Rod Burton - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)
Rod, Jane and Freddy (1981–1991)
(TV Series)-Writer (120 episodes, 1981), Rod / Scarecrow / Mr. Smithers / The Emperor / Storyteller / … (120 episodes, 1981), Composer (57 episodes, 1981), Arranger ("Mary, Mary Quite Contrary") (2 episodes, 1988), Performer ("Look On The Bright Side", "Just A Little Giggle") (1 episode, 1990), … See more Writer (120 episodes, 1981), Rod / Scarecrow / Mr. Smithers / The Emperor / Storyteller / Wild Buffalo Bill Hiccup / Bookworm / Nod / Percival Poncenbury-Pricklewaithe / Wizard / Charlie / The Funny Shape / The Mad Hatter / Honest Ned Groat / Thimble the Tailor / Sun / Zap / Lord Chinkee / Hyronymous the Garden Gnome / Man with Shadow / Shadow / Tugboat Ted / Sir Brian de Bolfrey / Sunny / Tom / Wobbert Wobbly / Captain Neutron / Colonel Badger (120 episodes, 1981), Composer (57 episodes, 1981), Arranger ("Mary, Mary Quite Contrary") (2 episodes, 1988), Performer ("Look On The Bright Side", "Just A Little Giggle") (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("Moving", "Co-operation", "Sir Brian", "Inside Out, Upside Down, Back To Front", "Moving" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Were On The Trail", "Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat", "Wild Cats", "So Many Dogs") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Up here in our Weathervane" (uncredited), "It's a funny old life when you haven't got a gnome", "Fiddle-dee-die-dee-do-dee-oh" (uncredited), "Up here in the Chestnut tree" (uncredited)) (1 episode, 1988), Performer ("Were On The Trail", "Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat", "Wild Cats", "So Many Dogs") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Rhythm", "The Train to Kalamazoo", "My Little Metal Band", "Oh Really", "Rhythm" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1991), Performer ("Everybody Loves A Nursey Rhyme", "Cockle Doodle Do", "See-Saw, Margery Daw", "There Was A Crooked Man", "Ride A Cock Horse To Banbury Cross") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Sugarland", "Apples on the Tree", "Little Jack Horner", "Oh Jack, Why Don't You Put It Back?", "Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum Those Plums") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Friends", "Wilbur") (1 episode, 1991), Performer ("A Good Idea", "Over and Over and Over Again", "How Many People There?") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Moon and Stars", "I'm The Man In The Moon", "Hey Diddle Diddle", "Moon and Stars" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Every Face Can Tell A Story", "Joining The Dots", "You're Part Of Me", "We've Been Looking", "Every Face Can Tell A Story" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Got To Greet The New Day", "Busy, Busy, Busy, Busy", "Got To Greet The New Day" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Care For The Children", "The Boo Hoo Song", "Don't Let It Get You Down", "Everyone Laughs At A Clown") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("We're Going To Have A Party", "Blowing A Balloon", "Turnip the Highwayman", "Here's a game you can play") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Tea in the Teapot, buns on the plate", "Father Time's Riddle", "Hey Diddle Diddle, we're solving a Riddle") (1 episode, 1988), Performer ("The Way You're Moving", "The Wobbling Song") (1 episode, 1991), Soundtrack (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("Lots Of Lovely Colours", "It's A Bright Life", "Splish, Splish Splash On The Wall", "When A Painter Paints A Picture", "When A Painter Paints A Picture" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Love will always find a way", "I am the Emperor", "Happy Ending") (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("Mirror Mirror", "Deep Blue Sea", "If You Want To Be a Clown", "What can I be?") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("We're Country People", "Just A Fool On A Hill", "You Can Be A Milkman too") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Dots and Dashes", "Songs Can Make You Happy", "Living in a Dice", "Dots and Dashes" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Oh you got to earn a living, any way you can", "It's all because of the Magic Socks") (1 episode, 1988), Writer ("Home sweet home", "Three Little Pigs", "The Old Lady who lived in a Shoe", "Live where you want to live") (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("Moon and Stars", "I'm The Man In The Moon", "Lullaby", "Hey Diddle Diddle", "Moon and Stars" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("We