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Commercials (7 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
vrbo * Principal Sara Dunlop
CBS Promo * Principal Mark Story
McDonald's * Principal McDonald's Corporation
Howard Johnson Hotel * Principal Howard Johnson
Xylifresh * Principal Xylifresh Gum Products
Six Flags Over Atlanta * Principal Six Flags
Shoney's * Principal Shoney's Restaurants
Theater (18 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
CATS * Jellylorum/Griddlebone Really Useful Company / Trevor Nunn
The Pirates of Penzance * Kate NY Shakespeare Festival / Wilford Leach
Working * Waitress Colony Studio Theatre / Todd Nielsen
The Matchmaker * Irene Molloy Colony Studio Theatre / Todd Nielsen
A...My Name is Alice * Lead International City Theatre (ICT) / Shashin Desai
RLS: Recollections * Fanny Hidden Valley Musical Theatre / Robert Darling
Heartbeats * Annie Theatre League, Inc. / Jan Sickler
Ten Percent Revue * Lead (U/S) Melrose Theatre / Randy Brenner
Dick Tracy * Tess Trueheart Disney Videopolis Theatre / Robert Jesse Roth
Desire! * Faith Featherway Colony Studio Theatre / Paul Coates
Six Women With Brain Death or Expiring Minds Want to Know * Lead Actors' Lab Arizona / Jan Sickler
Carousel * Carrie Hidden Valley Musical Theatre / Matt Latte
Fiddler on the Roof * Tzeitel Hidden Valley Musical Theatre / Fred Weiss
Candide * Old Lady Hidden Valley Musical Theatre / Robert Williams
Stages * Janet LACC Theatre Academy and Matrix Theatre / Bruce Kimmel
Captain Fabulous * Vera Van Allen Cast Theatre / Frank Ford
Hello Again! The Songs of Allan Sherman * 1-Woman Show Janet Miller
School for Scandal * Mrs Candour Actors Co-op Too / Mikey Mulhearn