Andrew Di Bello - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

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Commercials (3 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Rona 3 little Pigs * 3rd Little Pig Rona
Far-Cry 5-Zeta * Prankster Bleu Blanc Rouge
Dragon Mania * Boy Gameloft
Theater (7 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Romeo and Juliet * Capulet Robert Burns | John Abbott College
3 Witches * Lennox Andrew Cuk | John Abbott College
Marathon 33’ * Hinky Terry Donald | John Abbott College
Under Milk Wood * Various Roles Joan McBride | John Abbott College
Sweeney Todd * Sweeney Todd Stephan Cocking | Rosemere HS
Chicago * Billy Flynn Stephan Cocking | Rosemere HS
Little Shop of Horrors * Orin (DDS) Stephan Cocking | Rosemere HS
Voice Over (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Necromunda: Underhive Wars * Champion Bruno Parenteau