circumstances where globalization of the market of goods and services gets more and more important, there is room for the circumvention of the law, especially in the area of abuse of the principle of limited liability for company's obligations. The issue of piercing the corporate veil is an exception to the principle that the members of the company are not liable to the companyʼs obligations, i.e. to respond only to the amount of the amount entered into the company. The purpose and goal of establishing this institute is primarily to prevent various forms of abuse in the business of companies. Piercing the corporate veil exists in all those cases when the limited partner, a member of a limited liability company and a shareholder, as well as the legal representative of that person if they are a legally incapable natural person, abuses the rule on limited liability for the companyʼs obligations. The misuse of the right exists when the following persons: 1) use the company to achieve a goal that is otherwise prohibited to them; 2) use the companyʼs property or dispose of it as if it were their personal property; 3) use the company or its property in order to harm the company's creditors and 4) in order to gain benefits for themselves or third parties reduce the companyʼs property, even though they knew or had to know that the company will not be able to perform its obligations. The author will investigate the extent to which the institution of piercing the corporate veil and criminal liability of individual persons is normatively regulated within the national framework and the scope of case law.

Research paper thumbnail of On (un)enforceability of restrictive clauses in patent licence agreement

Zbornik Radova Pravnog Fakulteta u Splitu, 2017

License Agreement represents a legal institute which performs the constitutive transport of indus... more License Agreement represents a legal institute which performs the constitutive transport of industrial property rights or an instrument that allows the connection of subjects that create intellectual resources with those that have technical and economic means for their exploitation. Licensing of new, protected inventions and their exploitation contribute undoubtedly to the overall social development. The right to a patent guarantees its titular, for a certain period of time, the monopoly right to its exploitation, so that his titular right can be transferred to other persons under much more restrictive conditions than is usual for the transfer of other rights. A superior position of a licensor allows him to put the license acquirer in a more dependent position by entering different restrictive clauses that affect the freedom of economy and competitiveness at the licensee market into concerned License Agreement. Due to violation of free competition in the market certain restrictive c...

Research paper thumbnail of Waiting for the Adoption of the Draft Civil Code of the Republic of Serbia (Important for the Law Regulation of the Franchising Agreement)

Balkan Social Science Review


Proceedings PROPERTY LAW – CHALLENGES OF THE 21 CENTURY st International Scientific Conference held on 9 October, 2020 in Belgrade, Serbia, 2021

With the adoption of Resolution 1244, the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) gained the sta... more With the adoption of Resolution 1244, the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) gained the status of guardian of state and social property of the Republic of Serbia (Serbia) in the territory of the Autonomous Province (AP) of Kosovo and Metohija. However, by adopting regulations having the force of law, UNMIK, or the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG), unilaterally and retroactively abrogated the existing legal system, creating conditions for the establishment of a quasi-legal system independent of the legal system of Serbia. UNMIK Regulation 1999/24 resulted in the reincarnation of SFRY-era legal acts. Regulation no. 1999/24 represents a guideline in further legal normalization and a design of a legal system in the territory of AP Kosovo and Metohija. The UNMIK regulations recognize several internationally recognized human rights and anti-discrimination standards. The adoption of UNMIK Regulation 2002/12, on the establishment of the Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA), created conditions for changing the ownership regime of socially-owned and publicly-owned enterprises of the Republic of Serbia in the territory of AP Kosovo and Metohija. The law authorized the KTA to manage socially-owned and publicly-owned enterprises and their assets in the territory of AP Kosovo and Metohija. In addition to governance, the KTA sponsored the spin-off method of accessing and privatizing socially-owned and publicly-owned enterprises. The authors pay special attention to the Regulations on the Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA) and this spin-off method.