Live in a Land of Paper", "Fairy Stories", "You Look Great") (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("You can count on us", "Five Little Ducks", "Legs Would March Along", "When we're Together") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Words", "Bla Bla", "This Way, That Way", "Fairy Stories") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("In a World of Paper", "Busy, Busy, Busy", "We're Dustman", "Winter Turns to Spring") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("We Work All Day", "Busy, Busy, Busy", "Slow Down", "Round and Around and Around We Go") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Blowing Up Balloons", "Yellow Sand", "Flowers", "Red, Red, what a lovely colour") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("We Work All Day", "Busy, Busy, Busy", "Slow Down", "Round and Around and Around We Go") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Horace", "My yellow banjo", "Dolls in the Nursery") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("In a World of Paper", "Busy, Busy, Busy", "We're Dustman", "Winter Turns to Spring") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Shapes", "Why is it always me?", "Keep your chin up", "Thank You") (1 episode, 1988), Writer ("You're Only As Good As You Look", "We've Been Wondering", "Be Who You Want To Be", "You're Only As Good As You Look" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("Light The Lights", "Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark", "You Stand In The Spotlight") (1 episode, 1991), Performer ("Out In The Garden", "Flowers", "Every Morning's Just The Same", "Out In The Garden" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("When The Road Needs Mending", "Living in The Town", "One Band Man", "Rainbow Street", "Corner Shop") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("We're All Vegetables", "A funny little bean", "Everyone knows that a honey bee buzzes") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("You've Seen One Of These", "What Can I Be?", "Music Machine") (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("Modern Toys", "The Baboon Song") (1 episode, 1988), Performer ("The World is Very, Very Wide") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Look On The Bright Side", "It Was Love", "Just A Little Giggle") (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Good morning, good morning") (1 episode, 1988), Writer ("Daydreaming", "We'll teach him a lesson", "We won't go out in the morning") (1 episode, 1983), Performer ("Lots Of Lovely Colours", "It's A Bright Life", "Splish, Splish Splash On The Wall", "When A Painter Paints A Picture" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("You Look Great", "Look on the Bright Side", "My Little Metal Band", "Whatever You Want To Share") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Magic", "Little Dancer", "Down On The Farm", "Tricks Of The Trade") (1 episode, 1991), Performer ("Put a smile on your face", "We all work here in the Market Place", "He's very high and mighty") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("The Theatre", "When I Was a Lad", "Goodbye") (1 episode, 1991), Writer ("Mr Bodger", "Heartbeat", "A Little Dog Called Billy", "If You Sing My Song") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("We're Singing Our Little Song" (uncredited), "Om Tiddlely Om Pom, Pom Pom" (uncredited), "With A Little Bit of This and A Little Bit of That" (uncredited), "The End of the Show") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Magic", "Little Dancer", "Tricks Of The Trade") (1 episode, 1991), Performer ("We're The Singers On The Show", "Feel the Rhythm", "Melody", "Songs Can Make You Happy") (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("Wild Cats", "I wonder if you belong in the zoo?", "Chinese Take-away", "Wild Cats" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1988), Writer ("We're The Singers On The Show", "Feel the Rhythm", "Melody", "Songs Can Make You Happy") (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("We Live In A Land Of Games", "Hey Diddle Diddle", "We're Making A Jigsaw", "Magic Puzzles", "We Live In A Land Of Games" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("We're All Together", "We're Having a Picnic", "You Should Of Gone Moo", "Cloudy Day", "We're All Together" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Tea in the Teapot, buns on the plate", "Hey Diddle Diddle, we're solving a Riddle") (1 episode, 1988), Performer ("When The Road Needs Mending", "Living in The Town", "Rainbow Street", "Corner Shop") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Everybody