Kathryn Kelley - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

Theater (68 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Lifespan of a Fact * Emily Fountain Theatre / Simon Levy
Orson’s Shadow * Vivian Leigh Round House Theatre / Jerry Whiddon
The Weir * Valerie Round House Theatre / Nick Olcott
A Prayer for Owen Meany * Mitzi Lish, Barb Wiggins, Ma Jarvit Round House Theatre / Blake Robison
Camille * Nanine Round House Theatre / Blake Robison
The Belle of Amherst — solo show * Emily Dickinson The Bay Theatre / Jerry Whiddon
The Beaux’ Stratagem * Lady Bountiful Everyman Theatre / Vincent Lancisi
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest * Nurse Ratched Round House Theatre / Jerry Whiddon
The Cherry Orchard * Madame Ranevskaya Round House Theatre / Nick Olcott
Woman in Mind * Susan Round House Theatre / Nick Olcott
Uncle Vanya * Yelena Round House Theatre / Nick Olcott
Look Back in Anger * Alison The Studio Theatre / Susan Einhorn
Jack and Jill * Jill Round House Theatre / Jerry Whiddon
Playing for Time * Marianne Studio Theatre / Joy Zinoman
Mad Forest * Florina, Natalya New York Theatre Workshop / Mark Wing-Davey
Two Rooms * Lainie Round House Theatre / Sue Ott Rowlands
Communicating Doors * Ruella Round House Theatre / Nick Olcott
Absurd Person Singular * Eve Round House Theatre / Nick Olcott
Charming Billy (World Premiere by Alice McDermott) * Kate Round House Theatre / Blake Robison
Next Fall * Arlene Round House Theatre / Mark Ramont
The Diary of Anne Frank * Edith Frank Round House / Rebecca Taichmann
Our Town * Mrs. Webb Round House / Jerry Whiddon
Crawling from the Ashes of 9/11 * Susan Kennedy Center / Ralph Cosham
All in the Timing * Dawn, Sharon Round House / Nick Olcott
One Shoe Off * Clio Round House / Nick Olcott
Nora * Christine Round House / Tom Prewitt
Life x 3 * Inez Round House / Lou Jacob
Pentecost * Marion Round House / Kevin Kinley
Sand Mountain * Mary Round House / Edward Morgan
A Day in the Death of Joe Egg * Sheila Round House / Larry Maslon
Abingdon Square * Marian Source Theatre / Elizabeth Robelen
The Glass Menagerie * Laura Source in DC / New End, London/ Tour: Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia/Bart Whiteman
Camille * Marguerite Source Theatre / Bart Whiteman
No Exit * Estelle Source Theatre / Daniel Kolak
Sing Down the Moon * Featherflight, Jack’s Ma, Wolfwitch, Piggy Mary Theatre of First Amendment / MaryHall Surface
Grimm Tales - The Lady and the Lion * The Lady, The Wicked Stepmother, other fairytale roles Theatre of First Amendment / MaryHall Surface
Miss Nelson is Missing * Viola Swamp Imagination Stage / Kate Bryer
Rumplestiltskin * Queen Mess Imagination Stage / Janet Stanford
The Hostage * Teresa The Studio Theatre / Mikel Sarah Lambert
Playing for Time * Marianne The Studio Theatre / Joy Zinoman
Danny and the Deep Blue Sea * Roberta New Arts Theatre / John Neville-Andrews
Heartbreak House * Ariadne Utterword Round House / Nick Olcott
The Woman in Black * The Woman Olney Theatre Center / Bill Graham, Jr.
Meet for Lunch * Sally Edinburgh Fringe / Brad Greenquist
The Beckett Festival — Scena Theatre at Woolly Mammoth * Mae in Footfalls Scena / Robert McNamara and Rick Cluchy of San Quentin Drama Workshop
The Apotheosis of the Void by George Astalos * The Woman Source / Robert McNamara
Amelia * Amelia Earhart Source Theatre / Robert McNamara
The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis * The Wife Source Theatre / Sean Kelley
Our Suburb * Mrs. Major Theatre J / Judith Ivey
Central Park West * Carol, Barb Theatre J / Steven Carpenter
The Real Inspector Hound * Felicity Cunningham LTA
Children of the Sun * Yelena Tisch / Liviu Ciulei
The Children by Lucy Kirkwood * Hazel, Rose understudy The Fountain Theatre / Simon Levy
The Borrowers * Mother Borrower Homily (required rod puppet skill) Imagination Stage / Janet Stanford
The Wonderful One-Hoss Shay by Paul D’Andrea * Fannie (wife of Oliver Wendell Holmes) Theatre of the First Amendment / Tom Prewitt
A Streetcar Named Desire * Blanche /understudy Arena Stage / Janos Szasz
Hedda Gabler * Hedda / understudy Arena Stage / Liviu Ciulei
The Merchant of Venice * Musician /tympani, lute, recorder Folger Shakespeare Theatre / John Neville-Andrews
The Cherry Orchard * Anna, Varya, Dunyasha / understudy Folger Shakespeare Theate / John Neville-Andrews
All’s Well That Ends Well * Court Lady / understudy Folger Shakespeare Theatre / John Neville-Andrews
Long After Love by Mishima * The Wife Pacific Bridge / David Long
Love Letters (with Jerry Whiddon) * Susan Round House Theatre / Nick Olcott
Antigone * Ismene / understudy Round House Theatre/ Daniel DeRaey
Macbeth * Lady Macbeth Lime Kiln Theatre / Brian Desmond
Daytrips * Pat Round House Theatre / Gillian Drake
Lou — solo show * Lou Andreas Salomé Venus Theatre / Deb Randall
Season’s Greetings * Patty Round House Theatre / Daniel De Raey
Landscape/Silence (Pinter) * Ellen Landsburgh Arts Center/ John Jacobsen