Research paper thumbnail of Features of the Regulatory Regime of Banks and Corporate Governance

Social relations, economic development and capital concentration have conditioned the development... more Social relations, economic development and capital concentration have conditioned the development of legal science in the field of companies. Few legal areas have been so susceptible to legal evolution, especially in the last few decades, where the tendency for permanent changes remains to be seen. Through its development, the company law has expressed its own legal institutes, and the legislature has a number of different legal relationships and facts. In particular, banks with their many personalities are singled out within companies. The credit deposit business conditions specific legal relations, which again affects the creation of a special legal framework. Corporate governance systems are characteristic of the steak-holder approach, which stems from the fact that banks have other people's money, and potential losses are made up of state funds, or budget funds. Banking operations, i.e. the management system thus becomes the public interest. This is especially manifested in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Komparativni Prikaz Kaznene Odgovornosti Pravnih Osoba U Hrvatskoj I Srbiji

Research paper thumbnail of Significance of Legal Norming of Pre-Contractual Disclosure of Information for Franchise Contracting

The needs of capital for new markets through the minimum of investment can be achieved through fr... more The needs of capital for new markets through the minimum of investment can be achieved through franchising as a specific investment method of contracting business. Using the methods of successful operations, reduced investment risks and autonomy in operations are among the decisive reasons for joining the franchise network by the potential franchisee. Access to relevant information in the modern market conditions of business operations at global, regional and micro_level is a condition of achieving competitiveness in the market. While the franchisor is in possesion of relevant information pertaining to the franchising business, franchisee has access to them only if they are made available by the franchisor. The information that has significance for the franchisee is also those known as "pre-contractual information" – information disclosure, and is related to business operations of the franchisor and the franchise network. Obligation to disclose pre-contractu...

Research paper thumbnail of On the types of franchise fees

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Nis, 2016

Потреба капитала за освајањем нових тржишта кроз минимална инвестициона улагања може се остварити... more Потреба капитала за освајањем нових тржишта кроз минимална инвестициона улагања може се остварити путем франшизинга као специфичног инвестиционог метода уговорног пословања. Употреба успешног метода пословања, смањени инвестициони ризици и самосталност у пословању су једни од опредељујућих разлога приступања франшизинг networkу од стране потенцијалног примаоца франшизе. Користећи се бенефитима које му омогућава пословање у развијеној и тржишно препознатљивој франшизинг мрежи, прималац франшизе има одређене уговорне финансијске обавезе према даваоцу франшизе. Прималац франшизе приликом закључења и током трајања уговорног односа даваоцу франшизе плаћа: 1) иницијалну франшизну накнаду (initial franchise fee); 2) континулалну франшизну накнаду (continuing franchise fee) и 3) адвертајзинг накнаду (advertaising fee). У раду посебан акцент се ставља на обрачун тј. методологију обрачуна висине иницијалне и континуалне франшизне накнаде. Приликом обрачуна висине континуалне франшизне накнаде користи се метод "процента бруто прихода" којим се утврђује висина франшизне накнаде познатија као "royality fee". Одређивањем шта је royality fee долази се до закључка да то није једини облик франшизне накнаде, већ да је у питању један од најефикаснијих метода обрачуна висине континуалне франшизне накнаде. Посебна пажања се посвећује и адвертајзинг накнади (рекламна накнада), а то из разлога јер она приликом обрачуна може предстваљати део континуалне франшизне накнаде (за примаоца франшизе од значаја да се утврди њена висина и проценат од континуалне франшизне накнаде).

Research paper thumbnail of Supremacy of national or supranational banking regulations and supervision?

Research paper thumbnail of On (un)enforceability of restrictive clauses in patent licence agreement

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Ugovor o licenci predstavlja pravni institut kojim se vrši konstitutivni promet prava industrijsk... more Ugovor o licenci predstavlja pravni institut kojim se vrši konstitutivni promet prava industrijske svojine, odnosno instrument kojim se omogućava povezivanje subjekata koji stvaraju intelektualna dobra sa onima koji raspolažu tehničkim i ekonomskim sredstvima za njihovo iskorišćavanje. Licenciranje novih, zaštićenih pronalazaka i njihovo iskorišćavanje nesumljivo doprinosi opštem društvenom razvoju. Pravo na patent garantuje svom titularu, za određeni vremenski period, monopolsko pravo njegovog iskorišćavanja, tako da titular svoje pravo može prenositi drugim licima pod znatno restriktivnijim uslovima nego što je to uobičajeno za prenos drugih prava. Superiorniji položaj davaoca licence omogućava mu da sticaoca licence stavi u što zavisniji položaj tako što se u predmetni ugovor o licenci unose različite restriktivne klauzule koje utiču na slobodu privredjivanja i konkurentnost na tržištu korisnika licence. Zbog narušavanja slobodne konkurencije na tržištu pojedine restriktivne klau...

