Richard Carmen - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

Film (28 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
A Bit Of Bad Luck * Johnny Creech John Fuhrman
Decimation * Russian General Strangeland Films/Wade Jackson
Pacific Agression * Wallace Turner Shaun Scott
Steel & Blood Music Video * Father Oh Hello TV/Daniel Brown
Room 13 * Roger Paul Eenhoorn
Eden * Divorcee Eden Prod, Centripetal Films, Megan Griffiths
160 Acres * Bill-Vengeful cowboy Jackson/Hall Prod., Wade Jackson
Fare * Santiago UW Film Prg/Daniel Brockley
The Off Hours * Concerned Trucker The Off Hours Film LLC/Megan Grifiths
Tobacco Road Show * So. Baptist Minister Common Market CD Release Concert
Trouble Is, Common Market * So. Baptist Minister Imagen Films, Zia Moharjerjasbi
Lucella Green * Edward/RE Agent White Owl Prod.,
Zombies of Mass Destruction * J.D.-Politician Type Cast Pics, Kevin Hamdami
The Taken * Vance-Determined Security Guard Valentine Ent./Rick Valentine
Zoo * Mr. Hands Brother Reverb Films/Robinson Devor
Witches of Whitewater / Trailer * Frank/Obsessive Librarian Imagen Films/Marty Martin
On the Lot/Dance With The Devil * Tender Crime Lord Imagen Films/Marty Martin/Fox/Dreamworks
On the Lot/The Big Bad Heist * Ten Finger Tony Imagen Films/Marty Martin/Fox/Dreamworks
Stumble & Fall/Short * Ben-Extortionist Gangster NW Cinema/Nathan Williams
Bloody Mary-Legend of the Mirror Witch * Dr. McCarty Kat Pictures/Sticks and Stones Films/Spotlight Pictures/Rick Valentine
Dangerous LIves * Detective Scally Michael Ignagni/San Jose, CA
Ultimate Reality * Neighbor/Day Player Wonderphil Prod.,/Phil Gorin/SF, CA
Red Turn Everywhere * Detective John Broglin
Pale Horse Junction * Father Pale Horse Prod.,/Ben McMillan/SF, CA
Daisy's Fortune * Father AngelProd.,/Amy Brooks/SF, CA
Fallen Man * Derranged Psychiatrist Berwyn Hutcherson
Property * Abusive Boyfriend Ramiro Seguro, Dir.,/SF, CA
Lucky Them * Supporting My My, Megan Griffiths