Loves A Nursey Rhyme", "Sing A Song Of Sixpence", "Catch A Bus Or Catch A Train", "Little Tommy Tucker", "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "Starlight") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("The Wizard's Song", "Oh Please, Mr. Wizard") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Everybody Loves A Nursey Rhyme", "Cockle Doodle Do", "See-Saw, Margery Daw", "There Was A Crooked Man", "Ride A Cock Horse To Banbury Cross") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("If I Were Part of an Orchestra", "A Bunch of Bananas", "Follow Me") (1 episode, 1991), Performer ("The Theatre", "Goodbye") (1 episode, 1991), Writer ("Put a smile on your face", "We all work here in the Market Place", "When I was a lad", "He's very high and mighty") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("We're All Together", "We're Having a Picnic", "You Should Of Gone Moo", "Dingle, Dangle Scarecrow", "Cloudy Day", "We're All Together" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Bits of this and bits of that", "Dancing by the light of the Moon") (1 episode, 1988), Writer ("If I Were Part of an Orchestra", "Mr. Piano", "A Bunch of Bananas", "Follow Me") (1 episode, 1991), Writer ("Everybody Needs Someone To Love", "If I Could Fly", "Big Dogs, Small Dogs", "Everybody Needs Someone To Love" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("Magic", "I'm a Wizard", "Dream me a Dream", "The Frog Song", "Ten Feet Tall") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Ah, Me", "Sir Brian de Beaufrea", "So What", "Hooray, the Dragon is Dead") (1 episode, 1988), Performer ("At the same time, every day", "Cooperation", "Perfect Harmony") (1 episode, 1988), Performer ("Moving", "Co-operation", "Sir Brian", "Inside Out, Upside Down, Back To Front", "Moving" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Oh Mr. Shadow", "Living without a Shadow", "The Song of the Shadows", "From Now On") (1 episode, 1988), Performer ("Wild West Show", "Rolling") (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("We're out here in the garden", "When you're a garden gnome", "Underground Animals", "Small World") (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Heartbeat", "Animal Orchestra") (1 episode, 1991), Writer ("Every Face Can Tell A Story", "Zu-zu-zu-zu", "Joining The Dots", "You're Part Of Me", "We've Been Looking", "Every Face Can Tell A Story" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Light The Lights", "You Stand In The Spotlight") (1 episode, 1991), Writer ("A Good Idea", "Over and Over and Over Again", "How Many People There?") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("You Look Great", "Look on the Bright Side", "My Little Metal Band", "Whatever You Want To Share") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Dots and Dashes", "Songs Can Make You Happy", "Living in a Dice", "Dots and Dashes" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Wild Cats", "I wonder if you belong in the zoo?", "Chinese Take-away", "Wild Cats" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1988), Performer ("What's In The Box?", "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly", "We All Work Here In The Marketplace", "Moments That We Share") (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Mirror Mirror", "Deep Blue Sea", "If You Want To Be a Clown") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("We want to Wobble" (uncredited), "Back to the way we were before" (uncredited), "The Wobbly Land Anthem" (uncredited), "The Wobbly Song") (1 episode, 1988), Performer ("It's a funny old life when you haven't got a gnome", "Fiddle-dee-die-dee-do-dee-oh" (uncredited), "Up here in the Chestnut tree" (uncredited)) (1 episode, 1988), Writer ("You've Got It", "Take Us In, Warm Us Up", "Can You Guess What We're Going To Make For You?", "Chinese Take Away") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("You've Seen One Of These", "Music Machine") (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Sir Brian de Beaufrea", "Hooray, the Dragon is Dead") (1 episode, 1988), Writer ("Sail the Seven Seas", "Redbeard the Pirate", "Treasure, Yo Ho!") (1 episode, 1988), Performer ("I Always Wear A Hat", "We Are Policemen", "We've Got An Old Machine", "Were The Lifeboatmen") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Looking Around", "Remember The Day", "Open Up Your Umbrella", "Down at the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Out In The Garden", "Flowers", "Every Morning's Just The Same", "Out In The Garden" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("We're out here in the garden", "When you're a