Research paper thumbnail of Termination of a franchising agreement in the light of the positive legislation of the Republic of Serbia

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta Nis

The needs of capital for new markets through the minimum of investment can be achieved through fr... more The needs of capital for new markets through the minimum of investment can be achieved through franchising, as a specific investment method of contracting business. Using the methods of successful operations, reduced investment risks and autonomy in operations are among the decisive reasons for joining the franchise network by the potential franchisee. In line with the absence of legal regulation in the Republic of Serbia, the Law on Contracts and Torts is being applied on a franchise agreement. The provisions of the Law on Contracts and Torts regulating the termination of a contract of commercial agency and the contract on license can be applied to the termination of a franchise agreement in an analogous manner.

Research paper thumbnail of Quasi-legal effects of the Law No. 05/L-079 on strategic investments of the provisional institutions of self-government of Autonomous Province Kosovo and Metohija

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta Nis

Upon the adoption of Resolution 1244 (1999), the United Nations Interim Administration (UNMIK) ga... more Upon the adoption of Resolution 1244 (1999), the United Nations Interim Administration (UNMIK) gained the status of the guardian of stateowned and societal property of the Republic of Serbia in the territory of the Autonomous Province (AP) of Kosovo and Metohija. For the purpose of this paper, the authors focus on certain regulations issued by the UNMIK administration that were the basis for the creation of a quasi-legal system in the territory of the AP Kosovo and Metohija. However, by adopting Regulations with the force of law, the UNMIK or the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative unilaterally abrogated the formerly existing legal system, thus creating conditions for the establishment of a quasi-legal system independent of the legal system of the Republic of Serbia. UNMIK/REG/1999/24 resulted in the reincarnation of the SFRY-era legal acts. Regulation no. 1999/24 was a guideline in further legal design and normalization of a quasi-legal system in the territory of the AP Kosovo and Metohija. The authors also pay special attention to the Law No. 05/L-079 on Strategic Investments, adopted by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of the AP Kosovo and Metohija. The significance of the said legislative act is that it is one in a series of acts that brought about changes in the property law regime concerning state-owned and socially-owned immovable property. However, the full implementation of this Law was facilitated at the time

Research paper thumbnail of Significance and Tax Treatment of Reverse Factoring as an Instrument for Financing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Republic of Serbia

SCIENCE International Journal, Dec 12, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Significance of Legal Norming of Pre-Contractual Disclosure of Information for Franchise Contracting

Balkan Social Science Review, Jan 20, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The Issue of Whether the Provision of Non-Competition Clause in the Agreement Infringes the Franchisee’s Right of Competition

Proceedings of the IX International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", Oct 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Can the liberal concept of personal bankruptcy serve as a guide in regulating this institute in the Republic of Serbia and Republika Srpska?

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta Nis

Unemployment, weak consumer power, inability to regularly service credit obligations (problem loa... more Unemployment, weak consumer power, inability to regularly service credit obligations (problem loans), and inability to settle other financial obligations may be the factors that lead a natural person (consumer) to insolvency. The institute of personal bankruptcy is an institute which provides an opportunity for a natural person (consumer) to be relieved from debts without falling into insolvency, at the cost of having his/her property subject to enforcement. The liberal model of personal bankruptcy is one of the modalities of personal bankruptcy that should be taken into consideration during future regulation. The liberal model of personal bankruptcy is characterized by an open approach, which ultimately leads to a complete discharge of debt. Debt relief is an essential feature of this model, which is based on the idea of providing a chance for a new financial start (fresh start), which puts the interest of the debtor-consumer in the foreground, and the risk is transferred to the cr...

