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Theater (20 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
King Lear * Cordelia Lincoln Center
The Kramer * Ellie Center Theatre Group New York
Half a Sixpence * Helen National Tour
Who's Afraid of Virgina Woolf * Honey Williamstown Theatre Festival
Delicate Balance * Julia Williamstown Theatre Festival
Peer Gynt * Solveig Williamstown Theatre Festival
Camino Real * Esmeralda Williamstown Theatre Festival
After the Fall * Holga Williamstown Theatre Festival
You Can't Take it With You * Essie Williamstown Theatre Festival
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof * Mae Williamstown Theatre Festival
The Birthday Party * Lulu Williamstown Theatre Festival
Sherlockholms * Madge Williamstown Theatre Festival
Last of the Red Hot Lovers * Bobbi Williamstown Theatre Festival
Plaza Suite * Muriel Williamstown Theatre Festival
Caucasian Chalk Circle * Natella Williamstown Theatre Festival
The Irresistible Rise of Arturo Ui * Mrs. Dullfeet Williamstown Theatre Festival
The Cherry Orchard * Dunyasha Williamstown Theatre Festival
Delicate Balance * Julia Buffalo Studio Arena
Star Spangled Girl * Sophie Buffalo Studio Arena
Gaslight * Nancy Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park