Michael Teoli - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

Theater (31 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Right Before I Go * Composer Seedling Events/Devon M. Schwartz
One Way Ticket To Oregon * Composer ArtsUP! LA/JJ Mayes
Gatsby An Immersive Illumination * Composer 2Cents Theatre Group/ Kristen Boulé
Still Waiting For Lefty * Songwriter: "We Didn't Light The Match" Theatre Unleashed/Richard Platt
SHOUT! * Composer Museum of the American Military Family & Learning Center/Herb Hall
Housewife '52 * Co/Composer, Arranger, Music Director and Musician Kick Boom Theater/John Wuchte
West Adams * Composer Skylight Theatre/Michael A. Shepperd
Never Ever Land * Composer Theatre Unleashed/Michael A. Shepperd
Two Rooms * Composer Assembly Theater Company/Herb Hall
Dear Jerry Seinfeld * Co-Composer. Arranger, Music Director, Musician Gregory Smith
Scarlett Fever * Co-Composer, Arranger, Music Director Kick Boom Theater/John Wuchte
The Tempest * Composer El Camino College/Jerry Prell
Too Heavy For Your Pocket * Composer Sacred Fools Theater/Michael A. Shepperd
Akuma-Shin * Composer Sacred Fools Theater/Scott Leggett
Tonya & Nancy: The Rock Opera * Composer TheatreZone/Mark Danni
Tonya & Nancy: The Rock Opera * Composer Underscore Theatre/Jon Martinez
The Sirens of Titan * Composer Sacred Fools Theater/Ben Rock
Skullduggery: The Musical Prequel To Hamlet * Arranger, Music Director, Additional Music Composer, Musician Sacred Fools Theater Company/Scott Leggett
Absolutely Filthy * Composer Sacred Fools Theater/Jeremy Aldridge
The Werewolves of Hollywood Boulevard * Composer, Music Director Orgasmico Theatre Company/Aaron Lyons
Exorcistic: The Rock Musical Parody Experiment * Arranger, Music Director Orgasmico Theatre Company/Pat Towne
Magic Bullet Theory * Composer/Arranger Sacred Fools Theater/JJ Mayes
Hearts Like Fists * Composer Theatre of Note/Jaime Robledo
Neighborhood 3: Requisition of Doom * Composer Sacred Fools Theater/Jaime Robledo
Cookie and the Monster * Composer: Song and Transitional Music JJ Mayes
Doomsday Cabaret * Arranger, Music Director, Additional Music Composer Orgasmico Theatre Company/Chris Raymond
CarnEvil: A Gothic, Horror Rock Musical * Composer, co-writer, co-lyricist, Music Director, Musician Sacred Fools Theater/Janet Roston
Tonya & Nancy: The Rock Opera * Composer, Music Director Harborside Films/Janet Roston
Tonya & Nancy: The Rock Opera * Composer, Music Director Abingdon Theatre/Rachel Klein
Tonya & Nancy: The Rock Opera * Composer Ohlook Performing Arts Center
Tonya & Nancy: The Rock Opera * Composer, Conductor Triangle Productions/Don Horn