Research paper thumbnail of Razrešenje nedoumica o tome šta je goodwill i da li primalac franšize ima prava povodom goodwill-a

Pravo i privreda, 2022

Franchising as a specific method of contractual investment business has become increasingly impor... more Franchising as a specific method of contractual investment business has become increasingly important. The legal system of the Republic of Serbia does not directly regulate franchising agreement. Until the publication of the Draft Civil Code, legislation didn’t mention the franchising agreement, and therefore does not know the institute of goodwill as one of the essential elements of the franchising agreement. Goodwill represents a boon and a benefit from a good name and reputation, it is an attractive force that brings customers. Goodwill is important for successful operation of franchisor and the franchising network. By providing answers to the questions: what goodwill is; whether goodwill and reputation are synonymous; what are the types of goodwill and what are the rights of the franchisee regarding goodwill, we believe that we will be able to clarify potential ambiguities regarding this institute that will be relevant to future judicial and business practice in Serbia.

Research paper thumbnail of 構造計算支援システム cass のダウンサイジングとエンドユーザコンピューティング

日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Liability of Members for Company Obligations in Case Abuses of the Privilege of Limited Liability

Archibald Reiss Days, Nov 26, 2021

The principle of limited liability-limited liability for the company's obligations represents the... more The principle of limited liability-limited liability for the company's obligations represents the fundamentals of the operations of modern capital companies. Nevertheless, in circumstances where globalization of the market of goods and services gets more and more important, there is room for the circumvention of the law, especially in the area of abuse of the principle of limited liability for company's obligations. The issue of piercing the corporate veil is an exception to the principle that the members of the company are not liable to the companyʼs obligations, i.e. to respond only to the amount of the amount entered into the company. The purpose and goal of establishing this institute is primarily to prevent various forms of abuse in the business of companies. Piercing the corporate veil exists in all those cases when the limited partner, a member of a limited liability company and a shareholder, as well as the legal representative of that person if they are a legally incapable natural person, abuses the rule on limited liability for the companyʼs obligations. The misuse of the right exists when the following persons: 1) use the company to achieve a goal that is otherwise prohibited to them; 2) use the companyʼs property or dispose of it as if it were their personal property; 3) use the company or its property in order to harm the company's creditors and 4) in order to gain benefits for themselves or third parties reduce the companyʼs property, even though they knew or had to know that the company will not be able to perform its obligations. The author will investigate the extent to which the institution of piercing the corporate veil and criminal liability of individual persons is normatively regulated within the national framework and the scope of case law.

Research paper thumbnail of On (un)enforceability of restrictive clauses in patent licence agreement

Zbornik Radova Pravnog Fakulteta u Splitu, 2017

License Agreement represents a legal institute which performs the constitutive transport of indus... more License Agreement represents a legal institute which performs the constitutive transport of industrial property rights or an instrument that allows the connection of subjects that create intellectual resources with those that have technical and economic means for their exploitation. Licensing of new, protected inventions and their exploitation contribute undoubtedly to the overall social development. The right to a patent guarantees its titular, for a certain period of time, the monopoly right to its exploitation, so that his titular right can be transferred to other persons under much more restrictive conditions than is usual for the transfer of other rights. A superior position of a licensor allows him to put the license acquirer in a more dependent position by entering different restrictive clauses that affect the freedom of economy and competitiveness at the licensee market into concerned License Agreement. Due to violation of free competition in the market certain restrictive c...

