New Year's Eve - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
Taking place over 24 hours, "New Year's Eve" is the story of Marjorie Ware (Mary Astor), broke and unemployed, who despairs as her ailing younger brother (Freddie Frederick) languishes at home. She runs into rich gambler Larry Harmon (...See moreTaking place over 24 hours, "New Year's Eve" is the story of Marjorie Ware (Mary Astor), broke and unemployed, who despairs as her ailing younger brother (Freddie Frederick) languishes at home. She runs into rich gambler Larry Harmon (Earle Foxe) and rejects his overtures. She later finds a wallet with 10 100billsbelongingtoEdwardWarren(CharlesMorton).EdwardrewardsMarjoriewitha100 bills belonging to Edward Warren (Charles Morton). Edward rewards Marjorie with a 100billsbelongingtoEdwardWarren(CharlesMorton).EdwardrewardsMarjoriewitha100 bill that has "Happy New Year" written on it. Marjorie goes to a toy store to get a belated Christmas present for her brother, but Steve (Arthur Stone), a pickpocket, steals the money. The toys have already been sent to Mary's home and paid for by the landlady (Helen Ware). Finding that Marjorie is broke, the landlady evicts her. Desperate, Marjorie goes to Larry's apartment to borrow some money. Steve the pickpocket also goes to Larry's apartment, seeking revenge for a fight. Steve kills Larry. Edward, who has followed, finds Mary in the apartment with the now-dead Larry. Before they can leave, the butler discovers them with the body and calls police. Two reviews give different endings, raising the question of whether the movie was re-cut or whether one or both reviewers left before the end of the movie, which got awful notices from the few publications that bothered to review it. According to the review in "Exhibitors Herald World" (March 16, 1929), Edward is held for Larry's murder, but Marjorie finds Steve, who admits he is the killer. Released from jail, Edward is reunited with Marjorie. According to "Motion Picture News" (May 4, 1929), Steve dies while trying to slide down a rope from the roof. Various gamblers try to take Edward for a ride, but Marjorie, finding Steve's body, stops them. Written by Larry Harnisch See less