Kimberly Lynn Campbell - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

Film (36 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
"Midgets V.S. Mascots" starring "Gary Coleman" (2009 ) * Precision Driver/Featured Family in Restaurant/Kimberly Ron Carlson
"Untitled Roslyn Project " starring "Trevor Morgan" (2009) * Featured/NURSE in E.R./Kimberly Will Canon
"Martini The Movie" starring "Steven Jay Crabtree" (2009) * Featured Bar Scene/Bridge Scene/Kimberly Robert L. Camina
XENA "Wicked -The Musical"(2009) * Villager/Amazon Warrior/Kimberly PLW Productions
"Light In The Dark"(2009) * Rita Tapestry Filmscapes
"The Platinum Peacemaker"(2009) * Cowgirl/Fighter Scott A. Mollette
"Executive Management" (2009) * Reporter #3 Tapestry Filmscapes
"Serial Rabbit 3:Splitting Hares" (2009) * Lady in Sparkling Pink/Concert Dancer Ponderous Productions
"The Long Journey Home"(2009) * Featured Restaurant Patron Russ Pond
"The Fifth" (2009) * Shawna Baynes Brad Eggerton
"Maggie's Passage"(2009) * Lady of the Night Mike Norris
"Hole in the Zone" (2009) * Person #2 Jack/June Cherry
"The Youngest Was The Most Loved"(2009) * Dr. Sprester William Wasson
"The Coffee Shop"(2009) * Grungy/Troubled Student Brevig Madison/House Brew Productions
"How Do You Know" (2009) * Featured National Stadium Fan James L. Brooks
"The Fandango Sisters"(2009) * Rocker in Bar Scene ButterPunk Films LLC
"Emergence"(2009) * Zombie Beyond Meaning Films
"Brookelynn" (Trailer) (2009) * Detective Kindred Jayson Densman
"Warning!!! Pedophile Released"(2009) * Executive Producer Shane Ryan/Alter Ego Cinema
"Sex Kids Party aka The More the Better"(2009) * Executive Producer Alter Ego Cinema
"Amateur Porn Star Killer 3D: Inside the Head" (2009) * Executive Producer Alter Ego Cinema
"Statick" (2010) * Executive Producer Alter Ego Cinema
"Prodigal Son"(2011) * Scorekeeper Pumpkin Seed,LLC./Andrew Stevens
"Straw Dogs" (2011) * Football Fan/Kimberly Battleplan Productions/Rod Lurie
"Rising Stars"(2010) * Concert Attendee Medern Verge,LLC/Daniel Millican
"Extraordinary"(2010) * Emma Smith Savage Light Studios
"Nothing Left"(2009) * Attorney Roberts Matthan Brent Harris
"Pros and Cons"(2010) * Librarian Bryant Hicks
"A Mind Of It's Own" (2010) * Insurance Salesperson Jason Kabolati
"The JUDGE"(2010) * Zombie Redstar Productions/Niko Red
"Legendary"(2010) * Titans Fan/Featured WWE Films
"Mangus" (2010) * Bus Station Patron Ash Christian
"Sins of a Son" * Teresa Steven Whitemon
"The Fun Room" (2010) * Terresa/Associate Producer Jim Devault
"The Killing of Jacob Marr" (2010) * Associate Producer Brad Rego
"One Heart"(2013) * Football Fan Mark Robert Ellis