Ann Tracy - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

Commercials (7 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Vicky Benbow Real Estate * Wife KCRA Productions/Steve Lombard,
Leader Pharmacy * Retired Wife KCRA Productions/Steve Lombard,
CAL-PERS Mortgages * Loan Officer KCRA Productions/Steve Lombard,
John Conboy Law Offices * Principal TCI Media Services
Pot Holes-Measures A&B * Wife Townsend, Raimundo, Besler & Usher
Coit Cleaners * Young Grandmother CAL Image
Snow Plow, GMC Truck * Snow Shoveler McCann/SAS Advertising
Theater (8 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Gillligan's Island, The Musical * Lovely Howell Black Rabbit Productions
Breakthourgh * Trudy Beyond the Proscenium Proeuctions/Vada Russell
The Harmony Codes * Margaret Beyond the Proscenium Productions/Scott Taylor
Looking for Richard 3 * Duchess of York Beyond the Proscenium Proeuctions/Ann Tracy
Steel Magnolias * Truvy Garbeau's Dinner Theatre/Melanie Smith
The Pink Elephant * Ane Vista Players/E.J. Reinagel
Macbeth * Witch, Doctor Theatre El Dorado/Suzanne Milligan
Dancing with Desire-Sacramento and Edinburgh, Scotland * The Older Woman Beyond the Proscenium Productions/Terilyn Moore
Industrial (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Eskaton * Daughter Firestar Productions
Print (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Western Health Advantage * Boss Wallrich Landi, Sacramento
Film (8 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Anna's Cross * Joan Vince Miles - David Ligon, David's Films
Capital Women * Susan B. Anthony Suzanne Jones
The Gypsy House * Thelma Dragos Munteanu
Kith and Kin * Sara Kabinet/J. Greenberg
The Bullpen * Eileen Bad Sully/Sean Thomas Sullivan
George B. * Sam Tango West/Eric Lea
Sui Generis * Dect Margaret Groebner Dark Farms Films/ Jenny Anastasoff
Battered * Mrs. Richards Sofia Voltin, Cribstone Productions
Television (2 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Central Valley Chronicles * Artistic Director, Beyond the Proscenium Productions KVIE/J. Greenberg
Spring Awakening, CBS M. O. W. (Hallmark Hall of Fame) * Soprano rehearsing in church Producer: Bill Allyn /Director: Jack Gold
Video (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Fairy Tale Fever, Woody & Wobles Show * Fairy Godmother VPI, Sacramento