Research paper thumbnail of Waiting for the Adoption of the Draft Civil Code of the Republic of Serbia (Important for the Law Regulation of the Franchising Agreement)

Balkan Social Science Review


Proceedings PROPERTY LAW – CHALLENGES OF THE 21 CENTURY st International Scientific Conference held on 9 October, 2020 in Belgrade, Serbia, 2021

With the adoption of Resolution 1244, the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) gained the sta... more With the adoption of Resolution 1244, the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) gained the status of guardian of state and social property of the Republic of Serbia (Serbia) in the territory of the Autonomous Province (AP) of Kosovo and Metohija. However, by adopting regulations having the force of law, UNMIK, or the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG), unilaterally and retroactively abrogated the existing legal system, creating conditions for the establishment of a quasi-legal system independent of the legal system of Serbia. UNMIK Regulation 1999/24 resulted in the reincarnation of SFRY-era legal acts. Regulation no. 1999/24 represents a guideline in further legal normalization and a design of a legal system in the territory of AP Kosovo and Metohija. The UNMIK regulations recognize several internationally recognized human rights and anti-discrimination standards. The adoption of UNMIK Regulation 2002/12, on the establishment of the Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA), created conditions for changing the ownership regime of socially-owned and publicly-owned enterprises of the Republic of Serbia in the territory of AP Kosovo and Metohija. The law authorized the KTA to manage socially-owned and publicly-owned enterprises and their assets in the territory of AP Kosovo and Metohija. In addition to governance, the KTA sponsored the spin-off method of accessing and privatizing socially-owned and publicly-owned enterprises. The authors pay special attention to the Regulations on the Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA) and this spin-off method.

Research paper thumbnail of Features of the Regulatory Regime of Banks and Corporate Governance

Social relations, economic development and capital concentration have conditioned the development... more Social relations, economic development and capital concentration have conditioned the development of legal science in the field of companies. Few legal areas have been so susceptible to legal evolution, especially in the last few decades, where the tendency for permanent changes remains to be seen. Through its development, the company law has expressed its own legal institutes, and the legislature has a number of different legal relationships and facts. In particular, banks with their many personalities are singled out within companies. The credit deposit business conditions specific legal relations, which again affects the creation of a special legal framework. Corporate governance systems are characteristic of the steak-holder approach, which stems from the fact that banks have other people's money, and potential losses are made up of state funds, or budget funds. Banking operations, i.e. the management system thus becomes the public interest. This is especially manifested in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Komparativni Prikaz Kaznene Odgovornosti Pravnih Osoba U Hrvatskoj I Srbiji

Research paper thumbnail of Significance of Legal Norming of Pre-Contractual Disclosure of Information for Franchise Contracting

The needs of capital for new markets through the minimum of investment can be achieved through fr... more The needs of capital for new markets through the minimum of investment can be achieved through franchising as a specific investment method of contracting business. Using the methods of successful operations, reduced investment risks and autonomy in operations are among the decisive reasons for joining the franchise network by the potential franchisee. Access to relevant information in the modern market conditions of business operations at global, regional and micro_level is a condition of achieving competitiveness in the market. While the franchisor is in possesion of relevant information pertaining to the franchising business, franchisee has access to them only if they are made available by the franchisor. The information that has significance for the franchisee is also those known as "pre-contractual information" – information disclosure, and is related to business operations of the franchisor and the franchise network. Obligation to disclose pre-contractu...

Research paper thumbnail of On the types of franchise fees

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Nis, 2016

Потреба капитала за освајањем нових тржишта кроз минимална инвестициона улагања може се остварити... more Потреба капитала за освајањем нових тржишта кроз минимална инвестициона улагања може се остварити путем франшизинга као специфичног инвестиционог метода уговорног пословања. Употреба успешног метода пословања, смањени инвестициони ризици и самосталност у пословању су једни од опредељујућих разлога приступања франшизинг networkу од стране потенцијалног примаоца франшизе. Користећи се бенефитима које му омогућава пословање у развијеној и тржишно препознатљивој франшизинг мрежи, прималац франшизе има одређене уговорне финансијске обавезе према даваоцу франшизе. Прималац франшизе приликом закључења и током трајања уговорног односа даваоцу франшизе плаћа: 1) иницијалну франшизну накнаду (initial franchise fee); 2) континулалну франшизну накнаду (continuing franchise fee) и 3) адвертајзинг накнаду (advertaising fee). У раду посебан акцент се ставља на обрачун тј. методологију обрачуна висине иницијалне и континуалне франшизне накнаде. Приликом обрачуна висине континуалне франшизне накнаде користи се метод "процента бруто прихода" којим се утврђује висина франшизне накнаде познатија као "royality fee". Одређивањем шта је royality fee долази се до закључка да то није једини облик франшизне накнаде, већ да је у питању један од најефикаснијих метода обрачуна висине континуалне франшизне накнаде. Посебна пажања се посвећује и адвертајзинг накнади (рекламна накнада), а то из разлога јер она приликом обрачуна може предстваљати део континуалне франшизне накнаде (за примаоца франшизе од значаја да се утврди њена висина и проценат од континуалне франшизне накнаде).

