The New 3 Stooges - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

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The New 3 Stooges's primary photo

Primary photo for The New 3 Stooges

TV Series | 27 min |Animation, Comedy, Drama

The animated adventures of the crazy trio.

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12 cast members
Name Episodes Known for
Moe Howard's primary photo Moe HowardMoe / Cactus Pete / King of Hearts / Moe-Rats / Peter Panic / Rabbit Moe / Cactus Pete / King of Hearts / Moe-Rats / Peter Panic / Rabbit See fewer 194 If a Body Meets a Body (1945)
Larry Fine's primary photo Larry FineLarry / Caterpillar / Dodo / Drinky Poo / Frizzle-Top Freddy / … See more Larry / Caterpillar / Dodo / Drinky Poo / Frizzle-Top Freddy / Mad Hatter / Narrator / Queen of Hearts See fewer 194 Disorder in the Court (1936)
Joe DeRita's primary photo Joe DeRitaCurly Joe / Curly-Joe / Lulu Belle / Narrator / Tinker Joe Curly Joe / Curly-Joe / Lulu Belle / Narrator / Tinker Joe See fewer 194 Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961)
Hal Smith's primary photo Hal SmithNarrator / Tim Bear / Sheriff / Boss / Get Out of Town by Sundown Brown / … See more Narrator / Tim Bear / Sheriff / Boss / Get Out of Town by Sundown Brown / Badman / Count Duncula / General / Policeman / Announcer / Bear / Bo Nanza / Captain / Chief / Chief Sitting Pretty / Colonel / Dispatcher / Flight Director / Genie / Giant / King / Lion / Race Announcer / Radio Announcer / Ranger / Skier / Stork / Theater Manager / 1st Arab / 1st Customer / 1st Knight / 2-Headed Dragon / 2nd Arab / 2nd Knight / Abominable Snowman / Actor / Agent / Al Zadir the Raider / Aladdin's Grandson / Alfred Kitchhock / Alien / Angry Surfer / Arena Manager / Astronaut / Aviator / Back Door Benny / Bank Teller / Banker / Barber / Barflys / Barkeeper Bob / Baron Von Klobber / Bee / Big Brother / Big Lou / Big Red / Bird / Boo Boo the Bear / Boss Brown / Brutus / Builder / Bull / Bull Whip / Burgermeister / Butcher the Bully / Caesar / Camper / Capt. Lye / Capt. Schnook / Car Wash Boss / Caveman / Cha-Cha Charlie / Champ / Chickadee / Chief Wet Cloud / Chinaman / Circus Owner / Clarence of Arabia / Clint / Coach / Coast Guard Officer / Col. Allheart / Comics / Conductor / Construction Boss / Cooly McCool / Corrigan / Cowboy / Crier / Customer / Customers / Desk Clerk / Devil / Dingaling Rep / Dinopoodi / Dinosaur / Director Branovich / Dirty Dan Dimwitty / Diver / Dr. Collectome / Dr. Scorpion / Dr. Strangelove / Dragon Man / Droll Weevil / Elroy Higgins / Farmer / Father / Firebug / Flying Carpet Owner / Foreman / Frere Jacques / Frog / General Nuisance / General Von Vonce / Get Out of Town By Sundown Brown / Ghosts / Giovanni Pasta / Gondolier / Gopher / Grandpappy Coy / Granny Wolf / Guide / Gunslinger / HQ / Hamburger Vendor / Herman Hitmaker / Hermit / Hero / Hobos / Horse / Husband / Indian / Joe Wanderlust / Johnny / Kangaroo / Karate / Kong / Launch Official / Lefty Larson / Legionaire / Lieutenant / Lilliputian Leader / Linky Dinky Smith / Lions / Loophole McCaw / Lumberjack Boss / Magic Fish / Magic Mirror / Man With Rifle / Manager / Martian / Marty Marvelous / Messenger / Morrie of Malibu / Motorcycle Melvin / Mountain Lion / Mr. Brown / Muggsy / Mummies / Navy Captain / Octopus / Officer / Officer O'Hoolihan / Old Man / Orville Wright / Passenger / Passengers / Patients / Peasant / Pedestrians / Pet Shop Owner / Players / Plutonian / Polar Bear / Pony Express Old Timer / Poopsie / Postal Trainer / Princess / Prof. Nutty / Projectionist / Pterodactyl / Pussycat / Rabbit / Rain Cloud / Rickshaw Cabbie / Rob N. Good / Robber Rabbit / Rocky Pile / Safari Leader / Sailor / Salesman Sam / Sam Whirlybird / Sammy / Sentry / Sergeant / Stage Manager / Steel Mill Boss / Sub Commander / Super Pencil / Super Sam / Super Snail / TV Announcer / TV Commentators / Technician / Teller / Termite / Townsmen / Trainer / Troll / Uranian / Villain / Wagon Driver / Warden / Wilbur Wright / Wild Man / Woman on telephone / Wooly Mammoth / Worm / Yellowstone / Zoo Man / Zookeeper See fewer 139 The Great Race (1965)
Margaret Kerry's primary photo Margaret KerryGood Little Boy / Housewife / Mother / Little Old Lady / 2nd Nurse / … (uncredited) See more Good Little Boy / Housewife / Mother / Little Old Lady / 2nd Nurse / Angry Woman / Ant / Baby Whirlybird / Beauty Parlor Lady / Beauty Parlor Manager / Billy / Boy / Butcher's Sister / Camper / Cotton Pickin' Chicken / Countess Duncula / Crying Baby / Cuckoo Watch / Customer / Customers / Daughter / Diner / Duck / Ducky / Ghost / Goldibear / Granny / Gym Receptionist / Heroine / Lady / Lady Debtor / Little Red Riding Wolf / Lizzie Teller / Ma O'Hoolihan / Miss Giant Woman / Nurse Gertrude / Operator / PA Nurse / Passenger / Pedestrian / Queen / Queen Quong / Queen Siegfried / Scarlet Whirlybird / Seagull / Secretary / Stork / Wet Blanket / Wicked Witch / Wife / Witch / Woman / Woman Official / Woman on telephone (uncredited) See fewer 48 Canon City (1948)
Emil Sitka's primary photo Emil SitkaMr. Hasenpfeffer / Motorist / 1st Patient / 2nd Patient / Captain / … (uncredited) See more Mr. Hasenpfeffer / Motorist / 1st Patient / 2nd Patient / Captain / Customer / Diner / Greenskeeper / Headless Great-Grandfather / Lifeguard / Man With Busted Suitcase / Mr. Guffey / Newsreader / Painting Customer / Pickup Truck Driver / Prospector / Scooter Customer / TV Announcer / Truck Driver / Union Rep (uncredited) See fewer 22 Intruder (1989)
Eric Lamond's primary photo Eric LamondBoy in Terminal / Knight (uncredited) Boy in Terminal / Knight (uncredited) See fewer 2 Hey Moe, Hey Dad! (2015)
Paul Frees's primary photo Paul FreesBomb Maker / Sarge / Von Vonce (uncredited) Bomb Maker / Sarge / Von Vonce (uncredited) See fewer 1 The War of the Worlds (1953)
Jeffrey Scott's primary photo Jeffrey ScottBoy With Lollipop (uncredited) Boy With Lollipop (uncredited) See fewer 1 Muppet Babies (1984)
Tiny Brauer's primary photo Tiny BrauerSarge (uncredited) Sarge (uncredited) See fewer 1 The Vigilante: Fighting Hero of the West (1947)
Johnny Coons's primary photo Johnny CoonsBoss (uncredited) Boss (uncredited) See fewer 1 The Adventures of Uncle Mistletoe (1948)
Eric Norquist's primary photo Eric NorquistBoy With Football (uncredited) Boy With Football (uncredited) See fewer 1 Christmas Comes to PacLand (1982)


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