Rob Fuller - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

Film (13 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Belly Up * David- Lead Mike O'Brien
Hit and Run * Mark- Lead Sarah Noe
Flight * Prison Inmate Robert Zemeckis
Broken * Dan The Man- Lead Marshal Wyatt
Chavez Cage Of Glory * Savage McClain- Fighter Hector Echavarria
Escape Plan * Featured Skinhead Mikael Hafstrom
Kidnapping Freddy Heineken * Featured Prisoner Doniel Alfredon
Insurgent * Dauntless Rebel Robert Schwentke
Jurassic World * Ingen Military Colin Trevorrow
Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation * German Mechanic Eric Zala
Raiders!: The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made * German Mechanic Jeremy Coon
No Way Out * The Beast Hector Echavarria
Parallels * UFC Fighter Christopher Leone