Julian Wondolowski - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

Television (17 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
The Ed Hurst Steel Pier Show * Dancer (uncredited) Ed Hurst Productions/Ed Hurst
Personal FX * Self Antique Scale Owner Fox Television
Wildfire Season 1/Episodes 6,8 &10 * Restaurant Patron,Raintree Worker, & Davis Ranch Hand(uncredited) Wildfire Productions,Inc./Bradford May,Rachel Talalay,Steve Miner
Wildfire Season 2/Episodes 2,3,6,7,9,10,11,13 * Uniformed Officer,RaintreeRanch Hand,DavisRanch Hand & Racetrack Spectator/( credited & uncredited) Wildfire 2 Productions,Inc./rRob Thompson,Holly Dale,Bradford May,Shawn Piller,Holly Dale,Bradford May
In Plain Sight/ Pilot * Construction Worker (uncredited) Northern Enterntainment Productions/Mark Piznarski
In Plain Sight/Season 2/Episode 1 * Bar Patron (uncredited) Northern Enterntainment Productions/Stephen Hopkins
In Plain Sight/Season 4/Episodes 4 & 8 * Hospital Visitor & Pedistrian Northern Entertainment Productions/Matt Penn,Jan Eliasberg
In Plain Sight/Season 5/Episode 4 * LaCrosse Players Parent(uncredited) Northern Entertainment Productions/Michael Fields
Crash/ 1 Episode * Detective (uncredited) Crash Television Productions/
Treasure Hunters Roadshow/Albuquerque Episode 4-6-2011 * Self, Featured Steiff Collector Pixel Brothers, Inc
Longmire/Season 4, episode * Casino Patron Horizon/ TJ Scott
Preacher/Pilot * Meeting Attendee Woodridge Productions/ Seth Rogen
Arizona "Pilot" * Driver with Car Imperative Ent., Rough House Pictures/Jonathan Watson
In Plain Sight/Season 1/Episodes2,5 & 8 * U.S. Marshall, Hospital Orderly, Detective (uncredited) Northern Entertainment Productions/John Fortenberry,Tricia Brock,John Showalter
In Plain Sight Season 1 Episode 2 * Standin for Steven Michael Quezada (Luis Cruz) Northern Entertainment Productions/John Fortenberry
Dig/Episode 4 * Restaurant Patron (uncredited) Keshet Broadcasting,Tailwind Productions,Universal Cable Productions/Gideon Raff
The Messengers Season1/2 Episodes * Chess Player, Executive (uncredited) Eye Productions