Sylvaine Mella - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

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Commercials (11 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Renault / Kevin Spacey * producer Nacho gayan
Assassin's creed Trailer * producer Adam Berg
Orangina * producer Psyop
La Poste * producer Noam Murro
Lancome * producer Peter Lindbergh
Bic * producer Valerie Lemercier
FNAC * producer Philippe Pollet Villard
lancome perfume * AD Mario Sorrenti
YSL perfume * AD Jean Baptiste Mondino
Kenzo perfume * AD Paolo Roversi
EDF * producer Adam Berg
Film (4 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Foudroyes * producer Bibo bergeron
sous le soleil de satan * 2nd AD Maurice Pialat
Didi auf vollen touren * ass. location manager French unit Robert Menegoz
Mad Mission 3 * PA Tsui Hark