Sonia Dorado - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

Voice Over (17 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Sense 8 * Shiro Tecnison, S.A. (Madrid) / Alfredo Cernuda
Unconditional * Samantha Crawford Multidesign )Madrid) / Esteban Massana
The Inbetweeners * Carly D´Amato Lassostudios (Madrid) / Miguel Campos
Logan * Saleswoman Deluxe Spain (Madrid, Barcelona) / Eduardo Gutiérrez
Superwings * Trevor TVE (Madrid) / Manuel Bellido, Miguel Antelo
DC´s Legends of Tomorrow (Season 3) * Brayden Deluxe Spain / Maria Jesús Varona
Ten Days in the ValleyMackenzie * Mackenzie Best Digital / Carlos Ysbert
Tangled The Series - Queen for a Day (Season 1, Episode 17) * Cassandra (songs) SDI MEDIA (Madrid) / Miguel Ángel Varela
The Land Before Time XIV: Journey of the Brave * Etta (songs) Tecnison S.A. (Madrid) / Miguel ángel Varela
Bojack Horseman (Season 6, Episode 6) * Sextina Aquafina (songs) Media Sound Studios / Miguel Ángel Varela
Phineas and Ferb. (Episode 4x23) Tales from the Resistance: Back to the 2nd Dimension * Charlene (songs) SDI MEDIA (Madrid) / Miguel Ángel Varela
The Last of Us * Regan Pinknoise / Rubén Navarro
Watch Dogs 2 * Faye Kite Team / Rubén Navarro
World of Carft Legion 7.2. * Mistress Sasszine DL MULTIMEDIA / Alfredo Martínez
Ella the Elephant * Mum TVE (Madrid) / Juan Luis Rovira
La Sirenita (2023) * Scuttle Iyuno / Juan Logar, Miguel Antelo
El regreso de Mary Poppins * Topsy Iyuno / Juan Logar, Miguel Ángel Varela