Merrie Melodies: Starring Bugs Bunny and Friends - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
In celebration of Bugs Bunny's fiftieth birthday, this television series, broadcast on weekdays, consisted of classic cartoons featuring Bugs Bunny and other characters conceived by the talented animators at Warner Brothers' cartoon ...See moreIn celebration of Bugs Bunny's fiftieth birthday, this television series, broadcast on weekdays, consisted of classic cartoons featuring Bugs Bunny and other characters conceived by the talented animators at Warner Brothers' cartoon studios in the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. Though some of the cartoons were edited to remove violence or ethnic stereotypes, many of Warner Brothers' most famous animated shorts were showcased, three per episode, in this popular series, which was distributed directly to individual television stations. Written by Kevin McCorry / See less