prince10plains (original) (raw)
(no subject) | [May. 9th, 2007|09:30 pm]An AU-But-Let's-Not-Go-Overboard House Roleplay |
Foreman's leaving. Our |
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(no subject) | [Apr. 18th, 2007|03:52 pm]An AU-But-Let's-Not-Go-Overboard House Roleplay |
[music |Land of 1000 Dances -- Wilson Pickett]I got my ass kicked by an eight year old. Cameron got her ass grabbed by an eight year old. So, we can only speculate what the eight year old did to Foreman. I have decided that I do not like eight year olds. Oh. And there are two people who just need to get themselves down to the third floor supply closet and work out their issues. Or, at least until they are good and tired. | |
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(no subject) | [Apr. 16th, 2007|08:27 pm]An AU-But-Let's-Not-Go-Overboard House Roleplay |
I fear the oncoming weeks. And dryspell. However, I may actually be able to get back to the gym...though I probably won't be able to work as much off. Can't be flabby, now can I?I am feeling very, very muddled lately. | |
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OOC post! | [Apr. 16th, 2007|07:52 pm]An AU-But-Let's-Not-Go-Overboard House Roleplay |
[mood** |d'oh!] [music** | Flyleaf - Breathe Today]God, I've been so busy guys, sorry! Four essays in school - count 'em, four - plus we had MCAS and massive amounts of homework to make up for said MCAS and... a new obsession with Heroes *shifty eyes*. But I am back in business yet again! I swear, f'realz this time.Also! I'm making an announcement on behalf of my friend, mustakrakish, but she said that there's another RP community - a pretty cracky one - that is in need of House characters! She plays Wilson over there, and they only have him and House and an inactive Chase :/ So they've been looking for more! It's a multi-fandom community that takes place at Hogwarts, in the Harry Potter fandom. Not much of a knowledge of the books is needed, other than that, you know, it's magic, duh, but! If you're interested, check out the hogwarts_hocus info, read up on some of the rules and check out some past applications for examples and such :D I used to play there, and it was pretty fun while it lasted. It's quite active too - much more active than this and... how I've been >>;Okay, on that note. I will shut up. And you can all beat me with sticks for not having posted in the last two or three weeks starting... nnnnnnow! |
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(no subject) | [Mar. 30th, 2007|03:26 pm]An AU-But-Let's-Not-Go-Overboard House Roleplay |
Oops.I probably should have locked that door. | |
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(no subject) | [Mar. 20th, 2007|04:50 pm]An AU-But-Let's-Not-Go-Overboard House Roleplay |
[**music** |Black Sabbath - Paranoid]((Whoa, totally neglecting online for a while there >>; Sorry about that, guys! *is horrible* But, feel a need to kickstart this comm during the hiatus of DOOOOOM)) |
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(no subject) | [Apr. 1st, 2007|12:18 pm]An AU-But-Let's-Not-Go-Overboard House Roleplay |
[**mood** |disappointed]He faked cancer. To get high. | |
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(no subject) | [Feb. 13th, 2007|10:00 pm]An AU-But-Let's-Not-Go-Overboard House Roleplay |
Like microwave pizzas. *facepalm* | |
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(no subject) | [Feb. 8th, 2007|06:33 pm]An AU-But-Let's-Not-Go-Overboard House Roleplay |
[mood** |high] [music** | Incubus - Pardon Me]Say, did you know that when you have an actual patient - not something, oh, say, mediocre like about nine million clinic patients with gonorrhea - people aren't asking me inane questions about conversations and how? and... I can actually... SAVE a LIFE! How does that happen?No, really. I'm curious. |
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(no subject) | [Jan. 31st, 2007|03:59 pm]An AU-But-Let's-Not-Go-Overboard House Roleplay |
[Current Location |the confrence room] [music | the coffee machine]ithinkineedahug. |
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