Primeval Canon (original) (raw)
As ever, screencap version is here on dw or here on eljay. Enjoy.
On a cliff. A researcher makes a video diary; he's searching for some kind of animal and hasn't seen it yet. It's been eating life stock in the area.
"The locals are totally freaked. Well, the locals are freaks. But that's probably unrelated."
Something roars outside. He goes out to check and it all goes very Blair Witch Project, night vision and jump cuts. He is dragged away.
Screencap versions are here on eljay or here on dw.
Mc Kinnon school. The CCTV is very staticky, but it picks up an Anomaly opening.
A very Irish teacher is overseeing detention – a girl and two boys. The boys did something bad in Science, but we don't know what the girl did.
The teacher heads out to the vending machine. It's not working very well and eats his coin. He tries reaching into the tray, but something grabs him from inside. When he pulls free, a Creature bursts out and he is eaten. The children don't seem to hear his screams.
How can the Creature have been in there anyway? You know, with the gears and stuff?
Title: The Fall
Chapter: Just Once - Connor & Abby (5 of 5) COMPLETE
Author: Winter Ashby (rosweldrmr)
Disclaimer: Primeval © Adrian Hodges & Tim Haines
Rating: M
Warnings: M Rating is for sexually explicit situations - for realsies.
Time Line: Post Season 3 - Pre Season 4. The lost year.
Summary: She wished she could explain what he meant to her. But she didn't know how or was too afraid, words had always failed her. But she could show him. So she said, "I need this, Connor." When what she meant was 'I need you.' [Connor/Abby]
Authors Notes: This is a joint chapter POV, where Abby has to make a decision, is she going to put herself out there, to try and win Connor or stay quiet and let things stay as they were?
I tried to stay as true to canon as possible, I think the only liberty I took was, in this fic, Connor and Abby slept together once right after Cutter died and before Connor moved out.
This fic is now complete.
Screencaps here on dw or here on eljay.
An Anomaly opens in a theatre. A woman steps out, looking carefully around. Behind her, a man helps another woman. They pick their way through the theatre. The man searches for a way out; the second woman is very sick.
The sick woman, Charlotte, dies in the arms of Emily after charging her to look after 'him'. The man, Ethan, turns on Emily and lays the blame on her.
A Creature emerges from the Anomaly.
Title: The Fall
Chapter: The Fall - Abby (4 of 5)
Author: Winter Ashby (rosweldrmr)
Disclaimer: Primeval © Adrian Hodges & Tim Haines
Rating: M
Warnings: M Rating is for sexually explicit situations - for realsies.
Time Line: Post Season 3 - Pre Season 4. The lost year.
Summary: She wished she could explain what he meant to her. But she didn't know how or was too afraid, words had always failed her. But she could show him. So she said, "I need this, Connor." When what she meant was 'I need you.' [Connor/Abby]
Authors Notes: Connor is so convinced that Abby doesn't feel anything for him, but is that really true anymore? Let's see Abby's side of things.
I tried to stay as true to canon as possible, I think the only liberty I took was, in this fic, Connor and Abby slept together once right after Cutter died and before Connor moved out.
This fic has been completed but I wanted to do chapters, so I will post the conclusion next week.
Title: The Fall
Chapter: The Fall - Connor (3 of 5)
Author: Winter Ashby (rosweldrmr)
Disclaimer: Primeval © Adrian Hodges & Tim Haines
Rating: M
Warnings: M Rating is for sexually explicit situations - for realsies.
Time Line: Post Season 3 - Pre Season 4. The lost year.
Summary: She wished she could explain what he meant to her. But she didn't know how or was too afraid, words had always failed her. But she could show him. So she said, "I need this, Connor." When what she meant was 'I need you.' [Connor/Abby]
Authors Notes: Originally, this was the scene I pictured in when I started this fic. It's time for Abby to get what she wants.
I tried to stay as true to canon as possible, I think the only liberty I took was, in this fic, Connor and Abby slept together once right after Cutter died and before Connor moved out.
This fic has been completed but I wanted to do chapters, so I will post one chapter a week for the next 2 weeks.