Research paper thumbnail of Supremacy of national or supranational banking regulations and supervision?

Research paper thumbnail of On (un)enforceability of restrictive clauses in patent licence agreement

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Ugovor o licenci predstavlja pravni institut kojim se vrši konstitutivni promet prava industrijsk... more Ugovor o licenci predstavlja pravni institut kojim se vrši konstitutivni promet prava industrijske svojine, odnosno instrument kojim se omogućava povezivanje subjekata koji stvaraju intelektualna dobra sa onima koji raspolažu tehničkim i ekonomskim sredstvima za njihovo iskorišćavanje. Licenciranje novih, zaštićenih pronalazaka i njihovo iskorišćavanje nesumljivo doprinosi opštem društvenom razvoju. Pravo na patent garantuje svom titularu, za određeni vremenski period, monopolsko pravo njegovog iskorišćavanja, tako da titular svoje pravo može prenositi drugim licima pod znatno restriktivnijim uslovima nego što je to uobičajeno za prenos drugih prava. Superiorniji položaj davaoca licence omogućava mu da sticaoca licence stavi u što zavisniji položaj tako što se u predmetni ugovor o licenci unose različite restriktivne klauzule koje utiču na slobodu privredjivanja i konkurentnost na tržištu korisnika licence. Zbog narušavanja slobodne konkurencije na tržištu pojedine restriktivne klau...

Research paper thumbnail of Termination of a franchising agreement in the light of the positive legislation of the Republic of Serbia

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta Nis

The needs of capital for new markets through the minimum of investment can be achieved through fr... more The needs of capital for new markets through the minimum of investment can be achieved through franchising, as a specific investment method of contracting business. Using the methods of successful operations, reduced investment risks and autonomy in operations are among the decisive reasons for joining the franchise network by the potential franchisee. In line with the absence of legal regulation in the Republic of Serbia, the Law on Contracts and Torts is being applied on a franchise agreement. The provisions of the Law on Contracts and Torts regulating the termination of a contract of commercial agency and the contract on license can be applied to the termination of a franchise agreement in an analogous manner.

Research paper thumbnail of Quasi-legal effects of the Law No. 05/L-079 on strategic investments of the provisional institutions of self-government of Autonomous Province Kosovo and Metohija

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta Nis

Upon the adoption of Resolution 1244 (1999), the United Nations Interim Administration (UNMIK) ga... more Upon the adoption of Resolution 1244 (1999), the United Nations Interim Administration (UNMIK) gained the status of the guardian of stateowned and societal property of the Republic of Serbia in the territory of the Autonomous Province (AP) of Kosovo and Metohija. For the purpose of this paper, the authors focus on certain regulations issued by the UNMIK administration that were the basis for the creation of a quasi-legal system in the territory of the AP Kosovo and Metohija. However, by adopting Regulations with the force of law, the UNMIK or the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative unilaterally abrogated the formerly existing legal system, thus creating conditions for the establishment of a quasi-legal system independent of the legal system of the Republic of Serbia. UNMIK/REG/1999/24 resulted in the reincarnation of the SFRY-era legal acts. Regulation no. 1999/24 was a guideline in further legal design and normalization of a quasi-legal system in the territory of the AP Kosovo and Metohija. The authors also pay special attention to the Law No. 05/L-079 on Strategic Investments, adopted by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of the AP Kosovo and Metohija. The significance of the said legislative act is that it is one in a series of acts that brought about changes in the property law regime concerning state-owned and socially-owned immovable property. However, the full implementation of this Law was facilitated at the time