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Commercials (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Sell Snap * Customer Tomorrow&Co
Music (1 title) Role / Position Company / Director
Unchained * Office worker Megan Elphick
Film (17 titles) Role / Position Company / Director
Don't do drugs * Teen on drugs Gurch Singh-Create Studios
I only talk to strangers * Boy Sofia Touboura-Openshow Studio
Rags * Chav Tom Beard-Partizan Production
The Invisible Child * School boy Gurch Singh-Create Studios
Spades * Boy soldier Gurch Singh-Create Studios
Mary Slade * Boy at war Gurch Singh-Create Studios
Foster * Alex Henry Meredith-OT Films
Third Wheel * Mitch Henry Meredith-OT Films
One Sleepless Night * Rory Johnny Lennox
Accepting Her * Dan Ndubuisi Aja-Strongeye Productions
Amelia * Jay Gary Horton-Mediahound Films
Irony * Lad Henry Meredith-OT Films
Glass Wall * Jim Sam Mitchell
Cached * Simon Henry Meredith-OT FILMS
The Marksman Delusion * The Therapist Joshua Eley-Chase away Productions
Full Disclosure 2 * ICU Guard Oliver Rogers- Wet Toe Productions
The Silent * Tom Lightning Oak Productions/Karen Turner