Title: The Fall
Chapter: Time & Space - Abby (2 of 5)
Author: Winter Ashby (rosweldrmr)
Disclaimer: Primeval © Adrian Hodges & Tim Haines
Rating: M
Warnings: M Rating is for sexually explicit situations - for realsies.
Time Line: Post Season 3 - Pre Season 4. The lost year.
Summary: She wished she could explain what he meant to her. But she didn't know how or was too afraid, words had always failed her. But she could show him. So she said, "I need this, Connor." When what she meant was 'I need you.' [Connor/Abby]
Authors Notes: Now we get to see Abby's side of things for the past six months, and where she goes when she disappears for a day.
I tried to stay as true to canon as possible, I think the only liberty I took was, in this fic, Connor and Abby slept together once right after Cutter died and before Connor moved out.
This fic has been completed but I wanted to do chapters, so I will post one chapter a week for the next 3 weeks.
Title: The Fall
Chapter: Time & Space - Connor (1 of 5)
Author: Winter Ashby (rosweldrmr)
Disclaimer: Primeval © Adrian Hodges & Tim Haines
Rating: M
Warnings: M Rating is for sexually explicit situations - for realsies.
Time Line: Post Season 3 - Pre Season 4. The lost year.
Summary: She wished she could explain what he meant to her. But she didn't know how or was too afraid, words had always failed her. But she could show him. So she said, "I need this, Connor." When what she meant was 'I need you.' [Connor/Abby]
Authors Notes: I saw an interview with Andrew and Hannah just before Season 4 aired, when they were talking about the year their character's spent in the Cretaceous and the interviewer asked who pursued who. And Hannah said that she always pictured Abby going after Connor. There are a million of these 'lost year' fics, I'm sure. Some that are far better than mine, but this idea of Abby trying to get Connor popped into my head, and I couldn't stop thinking about it.
I tried to stay as true to canon as possible, I think the only liberty I took was with Abby's hair color. No way she's a natural blond, so a year in the past should let her time for her brown roots to grow out.
This fic has been completed but I wanted to do chapters, so I will post one chapter a week for 5 weeks.
Title: One Minute to Midnight
Author: alyse
Fandom: Primeval
Pairing: Claudia, Ryan, implied pre-Claudia/Ryan
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: Up to 1.2
Word Count: ~1,650
Disclaimer: Primeval and its characters belong to Impossible Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: Written for []([**fandom\_stocking**]( for [
]([**annariel**]([![](]([**lsellersfic**]( Thanks to [
]([**aithine**]( for the beta.
Summary: Over the months Claudia and Ryan have worked together, they've come to an unspoken understanding.
Title: In the first sweet sleep of night
Author: alyse
Fandom: Primeval
Pairing: Becker/Jess
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: Up to 5.5
Word Count: ~3,100
Disclaimer: Primeval and its characters belong to Impossible Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: Written for []([**fandom\_stocking**]( for
medie. Thanks to
aithine for the beta.
Summary: He'd held her in his arms while she shivered and struggled to breathe, begging her not to give up, to keep on breathing just for him. And now he woke up in the middle of the night, drenched with sweat and still feeling the shadowy weight of her body in his arms, growing cold and still.
My computer recently died. While my new computer is fabulous in many ways, and far better for work, it doesn't have any way to screencap. So, once I've gotten through the next couple episodes which I already had screencapped, there will be no more screencap recaps, sadly.
That said, enjoy this one here on eljay or here on dw.
Five years ago.
A woman wakes up, hearing noises. Her husband does not wake up. She picks her way through the house and finds a small Creature. When it tries to bite her, she flushes it down the loo. Bad form, that woman.
crossphotonics is a new LJ community for fans of the Canadian Primeval spin-off, Primeval: New World.
When the show returns in 2013, there will be weekly episode discussion posts. Until then, feel free to make posts for any aspects of the show you want to discuss.
When activity in the community picks up, there will also be various regular challenges for members to participate in.
