A Regular Girl - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

Elizabeth Schuyler is the daughter of a wealthy man, and is spoiled by him. But then the war comes and she goes overseas as a nurse. She returns to her former life as a changed woman. She decides to help out returning soldiers who are ...See moreElizabeth Schuyler is the daughter of a wealthy man, and is spoiled by him. But then the war comes and she goes overseas as a nurse. She returns to her former life as a changed woman. She decides to help out returning soldiers who are looking for jobs. Her father promises to give her 10,000ifshecanraisethesameamountonherown.Towinthehelpofthereturningsoldiers,sheposesasa"slavey"atMrs.Murphy′sboardinghouse,wheremanyofthemarestaying.Shegainstheirtrust,thenputsonacircus,inwhichsheridesahorsebarebackanddoesstunts.Thecircusraisesmorethan10,000 if she can raise the same amount on her own. To win the help of the returning soldiers, she poses as a "slavey" at Mrs. Murphy's boarding house, where many of them are staying. She gains their trust, then puts on a circus, in which she rides a horse bareback and does stunts. The circus raises more than 10,000ifshecanraisethesameamountonherown.Towinthehelpofthereturningsoldiers,sheposesasa"slavey"atMrs.Murphysboardinghouse,wheremanyofthemarestaying.Shegainstheirtrust,thenputsonacircus,inwhichsheridesahorsebarebackanddoesstunts.Thecircusraisesmorethan10,000, so her father honors his part of the bargain. With the additional money, she sets up an office and devotes her energies to finding jobs for the servicemen. Written by scsu1975 See less