David Marcotte - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

Commercials (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Conflicts Upon Request * Over 60 Bookings
Theater (29 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
KING LEAR * Kent TAM, Maine / David Greenham
MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING * Borachio TAM, Maine / Jeri Pitcher
ROOM SERVICE * Leo Davis TAM, Maine / David Greenham
THE TEMPEST * Antonio Illinois Shakespeare Festival / Deb Alley
MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR * Pistol Illinois Shakespeare Festival / Catherine Weidner
THE THREE MUSKETEERS * King Luis XIII Illinois Shakespeare Festival / Karen Kessler
ALL MY SONS * (u/s) George TimeLine/Kimberly Senior
TWELFTH NIGHT * Orsino Piccolo Theater/d. Karen Yates
YELLOW * Revolutionary War Soldier Collaboraction/d. Adam Belcuore
THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE * Krupp Provision / Joe Slowik
NUMBER THE STARS * Rolf the Nazi Soldier Apple Tree - TYA
THE TAMING OF THE SHREW, SHORT SHAKESPEARE! * Baptista and Grumio (u/s performed) Chicago Shakespeare / David Bell
A CHRISTMAS CAROL (three separate runs) * Nephew Fred Provision / Tim Gregory
THE PROBLEM * Husband Rogue / Kipp Moorman
THE SPITFIRE GRILL * Eli Provision / Tim Gregory
COTTON PATCH GOSPEL (two separte runs) * Percussion/Ensemble Provision / Jim Pool
THE EMPIRE BUILDERS * Leon Dupont Right Brain Project / Nathan Robbel
MAN AND SUPERMAN * Hector Malone Jr. Rogue / Kerstin Brookman
CHORUS REBELLION * Coryphaeus Breadline / Paul Kampf
QUARTET * Valmont Bailiwick / Stacy Erickson
HEDDA GABLER * Judge Brack LiveWire / Chris Arnold
RIGHT YOU ARE (IF YOU THINK YOU ARE) * Lamberto Laudisi International Theater of Chicago / Patrizia Acerra
CALGONY SPRINGS * Charles Organ HI-Volt / Angelina Martinez
ALL MY SONS * Joe Keller Western IL University
SOUTH PACIFIC * Captain Bracket Summer Music Theater / Ray Babica
KEELY AND DUE * Walter Western IL University
BAREFOOT IN THE PARK * Victor Velasco Western IL University
Music (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Percussionist/Composer for several Chicago theater companies * Also "sit-in" with Irish and Bluegrass bands in and around the city.
Industrial (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Conflicts upon request * over 20 bookings
Print (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Conflicts upon request * over 20 bookings
Internet (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Conflicts Upon Request * over 10 bookings
Voice Over (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Conflicts upon request * Voiceover Demo: www.DavidMarcotte.com over 25 bookings
Film (15 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
THE SMALL ASSASSIN * David Leiber / Lead Beverly Ridge Pictures, LLC / Chris Charles
TROUBADOURS * Uncle Jim / Supporting Down-State Productions, LLC / Tom Galassi
CHICAGO OVERCOAT * Husband / Supporting Beverly Ridge Pictures, LLC/d. Brian Caunter
KLYA'S LAW * Supporting Hermann Film (Italy)/d. A. de Cristofaro
COOPERSVILLE * David / Lead William & James M.P.Co. / Jim Love
SALT CREEK COUNTY * Sheriff Townes / Lead Down-State Productions, LLC / Adam Galassi
UNALLOYED * Lead Ignatova Films/d. Paola Ignatova
SNARE OF LONG LIFE * Supporting Parks Productinos/d. Kevin Parks
DREAM SEASON * Arthur / Supporting Down-State Productions, LLC / Adam Galassi
THE DIRTY MONKS * Scott Brickman / Lead William & James M.P.Co. / Jim Love
LATTE WITH MEE * MEE / Lead Bishop/Falcon
THE MOMENT OF TRUTH * Dr. Smith / Lead Gene Kozlowski
THE BABY SHOWER * Supporting Second City Class Films
COFFEE CONSPIRACY * Man Balanced Productions / JC Farris
BRAIN BEATERS * Waiter Kuzins Productions / D. Kizar