The Girl of Lost Lake - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
When McAndrews was a boy his father took him to Lost Lake for a vacation, and a childish friendship was established between Vaughan and Jude Clark. He now goes to Lost Lake for recreation. Because the hotel accommodations are insufficient,...See moreWhen McAndrews was a boy his father took him to Lost Lake for a vacation, and a childish friendship was established between Vaughan and Jude Clark. He now goes to Lost Lake for recreation. Because the hotel accommodations are insufficient, Abner Clark takes Vaughan to his home, where in daily association with Jude the childhood friendship is renewed, and it gradually intensifies. Judge West, sensing the trend of events, charges Vaughan with "trifling" and reminds him that Jude is engaged to marry Dave Bean, a man of her own style. Harrison has induced Jude to pose for him, promising payment of 50fortheservice,butthecompletedpictureshowsJudeinaposeshehadneverassumed.WhenVaughanseesthepicture,theopinionhehasformedofthemountaingirlsuddenlychanges.SeveralofthegossipsgetaviewofthecanvasandHarrisonsaysheunderstoodthatJudeposedexactlyasshewaspainted.Judespurnedtheartist′s50 for the service, but the completed picture shows Jude in a pose she had never assumed. When Vaughan sees the picture, the opinion he has formed of the mountain girl suddenly changes. Several of the gossips get a view of the canvas and Harrison says he understood that Jude posed exactly as she was painted. Jude spurned the artist's 50fortheservice,butthecompletedpictureshowsJudeinaposeshehadneverassumed.WhenVaughanseesthepicture,theopinionhehasformedofthemountaingirlsuddenlychanges.SeveralofthegossipsgetaviewofthecanvasandHarrisonsaysheunderstoodthatJudeposedexactlyasshewaspainted.Judespurnedtheartist′s50 when she discovered the trick he played upon her, but when her father falls ill and needed hospital attention,, she pockets her pride and calls to get the cash. While she's at Harrison's camp Dave Bean, guided by the village gossips, enters and accuses her of lax morality, punishes the artists, and declares that the mountain girl shall never become Mrs. Bean. When Abner Clark dies, Jude is left without a protector or means of support, but Judge West intercepts her as she is about to leave Lost Lake and installs her at his own camp as full partner with him in his gold prospecting. Vaughan had left Lost Lake heartbroken because he believed ill of Jude. Months later, he writes to Jude that he has reconsidered and asks her to invite him to return. Jude's eager answer is unhappily stowed in Judge West's pocket for an indefinite time, and it is not until they strike gold that the missive is accidentally revealed. Discovery of the letter leads to a speedy understanding. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less