Nicholas Cowell - Contact Info, Agent, Manager (original) (raw)

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Commercials (4 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Otriven Germany * Otrivenie the Nose Genie Hogarth and Papaya Films / Raúl B Fernández
Otrivin India * Otrivenie the Nose Genie Hogarth and Equinox Films / Deb Medhekar
Let there be Beer * Businessman Michael Winterbottom
MacDonalds Happy Meal * Dad Sam Huntley
Theater (4 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Witness for the Prosecution * Inspector Hearne Eleanor Lloyd Productions/Lucy Bailey
Running For Glory * Sam Mussabini, Henry Stallard and as Cast Philip Dart
The Gin Chronicles * Eddie the Otter Antony Shrubsall
Monaciello * Il Prete Tron Theatre / Andy Arnold