Prima Dona (original) (raw)

We strive to be the most inclusive fashion line in the world

Time to #DoTheThing

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Commanding Silhouettes and Striking Prints

Yep, that sounds like you

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Our customers are some of the most powerful people in tech and business.

We're creating economic power for 1 billion women. You in?

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Our mission is to get banned from New York Fashion Week

Are we wild? Possibly. Okay, definitely.

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You're the hero of your own story

Look the part!

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No, you don't need to take up intermittent fasting to look amazing in our clothes.

Sizes 0-40+ because obviously

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Nice dress...but where are you going to put your mask, phone and wallet?

In the pockets of course. All of our dresses have them because it's not 1865.

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Feeling cute.

Won't delete later.

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Yeah, we’re those weirdos actually like ourselves the way we are.

Your move, fashion industry.

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Danielle sitting on a couch with her feet up wearing a Prima Dona linen shirt with a blue, red and orange paint splatter print A close-up of a green Katie Keynote maxi wrap-dress in a green print with purply accents 5 women standing wearing Prima Dona dresses with greenery in the background A man with a guitar wearing our Fox Street Hoodie A brown-skinned woman wearing a pink dress standing next to a sign that says DANGER Closefup of a pocket on the hip if a pink silk dress Latina woman posing on a bench, wearing a pink Prima Dona dress with floral accents 4 Women standing indoors wearing Prima Dona dresses


You've Never Seen a Hoodie Like This

Yap With Us <3

xo 60 minute 1:1 Conversation with Dona ox


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