Blake Laramie - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

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Commercials (10 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Scorch Bar * principal Helen Wheels Productions
Easymate * featured Easymate
Phoenix Coyotes * featured Phoenix Coyotes
Barbasol * principal/ Batter Up & Center Field Barbasol
Barbasol * featured Barbasol
Cox Communications * principal/ rollerblader Cox Communications
APS * principal/ Fashion Designer APS
Lexus * featured Lexus
Pepsi * featured Pepsi
MTV * featured MTV
Music (2 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Alex Arndt * kidnapper Kevin Phipps Producions
Caberet Fortune Teller/ Audra * stilt walker Kevin Phipps Producions
Print (4 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Randy Luckey *
Going Somewhere * Fire Chief Phoenix College
Jacqueline Hanna * Jacqueline Hanna
Brochure * skier GRADS Photography
Film (23 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Coyote Requiem * Blake/ Absinthe Bartender First Breath Films
Soul Survivor * lead/ David Flicks of Fury
Jones * principal Flicks of Fury
Predatory Instinct * principal Feral Feature LLC
Flesh, TX * Jake
Uncle Belfry * Dapper Man Scott Allen Gregory
Addicted * Blade Coffeyhouse Productions
Angels, Devils & Men * principal/ Exectutive 1 & Young Joe Angels, Devils & Men LLC
Jolene * featured & Stand In Next Turn Prod.
Running On Empty Dreams * Production Asst. Running On Empty LLC
Plague of The Sonoran Bloodsuckers * lead/ Michael Off Tatum Productions
Eye Of Iris * lead/ Daemon Kung Fu Family Productions
Raleigh Hastings * lead/ Raleigh Hastings Carkey Productions
Echelon * Mike Depleting Shadows Productions
Vampire Slayers * principal/ Vampire Daddy Russ Productions
Bad Clown * featured/ Tattooed Man Carkey Productions
They Know * principal/ Frat Boy #2 Imation
No Code Of Conduct * featured Sheen Productions
American Anthem * featured Warner Bros.
Our Most Precious Natural Resource * lead/ Agent Lerner 72 Hour Project
True Legends of The West * principal/ Drunken Cowboy #2 Nic Taylor Productions
Leather & Iron * featured John Archer Productions
The Truth About Jane * featured Hears Ent. Prod. Inc.