garden gnome", "Underground Animals", "Small World") (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Words", "Bla Bla", "This Way, That Way", "Fairy Stories") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Blowing Up Balloons", "Yellow Sand", "Flowers", "Red, Red, what a lovely colour") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("You can count on us", "Five Little Ducks", "Legs Would March Along", "When we're Together") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Everybody Needs Someone To Love", "If I Could Fly", "Big Dogs, Small Dogs", "Everybody Needs Someone To Love" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("The Animals Love To Sing For You", "The Village Blacksmith", "Cock A Doodle Dooe", "We're Country People") (1 episode, 1991), Writer ("The Way You're Moving", "When I Hear That Crazy Rhythm", "The Wobbling Song") (1 episode, 1991), Performer ("Home sweet home", "Three Little Pigs", "The Old Lady who lived in a Shoe", "Live where you want to live") (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Sail the Seven Seas", "Treasure, Yo Ho!") (1 episode, 1988), Performer ("Get Up", "Time Ticks By", "Get Up" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("We want to Wobble" (uncredited), "Back to the way we were before" (uncredited), "The Wobbly Land Anthem" (uncredited), "The Wobbly Song") (1 episode, 1988), Writer ("With An Oh Or An Ooh", "Scratch, Scratch, Scratch", "Jack in the Box", "The Train Song") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Something for everyone everywhere", "Edward Bear", "Toys in a Toy Museum") (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("With An Oh Or An Ooh", "Scratch, Scratch, Scratch", "Jack in the Box", "The Train Song") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("What Can You Do?", "Choo Choo Train", "Saving", "English Garden Party") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("The Only Place I Want To Be", "Creeping Around", "It's going to be a wonderful Christmas day") (1 episode, 1983), Performer ("Mr Bodger", "Heartbeat", "A Little Dog Called Billy", "If You Sing My Song") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("We Live in a Land of Paper", "Fairy Stories", "You Look Great") (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Sugarland", "Apples on the Tree", "Little Jack Horner", "Oh Jack, Why Don't You Put It Back?", "Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum Those Plums") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Oh Mr. Shadow", "The Song of the Shadows") (1 episode, 1988), Writer ("I Always Wear A Hat", "We Are Policemen", "We've Got An Old Machine", "Were The Lifeboatmen") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Guess Who I Am?", "Hall Away, Come Hall Away", "We'd Like To Borrow", "We'll Make A Monster") (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Why is it always me?", "Keep your chin up", "Thank You") (1 episode, 1988), Writer ("Whispers", "Heartbeat", "Animal Orchestra") (1 episode, 1991), Performer ("What Can You Do?", "Choo Choo Train", "Saving", "English Garden Party") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Magic", "The Frog Song", "Ten Feet Tall") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Colours So Many Colours", "Red Red What A Lovely Colour", "Come To The Circus With Me") (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("We're Going To Have A Party", "Blowing A Balloon", "Turnip the Highwayman", "Here's a game you can play") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("We're Singing Our Little Song" (uncredited), "Om Tiddlely Om Pom, Pom Pom" (uncredited), "With A Little Bit of This and A Little Bit of That" (uncredited), "A Hit" (uncredited), "The End of the Show") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("My Secret Room", "Horace", "My yellow banjo", "Dolls in the Nursery") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("I'm a Wizard", "Oh you got to earn a living, any way you can", "It's all because of the Magic Socks") (1 episode, 1988), Performer ("Two by Two", "Great Big Grey Elephant", "Enormous", "Lions in the Jungle") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Got To Greet The New Day", "Dreaming The Day Away", "Busy, Busy, Busy, Busy", "Got To Greet The New Day" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("Something for everyone everywhere", "Edward Bear", "Toys in a Toy Museum") (1 episode, 1990), Arranger ("Sing A Song Of Sixpence", "Catch A Bus Or Catch A Train", "Little Tommy Tucker", "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "Starlight") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Friends", "Friends