The Fascination of the Fleur de Lis - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
The story is staged in an imaginary German principality. While working in the fields the wife is taken ill and her husband in leading her home passes the palace of the Duke of Safoulrug, on the grounds of which she sees the fleur de lis, ...See moreThe story is staged in an imaginary German principality. While working in the fields the wife is taken ill and her husband in leading her home passes the palace of the Duke of Safoulrug, on the grounds of which she sees the fleur de lis, and is so attracted by the flower that she can think of nothing but it for months after. When her baby girl is born there is a birthmark of the flower on her shoulder. The mother dies, and fifteen years later, Lisette, the baby girl, who has grown to be a charming young lady, is endowed by prenatal influence with a strong fascination for her mother's favorite flower. Passing the Duke's palace, she demands that her lover, Antoine, pluck one for her. As he is about to do so, the gardener, who ordered her mother away from the palace, demands that they move on, but Lisette manages to get a flower. This is witnessed by the young Duke, who says that she may possess it, notwithstanding the fact that it is a flower worn only by persons of royal blood. Lisette's father reprimands his daughter for taking the flower, and tells her the story of her mother. Lisette eventually marries the Duke, and although he is deeply in love with her she cares little for him save that by her marriage she is in possession of the fleur de lis. During a reception by the King, His Majesty becomes infatuated with Lisette and while dancing with her he takes her in his arms just as the Duke enters. The King extends his hand for the Duke to kiss. He obeys and subsequently goes into the garden where he commits suicide. The announcement does not affect the Duchess, and she is later installed in the King's palace as his mistress. His Majesty is taken ill and Antoine, who has become a famous surgeon, is to operate on him. Lisette is at the bedside of the King the next morning when the doctor arrives. Antoine does not recognize her, and she, puzzled, goes to her suite where she paces up and down for hours while the doctor is working on the King. The operation is a success, and Antoine carries the glad news to Lisette, who says she does not care, and puts her arms around the doctor. He throws her aside with the remark that the fleur de lis is between them. This enrages Lisette to such an extent that she burns her birthmark out with a hot iron. After a lapse of time Lisette is back with her father, and Antoine, feeling the power of love, also returns to the principality where, over the grave of Lisette's mother, a reconciliation is effected between Antoine and his sweetheart. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less