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Commercials (4 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Verizon * Hero Invodo
Panda Express * Hero Casting Brothers
Invisalign Teen * Lead Donna Lane
LIV Dolls * Lead Spinmaster
Film (14 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Cross My Heart * Sophie Green/Starring Doug Campbell
Stepmother * Julie/Starring Jared Cohn
Stalked by my Doctor * Sophie Green/Starring Doug Campbell
The Wrong Roommate * Ricki/Starring David Decoteau
Zoombies * Amber/Starring Asylum/Glenn Miller
Nune * Nune Lusparian/Starring Gyatri Media/Ji Strangeway
Sorority Slaughterhouse * Kitty/Starring Rapid Heart Pictures/David DeCoteau
You Never Know * Anna/Starring Ahmed Bhabhrawala
Chatterbox * Chelsea Ryan/Starring CF2 Films
Dirty Laundry * Britney/Supporting Micah Williams
J'aime Le Diable * Starring Kontor TV/Jasper Forks
Nothing Out of the Ordinary * Starring Keene McRae
Envy * Demon/Supporting CF2 Films
Oiuja * Molly/Starring CF2 Films
Television (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Billy the Kid * Sallie Chisum/Supporting National Geographic/Dan Bush