Danny Glenn - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

Film (66 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Every 21 Seconds * Jerry (Supporting) Two 9 Prod & Road 28 Prod - Feature
Chamber of Secrets * Lee (Supporting) Dir: Elliott Chu - Short
Psych * Carl Kael (Lead) Dir: Maera Siddiqi - Short
Popper Baxton's Sickly Stew * Mayor Honeybee (Supporting) Popper Film, LLC - Feature
Private Screening * Ray Sellers (Lead) Boomstick Films - Feature
The Woman who loved Weirdo Goon * Weirdo Goon (Lead) Cooper Film Productions - Short
Salvage * Guard (Supporting) Dir: Brian Peters - Short
Final Message * Sgt. Hunter Lee (Lead) Forever Safe Productions - Short
Not Alone * Evan (Lead) Dir: Tyler Washington - Short
Other People's Heads * Head Waiter (Supporting) SC Films - Short
Loop * Mob Boss (Supporting) Media Arts Int'l Film Corp. - Short
Michael Myers - Absolute Evil * Edgar Warsam (Supporting) Dir: Rick Gawel - Feature
The Things We've Seen * Carl (Supporting) Cerulean Film Works - Feature
Synthetic Love * Sgt. Stuenkel (Supporting) Dir: David Pedersen - Feature
Dr. Pencilrod and the Tricky Patient * Dr. Pencilrod (Lead) Self-Produced Short
Fangs Vs. Spurs * Broodin - Vampire (Supporting) 4 Lizard Productions- Feature
Passing On * Gabriel (Supporting) Tribeca Flashpoint - Short
Night Shifts * Daniel Bergman (Lead) Polymyth Productions- Short
Stand Up and Fight * Truck Driver (Supporting) Dir: Dana LoGiudice - Feature
Brunch Town * Lou the Bartender (Supporting) Dir: Karl Blomberg - Short
Guidance * Neighbor Bob (Featured Extra) Dir: Josh Wolff - Short
Roses Are Dead * Mr. Caine (Supporting) Dir: Michael Hickey - Short
Wild Honey * Repo Man (Supporting) Dir: Francis Stokes - Feature
Merchandise * Sadistic Shop Owner (Lead) Boomstick Films - Short
Bachelors Grove * John Duncan (Supporting) Alpha Studios - Feature
Day 1 * Alex - Manic Drifter (Supporting) Skibofilms Productions - Feature
Missing Pieces * Richard - Businessman (Lead) Dir: Max Molinaro - Short
Glorifying Gray * Jeff - Mental Patient (Supporting) Bwood Productions - Short
Christmas Story * Marty - Televangelist (Supporting) Second Look Films - Short
For Rent * Psychotic Landlord (Supporting) Normington Productions - Short
One * Police Detective (Supporting) Wangle Creative, Inc. - Short
High on the Hog * Deputy Arnie Drum (Supporting) Scotchworthy Productions - Feature
Mark Vs. Mark * Mark and Kram (Leads) Dir: Jesus Trevino - Short
Waiting for Chelsea * Al Mineola (Supporting) Dir: Paul Barile - Mockumentary
Chrysalis * Samuel Howard (Lead) Normington Productions - Short
Altered * Fan # 2 (Supporting) Media Arts Int'l Film Corp. - Feature
Dominos * Dr. Williams, Psych (Supporting) Dir: Takamasa Saito - Short
Countdown * Richard (Lead) Dir: Jesus Trevino - Short
Critical Nexus * Raymond - Mob Boss (Supporting) 4 Features Film Company - Feature
Every Woman Is Time * Dr. Steve (Supporting) Dir: Tony Rizzo - Feature
I Heart Shakey * Maniac Dog Groomer (Featured Extra) Dir: Kevin Cooper - Feature
Creep * Nosey Neighbor (Supporting) Dir: Todd Bangs - Feature
Bliss * Priest (Supporting) Indy Student Film - Short
Cashing Out * Dead Homeless Man (Supporting) Dir: Jon Bingham - Short
Waitress Luck * Chef (Supporting) Tribeca Flashpoint - Short
Dead Seriously * Con Man (Supporting) Dir: Felix Pineiro - Short
Pretty Country * Hitman (Lead) Dir: Jay Beck - Short
Parallel Universe * Transsexual & OBGYN (Supporting) Mahakanjana Productions- Feature
Son of America * Chicago Police Officer (Supporting) Dir: Ray Thomas - Short
Luckiest Girl & Man * Overbearing Priest (Supporting) Columbia College - Short
Beer Float * Curmudgeonly Father (Lead) Columbia College - Short
The Car * Car Buyer (Supporting) Dir: Andy Dena - Short
Ghostaphobia * Psychiatrist (Supporting) Dir: Collin Schiffli - Short
The Adventures of Brad & Chet * Principal Welch (Supporting) Dir: Casey Campbell - Feature
Fluffy * Goon (Supporting) Columbia College - Short
Holy Water * Angry Shop Owner (Supporting) Columbia College - Short
Something Knew * Unfaithful Husband (Lead) Dir: Cory Hooper - Short
Helium * Suicidal Clown (Lead) Tribeca Flashpoint - Short
Body in a Dumpster * Bishop J. Meyers (Supporting) Dir: Kristian Day - Feature
Irregular Fruit * Applicant # 13 (Supporting) Dir: Nathan Adloff - Short
The Nightcrawlers * Grandpa (Lead) Northwestern Univ - Feature
Just a Thought * Father & Senator (Lead) Tribeca Flashpoint - Short
Office Death * Abusive Boss (Lead) Tribeca Flashpoint - Short
A Dry Brain in a Dry Season * Priest (Supporting) Columbia College - Short
Last Call * Depressed Drunk (Lead) Columbia College - Short
The Annunciation * King Charles II (Supporting) Columbia College - Short