Tate Yap - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

Commercials (3 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Grizzly Cup Promo * As Himself Disney XD / Family Channel / Astral Media - Nancy McCreight
Walgreens Lil' Kinz Christmas * Lead Boy Ganz / Kara Evelyn
Nike Spec Commercial * Lead / Manny Pacquiao Fan Ablaza Productions / Jullian Ablaza
Theater (6 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
The Heart of Robin Hood * Jethro Summers / Principal Mirvish Productions/GÍSLI ÖRN GARÐARSSON
South Pacific * Jerome / Principal Drayton Entertainment Co. / Michael Litchtefeld
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory * Lead / Charlie Buckett The Assembly Line Theatre Company / Ida Brown
Oliver * Lead / Oliver Brown Children's Theatre / Ida Brown
Into the Woods * Wolf / Cinderella's Prince Brown Children's Theatre Co. / Ida Brown
Peter Pan * Smee & Pirate Cast / Twin 1 Brown Children's Theatre Co. / Ida Brown
Music (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
MS Benefit Concert * Singer/Man in the Mirror Jeff's Music
Internet (9 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Intro Video For Ontario Government * AS Himself Sheridan Productions / Sarah Sutherland
Grizzly Cup Promo * As Himself DisneyXD / Family Channel / Astral Media - Nancy McCreight
Webkins Newz Video Lil' Kinz Special at Walgreens - Commercial * Lead Ganz / Kara Evelyn
Webkinz News Report - Pickolsocks * Co-Anchor Ganz / Kara Evelyn
Children's Aid Foundation ( Self Assurance ) - corporate * himslef Children's Aid Foundation / Phillip Stirling Projects / Phillip Stirling
Webkinz - The Great Pumpkin Carving * Himself Ganz / Kara Evelyn
Training Wheels - Corporate * Lead / As himself Bioenterprise / Priscilla Galves
YMCA Strong Kids Campaign * Co-Anchorman Decosta Inc. / Jesse Decosta
Jack Nicholson Online * Col. Jessop Monologue Ablaza Productions / Jullian Ablaza
Film (19 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
In Bloom * Tate / Lead Sleepyhead Productions / 48 Hour Film Project Toronto 2013
Benched * Tate / Lead Sleepyhead Productions / 48 Hour Film Project Toronto 2012
Auto Erotic * Lead / Jackson Sheridan Productions / Bre Major
In the House of Flies * Punk Kid Black Fawn Films / Philip Carrer
Reach (Trailer) * Lead / Anthony (Sick with CF) Motion Storm Pictures
Doolyville * Principal / Tate SUN BUNNY FILMS / William Riley
The Unleashed - complete * The Unknown Son DARK HOUSE FILMS / Manuel Da Silva
Jonny's Gonna Kill Himself * Lead / Johnny ( Child ) DARK PHOENIX PICTURES / Paul Griffin
Open Window * Sam Redbird Road Productions / Cam Woykin
Airport * Spoiled son Humber Productions / Steve Thorpe
Boss of Me * Classmate 83 Pictures assist Bravo! Fact/ Matthew Kloske
All That You Loved * Supporting / Cole Sheridan Productions / Nathan Baldassaro
Sir Marco and the Ogre * Lead / Marco Ablaza Productions / Jullian Ablaza
Tracer Bullet * Lead / Detective Tracer Ablaza Productions / Jullian Ablaza
Priest * Lead / Jack (child) Centennial College Prodcutions Inc. / Matt Brown
Emily's Hairpin * Timmy's Brother Psynergy Productions Committee / Jonothan Pinsan
The Cookie Jar * Lead / Determined Boy York University Films / Sana Ahmed & Will Lee
Outtie * Summer Camper Animal Tested Films / Brandon Steele
The Immortal Fear * Supporting / Vampire Sunny Day Productions / Caitlin Mac
Television (4 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
The Stanley Dynamic * Razor/Principal YTV/Steve Wright
Odd Squad * Agent O'Donahue/Recurring PBS / Sinking Ship Productions Inc./ Craig Wallace
Kenny vs Spenny * Basketball Player KVS6 Productions Inc. - Season VI Showcase
Good Guys - T.V. Pilot * Head Gangster's Side Kick America On Film / Johnny Chivi
Video (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Ko Ping Device - The Subnodes * Flower Boy Sure Can Productions / Jullian Ablaza