Title: Reflections
Author: TellMeMore90
Fandom: Primeval
Characters/Pairings: Gideon and Matt Anderson (some mention of Connor/Abby and Philip)
Words: 3000 (ish)
Rating/Warnings: PG
Disclaimer: Primeval and its characters belong to Impossible Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended.
Spoilers: Everything up to episode 4.3
Prompt:When Matt walked away from Gideon in episode 4.3, what was Gideon thinking?
Summary: An exploration of Matt and Gideon's mission and how the winners (in this case initially Philip Burton) re-write history to suit their purposes, fulfil their desires and hide their mistakes. Also, addresses Helen Cutter's access to future technology, how the future predators and other giant creatures could have evolved in such a short space of time, and the sudden and cataclysmic seismic events as suggested by the landscape in Episodes 3.8 and 3.10. I hope it all makes sense.
- Current Mood:
Screencap versions - including all the hugs, and pretty pretty caps from that scene - are here on DW or here on eljay.
So quick recap of the last three seasons – in fact, I'll let Lester do it for me:
Five years ago I was put in charge of the ARC, a top secret government project investigating rips in time known as Anomalies. These Anomalies allow long extinct creatures from distant eras to cross into our own time....A new team was put in place and many changes made to the ARC. Their battle continues. There is always a new threat. Whatever it is, we'll deal with it.
Danny is trapped in the Rift Valley, four million years ago. Connor and Abby are trapped in the Cretaceous, something between seventy five million years ago and seventy one million years ago. No one in the ARC knows where or when they are, and in current time they've been missing for a year.
On an out-of-world note, I love that my DVD case tells me Gideon and Ethan are joining the team this year. Brilliant.
If this is spamming, please let me know; I've just had some time off and got several of these done at once.
Screencap versions here on DW or here on eljay.
Picking straight up from the last episode. Also, this is the only ep that has a Previously on: on my DVDs. It leads straight into the ( credits.Collapse )
Screencap versions here on dw or here on eljay.
In a forest somewhere. It's all very pastoral.
Until a quad bike races through on its way to a campsite. People set up tents or race around or rescue bikes.
Something cries. A biker stops to investigate. It's a sort of rhino. The parent finds him with the baby and isn't happy.
Screencap versions here on DW or here on eljay.
Two very swish cars race down a track together.
The team pull up at a gate. There's some banter and joking as they get sorted out; Sarah's with them, apparently now officially part of the field team.
"I hate it when you pull rank."
"I hate sitting in the back."
"You sat in the front last time."
"Who keeps track?!"
"Connor does."
The guard tries to keep them out, but they completely ignore him, watching the cars go by with some admiration before piling back in the Jeep to head towards the Anomaly.
They search through a large garage area. Becker heads off to evacuate the area, while Connor finds an easily visible, really obvious Anomaly.
Abby steps in some gunk. This means a Creature, and they search carefully around. Connor does not complain about splitting up.
Danny investigates a parked truck, discovering a huge bug thing on the roof. He leads it out into the open, where a car Becker has failed to evacuate smushes it. Danny gets gunged. It's really gross.
Screencap versions here on dw or here on eljay. It might help, for this recap, to know that Tony Curran, here playing Sir William, also played Vincent van Gogh on Dr Who.
In a medieval church people are hiding out from something that's roaring outside. Vincent Van Gogh, playing a knight called Sir William, is blessed by a priest as he heads out to fight it. A Lady gives him a favour as he goes.
"Will you take this for your protection? It will keep you from fear."
He rides through a forest until he comes across a dragon-looking thing. It runs off into the
Screencap versions here on dw or here on eljay.
Forties music plays as Abby, Connor, Sarah and Danny longue around a cabin. Connor and Abby are dancing; the girls are in evening dresses and the boys in suits.
Sarah interrupts the dance to read from a journal. Whoever wrote it was the last of a group of people who had all been killed. The others gather around to listen.
"There's no one left. The others are all dead. God help me, it's happening again. They're here."
The record scratches and Connor goes to turn it off. In the silence they hear Creatures calling from outside. Danny sends the girls out the back and he and Connor go to look around. They're attacked by giant ostrich looking things.