Privacy @ Awin | Cookie List (original) (raw),


Sets a browser-specific ID to identify a new click on the same browser. Cookie expires after one year

aw***** (The cookie name will be different for each Advertiser, but will be the letters 'aw' followed by an id to represent the Advertiser, e.g. aw1001)

Set when you click on one of our links. Stores IDs for referring website, advertisement on which you clicked, group of advertisements to which the advertisement belongs, time you clicked on it, ID for the type of advertisement, ID for the product and any reference the referring site adds to the click. Expiry varies depending on the Advertiser and the referring website, but typically will be 30 days


Set when you see an advertisement and used to help us make sure we don't keep showing you the same advertisement.
An ID for the advertisement you have seen.
Expires at the end of the session, when you close your browser

awpv***** (The cookie name will be different for each Advertiser, but will be the letters 'awpv' followed by an id to represent the Advertiser, e.g. awpv1001)

Set when you see an advertisement. Stores an ID for the website that showed the advertisement and the time you saw the advertisement. Expiry varies depending on the Advertiser, but is typically 24 hours

*Tracking cookies set for AWIN by Advertisers on the Advertiser's domain

_aw_m_***** (Where **** is the Advertiser's Awin ID e.g. _aw_m_1001)

Stores a reference to an individual click to attribute a sale between publisher and advertiser websites. Duration 1 year.

_aw_j_***** (Where **** is the Advertiser's Awin ID e.g. _aw_j_1001)

Stores a reference to an individual user journey to attribute events between publisher and advertiser websites. Duration 3 months.

_aw_sn_***** (Where **** is the Advertiser's Awin ID e.g. _aw_sn_1001)

Used for Strictly Necessary journeys where the consumer must receive a desired service from the measurement of the journey (cashback or voucher discount). Stores a reference to an individual click to attribute a sale between publisher and advertiser websites. Duration 1 year.

*Additional tracking cookies set for AWIN by Advertisers on the Advertiser's domain via e-commerce plugins
(available for: Magento, OpenCart, PrestaShop, Shopify, Shoplazza, Shopware, WooCommerce)

adv_awc, awc, _awc_***** (Shopify only, where **** is the Advertiser's Awin ID e.g. _awc_1001) or PrestaShop-***** (PrestaShop only, where ***** is an id unique to the store)

Stores a reference to an individual click to attribute a sale between publisher and advertiser websites. Duration up to 1 year.

source, awin_source or _aw_channel (Shopify only)

Stores a reference to the traffic channel. Duration up to 1 year.


Used for performance optimisation to match the request containing the the device attribution to the same edge node. Duration 1 year.

Advanced Click Storage

Cookies, Local Storage, Cache

If enabled, an alternative storage medium for the persistance of the Awin click identifier used in the attribution of sales for Advertisers. The information is stored for 1 Year.