A gibberish-spouting parish vicar and his gardener undertake secret missions for B.I.S.H.O.P., using a shrink ray called the Minimiser in their battles against criminals and terrorists.
Gary FilesMatthew Harding / Pilot / 2nd Technician (Port Trennick) / 3rd Native / Air Traffic Assistant / … See more Matthew Harding / Pilot / 2nd Technician (Port Trennick) / 3rd Native / Air Traffic Assistant / Albert Hobson / Attendant / Brother Jess / Brother Simon / Captain / Captain Mitchell / Car Enthusiast / Carl / Charlie / Co-Pilot / Dr. E.H. Klam / Fifth Brother / Forrester / French General / Green / Guard / Kalin / Kroner / Manservant / McGrath / Operator / Pete / Prince of Muldovia / Sergeant Walsh / Skipper / Spiker See fewer
David GrahamAir Traffic Controller / King of Muldovia / Lord Edward Hazlewell (uncredited) Air Traffic Controller / King of Muldovia / Lord Edward Hazlewell (uncredited) See fewer