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Past Television (2 titles) Episodes
The Sopranos The Sopranos (2006) (TV Series)-St. Elzear Festival Participant (1 episode, 2006) St. Elzear Festival Participant (1 episode, 2006) See fewerThe Ride (May 7, 2006) Season 6, Episode 9-St. Elzear Festival Participant (uncredited) St. Elzear Festival Participant (uncredited) See fewer 1
My Father's Gun My Father's Gun (2002) (TV Movie)-Hotel Staff Hotel Staff See fewer
Theater (23 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Lysisarah * Smoulder Hudson Warehouse/Susane Lee
Macbeth * Lady Macduff/Hecate Players' Shakespeare/Brian Gillespie
Henry VI Parts I & II * Margaret Players' Shakespeare/Dominic Cuskern
Circle Mirror Transformation * Theresa Holmdel Theatre /Kathy Hendrickson
Taming of the Shrew * Kate Exclamation Theater/Patricia R. Linder
Punchline * Narrator Barrow Group/Stefen Carver
Something Cloudy Something Clear * Caroline/Hazel Daylight Zone Theater/Gary Day
Henry V * Katherine de France Exclamation Theater/Patricia R. Linder
The Man of Destiny * Lady Theatre-Studio Inc./Karen Collazzo
The Curious Savage * Lily Belle Savage Smagers Theatre/Connie Kara
Importance of Being Earnest * Gwendolen Playmasters/Heather MacHenry
Lady with the Pet Dog * Natasha Exclamation Theater/Patricia R. Linder
Last of the Red Hot Lovers * Bobbi Michele Playmasters/Gail Rosen
Bad Blood * Luna Theatre Guild of NJ/Mary Ann Wylie
Beau Jest * Sarah Playmasters/Gail Rosen
Renovation * Bonnie Theatre Guild of NJ/Nancy Lauersen
Sugar * Dolores Neshaminy Vally Music Theater/Kim B. Taylor
His Girl Friday * Hildy Johnson Hudson Warehouse/Susane Lee
The Three Musketeers * Milady de Winter Hudson Warehouse/Nicholas Martin-Smith
Trojan Women * Elise Hudson Warehouse/Nicholas Martin-Smith
The Three Musketeers: 20 Years Later * Queen Anne Hudson Warehouse/Nicholas Martin-Smith
Hamlet * Player Queen Hudson Warehouse/George K. Wells
Pride and Prejudice * Caroline Bingley/Anne de Bourgh Hudson Warehouse/Susane Lee
Industrial (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Bankers' Hotline * Lead Center City Film & Video/Steven J. Cipollone