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Theater (8 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Uncle Vanya * Astrov Artworks Theater
Tracers * Doc Long Beach Playhouse
Danny & the Deep Blue Sea * Danny Actors Circle Theater
Waiting for Godot * Estragon Actors Circle Theater
Toyer * Peter Actors Circle Theater
Orpheus Descending * Val Marilyn Monroe Theater
Marriage Proposal * Treplev Marilyn Monroe Theater
Summer & Smoke * John Strasberg Theater
Film (12 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Nervosa * Robert Stardust Films/Jato Smith
Torment * Ian Darkan Entertainment/Choice Skinner
Happy Killers * Charismatik Killer Knuckleheads Productions/Jaime Zevallos
One Week * Chip Genesis Films/J.P. Pierce
Fair Share * Slim Z-Ville Productions/Zander Villayne
Woman's World * Willy Creative Actors Alliance/Jeff Sable
RLC & Associates * UPS Driver Creative Actors Alliance/James McDonald
The Days After * Nathan AFI Grad/Will Brown Hernandez
First Time Gigilo * Gigilo NYFA/Osgur Canal
Cuckoo's Nest * Billy USC Grad/Myrton Runningwolf
Champ * Supporting USC Grad/Sabrina Mansfield
My Bonneville * Charlie Actors Studio Member/Robert F. Lyons
Television (3 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
NCIS * NCIS Rookie Agent/Featured CBS Paramount Network Television
Boston Legal * Juror/Bartender/Featured (2 Episodes) David E. Kelley
Untold Stories of the ER * Securtiy Guard/Featured (2 Episodes) GRB Entertainment