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Films in Production (1 title) Budget Status
Black Terror Black Terror Chauncey Radcliffe Chauncey Radcliffe See fewer Post-Prod
Theater (24 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Fences * Troy Maxson Portland Playhouse/ Lou Bellamy
The Grapes of Wrath * Al Joad Mixed Blood Theatre/Jeff Perry
Othello * Othello The Guthrie Theatre/Joe Dowling
Thurgood * Thurgood Geva Theatre Center/Lou Bellamy
King Hedley II * King Hedley Penumbra Theatre Compamy/Lou Bellamy
The Piano Lesson * Lymon Penumbra Theatre Company/Marion McClinton
Fireflies * Charles South Coast Repertory/Lou Bellamy
Fences * Cory Penumbra Theatre Company/Claude Purdy
Thunder Knocking on the Door * Marvell Thunder Baltimore Center Stage/Marion McClinton
Two Trains Running * Wolf Arizona Theatre Company/Lou Bellamy
Antony and Cleopatra * Scarus Alabama Shakespeare Festival/Kent Thompson
The Big White Fog * Lester Mason The Guthrie Theatre/ Lou Bellamy
Other People’s Money * Coles Mixed Blood Theatre/Jack Reuler
Shine * Mustafa Penumbra Theatre/Marion McClinton
Two Trains Running * Sterling Studio Theatre Company/Thomas W. Jones II
I Could Stop on a Dime and get Ten Cents Change * King of the Hill Baltimore Center Stage/Diane McIntyre
The Darker Face of the Earth * Augustus Newcastle The Guthrie Theatre/Lou Bellamy
Miss Evers Boys * Willie Johnson Illusion Theatre/
Two Trains Running * Hambone Penumbra Theatre/Lou Bellamy
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe * Aslan Children’s Theatre Company
The Mojo and the Sayso * Pastor Laurie Carlos
A Photograph Lovers in Motion * Sean Laurie Carlos
King Hedley II * King Hedley Penumbra Theatre/Lou Bellamy
Jitney * Booster Penumbra Theatre/Lou Bellamy
Television (3 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Infatuated * Gray Harper Micheal Fiefer
The Reveal * Alonzo John Lacy
Ballers 2016 Game Day Episode 10 * Voice HBO