Under the Gaslight - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

Judas, the Courtland family servant, is discharged for stealing and returns to her husband William Byke and her baby daughter, who is being cared for by girl waif Blossom. Judas, eager for revenge, plans to substitute her baby for the ...See moreJudas, the Courtland family servant, is discharged for stealing and returns to her husband William Byke and her baby daughter, who is being cared for by girl waif Blossom. Judas, eager for revenge, plans to substitute her baby for the Courtland infant, confident that she can carry out her scheme as the babies bear a striking resemblance to each other. The change of babies is successfully made. A few years elapse and Pearl, Byke's daughter is raised as Courtland's, while Laura, the Courtland child, is brought up as Byke's daughter and taught to steal. Laura is caught stealing by her own father and mother, the Courtlands. Laura's tale of how her "papa" makes her steal touches the Courtlands and they adopt her (their own child) after making a money settlement with Byke. Laura and Pearl are about 20 when the Courtlands die, leaving their fortune equally divided between the two girls. Pearl is secretly in love with Ray Trafford, Laura's suitor. Byke plans to blackmail Laura and gets Snorky, an ex-soldier to deliver her the following note: "My darling daughter, I think it's about time you had a talk with me. I am outside waiting to see you. Your own father. Wm. Byke" Laura faints and Pearl reads the note. Byke enters the house but is thrown out by Ray. Pearl tells Ray Laura's story and hands him the note Ray gives vent to his shocked feelings and Laura interprets his action to mean that he is ashamed of her. Laura takes off her engagement ring and goes to her room. Through the prevarications of Pearl, Laura is led to believe that Ray does not care to see her again, and Ray likewise believes that his dismissal is final. Ray writes Laura that he loves her although her parents are of low origin. Through Pearl's craftiness this note is never delivered to Laura. Byke and Judas attempt to kill Blossom, as she knows the truth about Laura and Pearl, but they are frustrated by Snorky. At the Rensaeller reception, Pearl plans Laura's disgrace. She drops Ray's note to Laura, which is found by Mrs. Rensaeller, whereupon Laura is snubbed by all. Humiliated, Laura goes away, leaving a note saying that her share of the estate goes to Pearl. Ray at once begins a search for Laura and engages Snorky to assist. Byke and Judas, seeking to obtain hush-money from Laura find Laura's note, stating that she leaves her money to Pearl. They discover Laura's lodging-house and abduct her. Laura is taken to Byke's den on the riverfront. Unless Laura agrees to sign over her fortune, her chances of living are dubious. Blossom discovers Laura's plight and notifies Snorky. Through Snorky, Laura is saved, but Snorky is caught by Byke. Snorky, firmly bound to the piling and left to drown by inches, is rescued by Ray and Blossom. Laura, escaping across the river, is found by Snorky. She seeks safety in a tool house by the railroad track. Snorky is again caught by Byke and bound to the track, and left to his fate. Laura, observing, is frantic when she finds the tool house door locked. With the aid of an axe, she breaks open the door and reaches Snorky just in time to save him from certain death, as the train is bearing down upon him. Byke and Judas go to Pearl at the Courtland's summer home and Judas tells Pearl she is her mother. Pearl realizes the bitter truth of her parentage when Blossom confirms Judas' assertion. Pearl upbraids Judas and turns her from the house. Snorky brings Laura to Ray at the Courtland home, where they meet Byke. Snorty shoots Byke, who staggers out and falls dead at the feet of Judas. Judas, widowed and disowned by her daughter, leaves in despair. Pearl confesses that she and not Laura is the daughter of Judas and Byke and begs Laura's forgiveness for the wrong she has done, which Laura in her newfound happiness readily grants. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less