Yusuf Yildiz - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

Theater (9 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
You Can’t Take It With You * Mr. DePinna The FireHouse Theatre
The Maltese Walter * Dr. Eddy Rover Dramawerks
The Couch * Jake Rover Dramawerks
One Night In The Garden * King Louis XIII Rover Dramawerks
Supermodel Super Spies * Mustapha Mustapharian Camp Death
Who Was That Lady I Saw You With? * Lee Wong & Belka Rover Dramawerks
The Triangle Factory Fire Project * Samuel Bernstein, Street Vendor, Herman Murwitz Theatre Brookhaven
Steambath * Gottlieb Odyssey Theatre Ensemble
Not That Illegal * Ali Can Riant Theatre