Like These", "Wilbur") (1 episode, 1991), Writer ("Just a fool on the Hill", "Good morning, good morning", "I'm a Cloud", "Let the Rain fall down") (1 episode, 1988), Writer ("All You Need Is A Suitcase", "Welcome To Our Island", "Make Up Your Mind", "I Am The Sun", "All You Need Is A Suitcase" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("Everybody Loves A Nursey Rhyme") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Working", "We've Got An Old Machine", "Joe The Rag And Bone Man") (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("You're Only As Good As You Look", "We've Been Wondering", "Be Who You Want To Be", "You're Only As Good As You Look" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("We Live In A Land Of Games", "Hey Diddle Diddle", "We're Making A Jigsaw", "Magic Puzzles", "We Live In A Land Of Games" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Good Morning", "Time Ticks By", "Mr. Shadow", "Girls and Boys Come Out to Play") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Good Morning", "Time Ticks By", "Mr. Shadow", "Girls and Boys Come Out to Play") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Modern Toys", "The Baboon Song", "Mary, Mary Quite Contrary") (1 episode, 1988), Performer ("Rhythm", "My Little Metal Band", "Oh Really", "Rhythm" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1991), Writer ("What can I wear?", "Bits of this and bits of that", "Dancing by the light of the Moon") (1 episode, 1988), Writer ("The Girl with the Long Nose", "The Wizard's Song", "Oh Please, Mr. Wizard", "The Girl with the Long Nose and the Boy with the Longer Nose", "Wizard, we're ready for your magic") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("What's In The Box?", "We All Work Here In The Marketplace", "Moments That We Share") (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("The Animals Love To Sing For You", "The Village Blacksmith", "We're Country People") (1 episode, 1991), Writer ("Get Up", "Every Single Clock", "Time Ticks By", "Get Up" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("Care For The Children", "The Boo Hoo Song", "Don't Let It Get You Down", "Everyone Laughs At A Clown") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("The Only Place I Want To Be", "Creeping Around", "It's going to be a wonderful Christmas day") (1 episode, 1983), Performer ("We'll teach him a lesson", "We won't go out in the morning") (1 episode, 1983), Writer ("Wild West Show", "Smartest Looking Cowgirl", "Rain Dance", "Rolling") (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Looking Around", "Remember The Day", "Open Up Your Umbrella", "Down at the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Colours So Many Colours", "Red Red What A Lovely Colour", "Come To The Circus With Me") (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("All You Need Is A Suitcase", "Welcome To Our Island", "Make Up Your Mind", "I Am The Sun", "All You Need Is A Suitcase" (reprise)) (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("We're Country People", "Just A Fool On A Hill", "Chick, Chick, Chick Chick Chicken") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("Working", "We've Got An Old Machine", "Joe The Rag And Bone Man") (1 episode, 1990), Performer ("Guess Who I Am?", "We'd Like To Borrow", "We'll Make A Monster") (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("Far Away", "You and Me", "The World is Very, Very Wide") (1 episode, 1989), Performer ("We're All Vegetables" (uncredited), "A funny little bean" (uncredited), "Everyone knows that a honey bee buzzes" (uncredited), "Mary, Mary Quite Contrary") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Two by Two", "Great Big Grey Elephant", "Enormous", "Lions in the Jungle") (1 episode, 1989), Writer ("Love will always find a way", "I am the Emperor", "With a Little Brush", "Happy Ending") (1 episode, 1990), Writer ("At the same time, every day", "Shape Up!", "Cooperation", "Perfect Harmony") (1 episode, 1988), Performer ("You've Got It", "Take Us In, Warm Us Up", "Can You Guess What We're Going To Make For You?", "Chinese Take Away") (1 episode, 1989) See fewer
Rhythm (Mar 5, 1991) Season 7, Episode 25-Rod, Performer ("Rhythm", "My Little Metal Band", "Oh Really", "Rhythm" (reprise)) (uncredited), Writer ("Rhythm", "The Train to Kalamazoo", "My Little Metal Band", "Oh Really", "Rhythm" (reprise)) (uncredited), Writer Rod, Performer ("Rhythm", "My Little Metal Band", "Oh Really", "Rhythm" (reprise)) (uncredited), Writer ("Rhythm", "The Train to Kalamazoo", "My Little Metal Band", "Oh Really", "Rhythm" (reprise)) (uncredited), Writer See fewer