Philip Pedersen - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

Modeling (2 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Absolute Marbella * Boy Model Absolute Marbella Publishing
Ibsen Salon * Male Model Ibsen Frisør A.S.
Voice Over (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Educational Tapes * Voice Over Swedish Textbook Association
Film (10 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory * Voice and Sounds Warner Bros. Pictures - Tim Burton
Opal Dreams: Pobby and Dingan * Voice of Ashmol Williams Platinum Films - Peter Cattaneo
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London * Bender's Mate Metro Goldwyn Mayer - Kevin Allen
Stroke * The Artist Shelby Baldock
Just Hit * Matt Joe Calardo
Moment of Decision * Joe Jacob Moncrief
Yes Please * Chris Brennan Miller, Joseph Longo
Kidney * Victim Shelby Baldock
Guernica * Alex Joe Calardo
HollyWeird * Paco One Life Pictures - Edwin Porres
Television (9 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Erobreren * School Student NRK Norge - Eva Isaksen
Planet Cook: Do you Cook Here Often? (Episode 58) * Cook Cadet 3 CBBC Productions
Planet Cook: Fleas Release Me (Episode 66) * Cook Cadet 3 CBBC Productions
Planet Cook: STUCK UP YETI (Episode 78) * Cook Cadet 2 CBBC Productions
Planet Cook: BEES Getting a Buzz (Episode 85) * Cook Cadet 2 CBBC Productions
Planet Cook: I’M YOUR VENUS (Episode 96) * Cook Cadet 3 CBBC Productions
Planet Cook: NO FLIES ON THE YETI (Episode 59A) * Cook Cadet 3 CBBC Productions
Planet Cook: All the Better to Hear You With (Episode 45) * Cook Cadet 2 CBBC Productions
Planet Cook: One Elephant (Episode 51) * Cook Cadet 3 CBBC Productions