Tartuffe by Jean-Baptiste Moliere * |
Waller |
National Academy For Theatre and Film Art (NATFA) Director: Prof. Nadezhda Seykova |
Love by Marco Semov * |
Maynata |
National Academy For Theatre and Film Art (NATFA) Director: Prof. Nadezhda Seykova |
Midsummer night's dream by William Shakespeare * |
Lysander |
National Academy For Theatre and Film Art (NATFA) Director: Prof. Nadezhda Seykova |
New port by St. L. Kostov * |
Kochev |
National Academy For Theatre and Film Art (NATFA) Director: Dr. Valeria Kardashevska |
Misunderstood civilization by Dobri Voynikov * |
Margaridy |
National Academy For Theatre and Film Art (NATFA) Director: Dr. Valeria Kardashevska |
Hagoromo (Royal robes) Japanese theater NOH by Zaemi Motokio * |
The angel |
Director: Akihiro Yamamoto |
The three brothers and the golden apple by Elin Pelin * |
The middle brother |
Theater Troupe "Why Not" Director: Nikolay Akimov |
Boy and wind by Ran Bosilek * |
The boy |
Theater Troupe "Why Not" Director: Nikolay Akimov |
The large entry by Nikola Marinov * |
The doctor |
Theater Troupe "Why Not" Director: Nikolay Akimov |
Little red riding hood by Charles Perrault * |
The hunter |
Theater Troupe "Why Not" Director: Nikolay Akimov |
Sleeping beauty by Charles Perrault * |
The prince |
Theater Troupe "Why Not" Director: Nikolay Akimov |
Anna the jewel by Marc Camoletti * |
Anna |
Theater Troupe "Why Not" Director: Nikolay Akimov |
Aladdin and the magic lamp by 1001 Nights * |
Aladdin |
Theater Troupe "Why Not" Director: Nikolay Akimov |
Onehundred golden coins by 1001 Nights * |
Saady |
Theater Troupe "Why Not" Director: Nikolay Akimov |
Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi * |
Pinocchio |
Theater Troupe "Why Not" Director: Nikolay Akimov |
King Rat by James Clavell * |
Sergeant Masters |
National Academy For Theatre and Film Art (NATFA) Director: Prof.Stefan Danailov / d-r Sava Dragunchev / Rosica Obreshkova |
.Fifty pounds by Alfred Edgar Coppard * |
Philip Recton |
National Academy For Theatre and Film Art (NATFA) Director: Prof.Stefan Danailov / d-r Sava Dragunchev / Rosica Obreshkova |
A time to kill by John Grisham * |
Prosecutor Rufas Buckley |
National Academy For Theatre and Film Art (NATFA) Director: Prof.Stefan Danailov / d-r Sava Dragunchev / Rosica Obreshkova |
”Can`t Pay?, Won`t Pay!” by Dario Fo * |
Luigi |
Drama Theater Plovdiv |